
1. **清热解毒**:白毫具有清热解毒的作用,可以帮助身体排除热毒,缓解因内热引起的症状。

2. **祛风除湿**:白毫对于缓解风湿症状有一定的帮助,适用于关节疼痛和肌肉酸痛等风湿性疾病。

3. **醒脑安神**:白毫可以提神醒脑,有助于改善睡眠质量,对于神经衰弱、失眠多梦等症状有一定的缓解作用。

4. **抗辐射**:白毫含有抗氧化成分,可以减少辐射对人体的伤害,保护造血功能。

5. **缓解疲劳**:白毫中的多种维生素和氨基酸有助于消除疲劳,恢复精力。


6. **美容养颜**:白毫中的抗氧化成分可以延缓衰老,增加皮肤弹性,有助于美容养颜。

7. **治疗皮肤病**:白毫对牙龈肿痛、麻疹、湿疹、荨麻疹、皮炎等皮肤病有辅助治疗作用。

8. **健胃**:白毫有助于调理脾胃,改善消化系统功能。

9. **降火**:白毫具有降火作用,适用于因内火旺盛引起的症状。

10. **提高免疫力**:白毫中的营养成分有助于增强人体免疫力。

11. **抗衰老**:白毫中的抗氧化成分有助于延缓衰老过程。

12. **提神醒脑**:白毫能够提高注意力和工作效率,有助于提神醒脑。



1. **广谱抗菌活性**:左氧沙星对革兰氏阳性球菌和革兰氏阴性菌均有较好的抗菌作用,能够杀灭多种细菌,如大肠杆菌、葡萄球菌等。

2. **高效的抗菌作用**:对革兰阴性菌,如肺炎克雷伯杆菌、变形杆菌、志贺菌属、沙门菌属等,有较强的抗菌活性。同时,对部分革兰阳性菌和某些病原体,如肺炎链球菌、流感嗜血杆菌、肺炎支原体、肺炎衣原体等,也有良好的抗菌效果。

3. **快速吸收**:口服左氧沙星后,药物能迅速被吸收进入血液中,快速发挥治疗效果。

4. **持久作用**:左氧沙星的半衰期较长,药物在体内的停留时间长,适用于需要长期治疗的慢性感染。

5. **治疗范围广泛**:适用于敏感菌引起的多种感染,包括:
– 泌尿生殖系统感染:如单纯性、复杂性尿路感染、细菌性前列腺炎、淋病奈瑟菌尿道炎或宫颈炎等。
– 呼吸道感染:包括敏感革兰阴性杆菌所致支气管感染急性发作及肺部感染。
– 胃肠道感染:由志贺菌属、沙门菌属、产肠毒素大肠杆菌、亲水气单胞菌、副溶血弧菌等所致。
– 伤寒、骨和关节感染、皮肤软组织感染、败血症等全身感染。

6. **副作用相对较小**:相比其他抗生素,左氧沙星的副作用较小,常见副作用包括头晕、恶心等胃肠道反应。


7. **特殊注意事项**:左氧沙星在某些特殊群体中可能引起不良反应,如严重肾功能不全者、有神经系统疾病患者慎用。对喹诺酮类药物过敏者、妊娠、哺乳期妇女、18岁以下患者及癫痫患者禁用。



1. **催化作用**:酵果中含有的酶能够催化化学反应,加快食物的消化和吸收过程。例如,淀粉酶可以分解淀粉,蛋白酶可以分解蛋白质,从而帮助人体更好地吸收营养。

2. **改善口感**:酵果中的天然酸味和甜味可以改善食品的口感,增加食物的风味。同时,酶的作用还能使食品更加软糯,提升食用体验。


3. **延长保质期**:酵果中的某些酶可以抑制细菌和霉菌的生长,从而延长食品的保质期。例如,乳酸菌产生的乳酸可以抑制有害菌的生长,保持食品的新鲜。

4. **促进营养吸收**:酵果中的酶能够帮助人体更好地吸收食物中的营养成分。比如,脂肪酶可以分解脂肪,使人体更容易吸收脂肪中的脂溶性维生素。

5. **保健作用**:酵果中的天然成分具有多种保健作用,如抗氧化、抗炎、调节免疫力等。这些作用有助于增强人体健康,预防疾病。

6. **生物合成**:酵果在食品加工过程中还可以作为生物催化剂,参与食品的合成过程。例如,在发酵过程中,酵母菌可以利用糖分生成酒精和二氧化碳,从而生产啤酒、葡萄酒等酒精饮料。


7. **环境友好**:酵果作为一种天然食品添加剂,相比于化学合成物质,更加环保,有利于减少对环境的污染。




### 肉桂的功效


1. **温补肾阳**:肉桂性温热,具有温补肾阳的作用,适用于肾阳不足引起的腰膝酸软、畏寒肢冷等症状。

2. **散寒止痛**:肉桂能散寒止痛,对于寒湿痹痛、宫冷疼痛、经闭等症有缓解作用。

3. **温经活血**:肉桂能温通血脉,对于女性月经不调、腹痛等症状有调节作用。

4. **温中祛寒**:适用于脾胃虚寒引起的胃脘冷痛、腹痛腹泻等症状。


5. **杀菌抑菌**:肉桂具有一定的抑菌作用,可用于治疗胃胀气、胃痛等症。

### 肉桂的用途

1. **烹饪**:肉桂是常见的调味品,常用于炖肉、炒菜等烹饪中,如炖肘子、五香粉等。

2. **药用**:在中医中,肉桂常用于治疗肾阳不足、脾胃虚寒、经闭、痛经等症状。

3. **茶饮**:肉桂红茶可以调节血糖、保护心血管、防治龋齿等。

### 肉桂的注意事项

1. **体质限制**:肉桂性大热,不适合体内有实热的人使用,如口舌生疮、痰嗽咽痛、血虚内燥等。

2. **孕妇慎用**:孕妇、产后血热、脾胃虚弱者应慎用或禁用。

3. **过敏体质**:过敏体质者应慎用,以防过敏反应。

4. **保存**:肉桂应存放在干燥通风处,避免受潮发霉。

5. **食用量**:适量食用,过量可能导致身体不适。



1. **清肝明目**:菊花具有清热解毒、清肝明目的作用,适合长时间对着电脑、手机等屏幕工作的人群,能有效缓解眼睛疲劳和干涩。

2. **补血养颜**:红枣富含多种维生素和矿物质,能够补血养颜,对女性尤为有益,有助于改善面色,减少皱纹的产生。


3. **调和气血**:红枣性温味甘,能够调和脾胃,养血安神,适合气血两虚、体弱乏力的人群饮用。

4. **增强免疫力**:红枣中的营养成分有助于增强人体的免疫力,提高抗病能力。

5. **缓解压力**:菊花中的菊甙成分具有镇静安神的作用,红枣也有助于缓解紧张和焦虑情绪,对于缓解压力、改善睡眠有一定的帮助。

6. **促进消化**:红枣有助于促进消化,对于消化不良、食欲不振有一定的辅助治疗作用。


7. **抗氧化**:红枣含有丰富的抗氧化物质,有助于清除体内的自由基,减缓衰老。



1. **补充营养**:十香菜富含膳食纤维、碳水化合物、多种矿物质和维生素,如维生素A、维生素C、维生素K和叶酸等。这些营养素对于维持人体健康和日常活动至关重要。

2. **清热解毒**:十香菜性质寒凉,有助于清理身体内的热毒,预防上火症状,适合热性体质的人群食用。对于咽喉肿痛、口舌生疮等不适症状,食用十香菜也有助于缓解。

3. **消炎杀菌**:十香菜含有丰富的挥发油和天然药用成分,具有消炎杀菌的作用。它能消灭人体内的敏感菌和致病菌,有助于预防和治疗上呼吸道感染、气管炎、咳嗽痰多等病症,并对皮肤表面的真菌也有抑制作用。



4. **去除异味**:十香菜浓郁的香气能够去除食物的异味,常用于烹饪中提香。

5. **促进消化**:香菜中的挥发油物质如甘露醇和芳樟醇可以提味去腥,促进唾液分泌和肠胃蠕动,有助于消化。

6. **改善血液循环**:香菜能促进血液循环,有助于麻疹的透发,适合麻疹初期使用。

7. **利尿和降血糖**:香菜具有利尿和降血糖的功效,适合尿路不畅或糖尿病患者食用。

8. **增强免疫力**:香菜中维生素C和胡萝卜素含量较高,可以增强免疫力,保护眼睛、泌尿道和胃肠道的黏膜,辅助治疗呼吸道感染。

9. **保护心血管健康**:香菜根部含有的皂甙能保护血管内皮细胞,防止细胞老化,促进血液流畅,有助于心血管健康。

10. **辅助治疗**:香菜还可以用于治疗胃脘冷痛、消化不良、麻疹不透、流感、痔疮肿痛、脱肛以及性功能障碍等症状。

11. **其他功效**:香菜还有镇痛、止血的作用,对于女性产后疼痛或出血有很好的疗效。此外,香菜还可以用于消肿止痒和驱蚊。


At the key moment, two Yuan Ying Zhen Jun, but they abandoned their guardians.

They suddenly became ghosts for fifteen days, and they fled wildly in all directions.
This is a special commitment of their family. Many ghosts are ancestors of their family.
But Yang Xiu smiled. He reached out and shouted, "Town!"
Suddenly, nine chess appeared outside Fiona Fang, seven thousand miles away.
It is the sixth-order magic weapon, the barren road, the rock and the chess!
Nine chess, seven thousand miles, the universe, the number of scenes, the birth and death, the evolution of a vast world …
There are mountains, rivers, hills, grasslands, abyss and sea.
In fact, if you look at it carefully, it seems that it was a corner of the world when it was bigger than the chaotic world.
In this world, the ghost department of fifteen days is motionless by this chess.
It’s just a shock. They just return to normal and continue to escape.
But three interest rates are enough.
Yang Xiuyi reached for the golden rope and appeared and said, "Bundle!"
Fifteen ghosts in the golden rope were trapped one by one and immediately strung into a string, firmly sealed and locked.
They struggled desperately, but Yang Xiufa made a pair of fifteen, but now his mana is still crushing each other and catching each other’s department.
Yang xiu smiled and asked, "what should I do? Cross over? Or kill? "
Zhang Yue said, "This is a ghost."
The first ghost among all ghosts!
Cherish it very much. Don’t put it out and leave it to me. "
Yang Xiu asked, "Do you have any way to deal with them?"
Zhang Yue laughed. "But is there any way for Master Brother Ghost Emperor to do this? What a big brother! "
Zhang Yue called it Ghost Emperor Sect, not Ghost Sect. He has gradually made Ghost Sect his home.
"Well, then come on!"
A quarter of an hour later, the ghost disappeared and was collected by his ghost spell.
As the day passed, the ghost was collected by him.
In the last fifteen days, ghosts disappeared from the refining department.
Shen Yuanqi couldn’t help but say, "Where are the two Yuan Ying Zhenjun?"
Zhang Yue said, "They know that they will die if we find out.
Just now, they abandoned themselves and became ghosts.
The ghost has a chance to revive every 1001 years and can be reincarnated and revived.
If you don’t turn into a ghost, they will fight if we find out that both form and spirit are destroyed. "
Yang xiu said, "it’s no wonder that these two guys are immortal. It’s so cruel to themselves."
Hidden among many ghosts, we can’t recognize them at all, but the ghost base is dead!
Let’s go! "
One group is particularly easy.
With this ambush experience, Yang Xiuxian came to the front of their journey one step at a time and then laid the night.
The other party didn’t find the dark night unusual, and looked at the dark night.
Yang xiu moved along with them, silently looking for the other side to turn into a deity.
But I couldn’t find it.
This guy is so secretive.
Yang xiu also don’t wait for suddenly out of the sword into xianjian to a wave of range attacks.
Sword light still hasn’t found the true statue of God.
Yang xiu gritted his teeth, but he had to stop.
They immediately attacked the two Yuan Ying Zhenjun.
These two Yuan babies tried their best to use the ultra-sacred method, but the meaning was caught by Yang Xiubo’s golden rope.
But the deified true statue still didn’t appear.
What a pity!
I don’t know where it is hidden?
Yang xiulian’s soul suddenly speaks

Chapter 15 Captain’s car!

Steve fell heavily to the ground after everything went round and round.
He felt that he was stunned.
At the same time, I was depressed.
Before I joined the army, man, I was beaten every day in Brooklyn, but at that time, I had not injected the super soldier serum, and I was short and sick, so I just had to endure it.
Damn it, I finally injected four times the super soldier’s serum, and my physical fitness increased greatly. I have been honed hard in the army for more than a year, and I have already killed all sides in the battlefield. As a result, when I return to Brooklyn, I still can’t escape the fate of being beaten.
What is the origin of this policeman?
What strength is greater than me?
It’s too bullying. Okay!
Steve is unwilling to get up and get ready to continue to be hard with goofy.
"I can spend the whole day with you!"
Steve Shen said and rushed at Goofy again.
Goofy easily dodged Steve’s assault and grabbed his arm with a jerk.
"You waste your horse be honest, ok? Open your eyes and see what the people of Brooklyn are scared by you? "
Steve smell speech one leng and then look around.
The citizens looked at the monster with the same eyes and pointed at him at the same time
"Who the hell is this guy?"
"What does he want?"
"Great! Officer Goofy got him!"
"He can’t escape from Officer Goofy."
“Yes! The bad guys were finally made! "
Steve was impatient when he heard it.
Do these citizens have any conscience? I’m a brave soldier who fought in World War II and went to the front! Finally, in order to protect new york citizens from flying into an iceberg, they sacrificed themselves and saved everyone!
I am not a bad person!
I’m the good guy!
Why do you support the Machamp police?
"I am Steve Rogers! I am captain America! "
Steve finally couldn’t help shouting his name.
But nobody believed him.
Although his photo is placed in the Captain America Memorial Hall in Brooklyn, nearly seven years after his "sacrifice", no one still remembers his determined face.
What’s more, the citizens are wary of him keeping a safe distance, at which no one can see his face clearly.
In addition to firmly holding him high.
"Steve Rogers?" Goofy was surprised. "Are you really Steve Rogers?"
"Yes, that’s me!" Steve sank, "Can you let me go now?"
"Can’t" Goofy refused him.
"Come with me first and don’t cause civil unrest. If you are really Captain America, don’t act like a terrorist," Gao Feishen said.
At this time, Steve finally calmed down, and it is not a way to call again. First, he really can’t beat Gao Fei, and secondly, the people are obviously not towards him.
So he accepted Goofy’s arrangement and sat in the back of the police car.
And goofy nodded to the surrounding citizens and then the car drove away.
"Captain Steve Rogers America" Goofy once again confirmed his identity as a "people’s hero during World War II, right?"
"Heroes can’t say I’m a soldier," Steve said.
"Your deeds are admirable," Goofy praised him smoothly.
Steve turned black.
That’s very nice now. Why didn’t you show mercy when you hit me just now?

Flowing through the stream next to Taoist Rocky is like the eye of Kyubi no Youko demon.

At this time, the two men were in Daoshi’s rocky area, and the sky was overcast and misty.
Both of them are turned upside down. At this moment, they have put aside the rest of their thoughts in order to have a good fight.
In the misty rain, Li Zhichang showed lofty, diluted, carefree and free from vulgarity, and made no secret of the monstrous momentum in the face of Kyubi no Youko demon sage.
Such tolerance has not yet met, so Kyubi no Youko Yaosheng secretly appreciates it.
On this person’s distraction, such as arrogance and stubbornness, is extraordinary, and she can’t find a few comparable figures after thousands of years of experience
Although the heart is pity, the hand is weak.
Kyubi no Youko’s majesty is inviolable.
It is by no means clear that Kyubi no Youko is tough.
Behind her rose a huge method-a huge Kyubi no Youko fox with red eyes and nine huge tails swaying like a giant stick stirring the wind and rain.
Standing high in the wind and rain seems to be under her control.
That huge, horrifying and desperate force just made people know how powerful and desperate Kyubi no Youko, the king of Qingqiu clan, has never been extinct since ancient times.
Chapter 15 Life and death stroll
In this step, Yuan Shen has been able to condense the illusory momentum into a real method.
This magic fox method in Kyubi no Youko is the substantial embodiment of the momentum released by the demon saint in Kyubi no Youko, which is tens of feet high and magnificent. Where is the general achievement that Yuan Shen and Gao Ren can match?
And look smart, even the fluff can be seen clearly and vividly.
When Kyubi no Youko’s demon sage cultivates the Dharma with Yuanling, maybe this Dharma can be equivalent to an external incarnation, which will not be too inferior to other deities, and he can cultivate and grow independently.
Feel the huge and undisguised power of Kyubi no Youko Demon Saint.
The pressure from the front Li Zhichang’s black hair is dancing behind him. The strong pressure gives birth to a feeling that he is at the bottom of the sea, which can make a master of bronze and iron unable to hold his blood vessel burst.
Fortunately, his physical body is no longer so weak, and he also has the ability to dissolve the huge and terrible pressure through the flow of body qi.
On the one hand, Kyubi no Youko’s demon saint is stronger than him.
It is both a demonstration and a disdain for him to be crushed by the real and powerful force of the other party
Li Zhichang is as worthless as a baby in front of this huge and arrogant Kyubi no Youko fox.
And Kyubi no Youko gens is advantaged compared with Terran nature, although Kyubi no Youko Yaosheng is far from the original strength of Kyubi no Youko Yaodi, even if it is generally Jin Xian, it may not be in the eyes of verve.
However, in today’s world, except for the real golden fairy figure, the old demon of Montenegro, who has a large number of ranks and can shoot, others have been placed in the eyes of the demon saint of Kyubi no Youko.
She didn’t even bother to move her fierce tricks, which made her arrogant and persistent. What makes them Kyubi no Youko fox able to travel freely in this fairy Buddha demon?
No matter how severe Li Zhichang is, is it better than those old deathlessly?
She is now constantly releasing her momentum and crushing Li Zhichang inch by inch until the other party can’t bear the collapse.
Qian Shan Wanshui’s rare rival, Kyubi no Youko Yaosheng, wants to beat the other side on the one hand, knock off the other side’s pride and make the other side’s heart beat.
The huge Kyubi no Youko fox method is condescending, and the eyes are red like lava erupting from a volcano, which makes people feel scared.
Clouds accumulate, but they flash, but they dare not roar. It’s stormy, but this method is a foil.
Compared with the Kyubi no Youko fox method, the Baishan ape method is more like a young child who has not grown up. Although he is now eventful, he can still see the gap.
And Li Zhichang is not necessarily better than Baishan. Can he defeat this Kyubi no Youko demon saint?
Li Zhichang didn’t think about this problem.
He can strike at the weak and draw a sword at the strong.
In the eyes of true martial arts, there is no opponent’s strength and weakness, but there is a belief that one must defeat the other.
Li Zhichang is not a pure martial art, but there are too many such martial arts in his life, too outstanding and too successful.
Whether it’s Ye Gucheng or Ximen Chuixue, or the domineering and bullying Pang Spot, their experience in fighting has made Li Zhichang appreciate what is fear and what is life and death.
Li Zhichang’s impressive step out of the solid Taoist rock surface moss failed to make Li Zhi often have a tendency of instability. Li Zhichang’s step was not mysterious and heavy
But the leisurely and detached rhyme is like silk, like wisps of smoke, like fog, so that the wind and rain are not sad, as if it had become a dragon king traveling with the wind and rain.
It’s like a dragon in the wind and rain.
It seems that he has become a part of the wind and rain in one step, a part of the world.
It’s more like the ancient gods controlling heaven and earth.
Heaven and earth are inspired to change their names into gods and Tao.
It was in the beginning that God and Shinto were present.
At this moment, Li Zhichang became a Taoist Shinto in Los Angeles.
The combination of heaven and man is so powerful that a yogi can do it.
But it’s rare for him to walk easily under strong pressure, such as this unspeakable monk.
Step by step, the wind and rain are no longer wind and rain, but also become Li Zhichang.
Li Zhichang has also become a storm.
His sword is in the wind and rain
The wind and rain hide the sword!
His sword is separate from that wind and rain.
The huge white dress and ribbon of Kyubi no Youko Fox Law turned to Kyubi no Youko Demon Saint with the wind, and she was a little surprised that she was more touching than a fairy.
She really didn’t expect that she could step into the realm of harmony between man and nature in an instant when she forced the other person to do so with such momentum.

Ten minutes later.

Zhan Nan bent down and got into Gu Yan’s car and turned to Qin Yu and said, "You are going to pay 100,000 yuan to Huang Yongli with me later!"
"Finished talking?" Gu yanwen
"I went to his face?" Exhibition nan cow force coax replied.
"Stop pretending!" Gu Yan curled his lips and "gave him hundreds of thousands"
"It’s just a matter of appearance." Zhan Nan lit a cigarette and looked at Qin Yu and said, "Go and say something nice to him later."
"Ha ha!" Qin Yu nodded
"You are to withdraw money? Still doing it? "
"Take cash!" Qin Yu thought for a answered.
After more than half an hour, Qin Yu took a cash step and went to the building with Gu Yan and Zhan Nan.
Huang Yongli carries a rack with a lot of brothers around him and doesn’t take the initiative to say anything.
Qin Yu stretched out his hand and put the cash on Huang Yongli’s bedside according to Zhan Nan’s instructions and said, "Brother Li, you are a senior, but I am not sensible. Please raise your hand."
Huang Yongli limped and pointed at Qin Yu with a bottle rack and said, "I just look at Xiao Nan!"
"Oh, Brother Huang!" Zhan Nan immediately said with his fist, "Thank you. I will arrange you well when you leave the hospital!"
"That’s it!" Huang Yongli with the wave.
"Then you rest!" Qin Yu threw a word and turned to go.
Behind the three-person building
Gu Yan twist a head to see Qin Yu walked over and asked "? Is this a good solution? "
"Thank you, thank you!" Qin Yu is polite.
"… you owe me a personal favor!" Gu Yan was gratified and patted Qin Yu on the shoulder. "I’ll find you to study some business later!"
Chapter 65 Set out every day in Bai Piao.
Huang Yongli’s incident finally seemed to end after Qin Yu occupied Xiaofeng, but in fact he didn’t get anything cheap, but it was a big loss.
First of all, 20,000 goods were not sold in the end. Instead, it took about 300,000 yuan to do it before and after. Plus, although he was done by Dalang and Huang Yongli, he was injured himself, which made Qin Yu feel a little frustrated.
Huang Yongli’s loss is indeed greater than Qin Yu’s, but what does this have to do with him? To put it bluntly, Huang Yongli didn’t even have any underpants left, which didn’t make Qin Yu get a penny!
However, everything has two sides. Although Qin Yu was injured and lost some money, he also got a nickname in the seventh district. At least, after wandering around, he was afraid to face him face to face. After all, he even dared to cut the hob meat like big waves, let alone study as a junior official.
After this incident, in addition to some people getting to know Qin Yu, he actually made several close friends, such as Gu Yan, Zhu Yulin and other district soldiers, and because of making big waves at the school gate, he also went to visit a school manager and gave each other a little gift, which was a simple exchange.
After more than two weeks, Qin Yu was recovering from illness and attending classes, and he didn’t leave the school at ordinary times. It was also comfortable to find Gu Yanlin Chengdong and others to drink and live.
At noon this day, Qin Yu went to the hospital to remove the steel plate of his arm, and then he thought of going to see a golden rain stop. Because they had never come to sit down for dinner formally, Qin Yu’s injury was better now, and he also wanted to see each other and ask the little three news by innuendo.
"Didi Lingling!"
Qin Yu just got off the bus when the bell rang. He looked down to show that he immediately pressed the answer key. "What?"
"I’ll give you an address. Come and have a drink," said the ancient crocodile without doubt.
"… I really can’t drink. I have something to do today."
"Zha cross the river and kick down the bridge? Now Huang Yongli won’t do you again. You won’t do me, will you? "
"Can you stop talking about this? !” Qin Yu squinted and scolded, "Brother, I beg you to help me with this. Don’t you fucking say that you asked me for ten meals, and I don’t care if I want you for socks?"
"You little comrade, don’t open your mouth, don’t shut up, don’t you want to have a big picture?" Gu Yan said with a mouthful of address unknown, "Come on, I have a good thing for you."
"I’m not going." Qin Yu was too lazy to listen to him. "I’m going to see Jin Yu later. I’ve been asking her out for a long time. I haven’t seen anything."
"… well, then ask her to come over together. I got some stoves on the rooftop of over the rainbow Building in the city to bake some meat." Gu Yan bared his teeth and said, "I just want to meet her. Come with you two."
"Come on, she and you don’t know each other … I have something to tell her alone."
"There is no place for you to talk alone on such a big roof?" Gu Yan Ji Ji urged, "Hurry up and stop talking nonsense."
Qin Yu looked at his watch very naively. "I really stepped on you. Please send me the address and I’ll ask Jin Yutian."
"Okay, I’ll send it to you later."
"That’s it"
"Ah, wait a minute" Gu Yan shouted a.
"What again? !” Qin Yu is boring him to death.
"When you come to buy some wine, you must go back to the supermarket where you bought the watch." Gu Yan said in detail, "I’ll drink 192 … you bring four bottles."
"Fuck you, don’t even buy wine for dinner?"