
1. **止咳祛痰**:香胶具有显著的止咳祛痰作用,对于治疗慢性支气管炎、咳嗽痰多等症状有很好的效果。

2. **解毒杀虫**:香胶中的成分具有解毒和杀虫的作用,对于痘疹、湿疹等皮肤病有良好的治疗作用。

3. **治疗皮肤伤损**:香胶可以用于治疗皮肤伤损,包括疮疖、疥癣等,具有促进愈合的作用。

4. **治疗顽固性溃疡**:香胶与蓖麻油混合制成软膏,可以用于治疗褥疮和慢性溃疡,具有消炎和促进伤口愈合的功效。

5. **护肤用途**:香胶的成分中含有苯甲酸苄南和桂皮酸苄酯等物质,这些成分具有抗细菌和抗真菌的作用,因此也被用于护肤产品中,以保护皮肤免受感染。

6. **化妆品中的应用**:在化妆品中,香胶可以作为成膜剂和气味抑制剂使用,有助于固定产品中的化学成分,防止其逸散,同时保持产品的香气。

7. **安全性**:根据中医药的使用经验,香胶在正确使用的情况下是安全的。但需要注意的是,在使用香胶时应在医生的指导下进行,避免私自用药,特别是对于孕妇和儿童等特殊人群。

8. **炮制与采集**:香胶的采集通常在冬季进行,通过在树干上造成损伤,使香树脂渗出,然后经过采集、煮沸和绞压等工序进行处理。



– **内服**:通常使用香胶树脂,剂量为0.2-1毫升。
– **外用**:适量涂擦于患处。
– **注意事项**:在使用香胶之前,应先进行皮肤敏感性测试,以确保不会引起过敏反应。




1. **保湿滋润**:蜂蜜和牛奶都含有丰富的天然保湿成分,能够有效补充肌肤所需的水分,改善皮肤干燥和紧绷的问题。

2. **调节肌肤水油平衡**:蜂蜜有助于调节肌肤的水油平衡,减少面部痤疮的发生。

3. **抗氧化**:蜂蜜中的活性酶和牛奶中的维生素等成分具有抗氧化作用,可以降低酪氨酸酶活性,抑制黑色素沉着,从而达到美白肌肤的效果。


4. **延缓衰老**:蜂蜜牛奶面膜中的营养成分有助于延缓皮肤衰老,减少细纹和皱纹的形成。

5. **促进皮肤新陈代谢**:牛奶中的乳酸能够促进皮肤新陈代谢,使肌肤更加细腻光滑。


6. **淡化细纹**:长期使用蜂蜜牛奶面膜有助于淡化细小皱纹,使皮肤看起来更加年轻。

7. **修复肌肤**:蜂蜜具有修复肌肤、细胞的功能,有助于预防色素沉着,并淡化黑色素。

8. **紧致肌肤**:蜂蜜牛奶面膜可以紧致肌肤,保持肌肤弹性。

9. **深层清洁**:牛奶可以帮助清洁皮肤,去除死皮细胞,使皮肤更加光滑。

10. **收缩毛孔**:蜂蜜牛奶面膜还有助于收缩毛孔,使皮肤看起来更加细腻。



1. **温中和胃**:桂子具有温中和胃的功效,对于慢性胃肠道疾病引起的胃脘寒痛有显著疗效。它可以缓解胃寒、胃痛等症状。


2. **平肝益肾**:桂子还能平肝益肾,对于肝肾虚弱引起的失眠、高血压等病症有辅助治疗作用,并有助于调节血压。


3. **散寒止呕**:对于胃肠疾病引起的脘腹胀痛、恶心、呕吐等症状,桂子具有散寒止呕的效果。

4. **提神醒脑**:桂子中含有的有机成分,如癸酸丙酯、紫罗兰酮、芳樟醇氧化物等,能够提神醒脑,有助于缓解学习、工作时的疲劳。


5. **化痰止咳**:桂子内含的成分有助于稀释痰液,促进痰液排出,对于咳嗽、咳痰有一定的缓解作用。

6. **缓解体寒**:桂子的性质微温,能够缓解体寒,改善因体寒引起的各种不适。

7. **缓解情绪**:桂子的香气能够有效缓解紧张情绪,有助于放松身心。

8. **养生润肺**:桂子富含多种氨基酸、维生素和微量元素,具有养生润肺的功效。


– **禁忌人群**:脾胃虚寒者、孕妇、便秘、糖尿病患者等应避免食用桂子。
– **合理用量**:内服桂子通常建议煎汤,用量为3-10克。
– **饮食搭配**:不宜与南瓜、羊肉、火锅、炸串等食物同食。



### 新食用法:

1. **芦荟果汁**:将新鲜芦荟叶榨汁,加入适量的蜂蜜或柠檬汁,不仅能补充维生素,还能增添风味。

2. **芦荟沙拉**:将芦荟切成细丝,与生菜、黄瓜等蔬菜一起拌制,加入适量的橄榄油和醋,既美味又健康。


3. **芦荟炖品**:将芦荟切片后与肉类或海鲜一起炖煮,不仅能够增加营养,还能去腥增香。

4. **芦荟甜点**:将芦荟与水果混合,制作成芦荟水果沙拉或芦荟冰淇淋,既美味又具有保健作用。


### 功效解析:

1. **调节血糖**:芦荟中含有的铬元素有助于胰岛素的正常分泌,从而帮助调节血糖水平。

2. **延缓衰老**:芦荟中的粘液成分富含蛋白质和糖类物质,有助于保持细胞活力,延缓衰老。

3. **增强免疫力**:芦荟中的多糖成分可以增强免疫力,提高人体对病毒的抵抗力。

4. **促进伤口愈合**:芦荟中的消炎成分有助于加速细胞再生,促进伤口愈合。

5. **美容护肤**:芦荟中的天然成分有助于保湿和修复皮肤,减少皱纹,保持皮肤弹性。

6. **抗炎作用**:芦荟中的某些成分具有抗炎作用,可以用于治疗皮肤炎症和轻微烧伤。

7. **改善消化**:芦荟可以帮助改善消化系统的健康,缓解便秘,对胃溃疡和消化不良有一定的辅助治疗作用。

### 注意事项:

– **适量食用**:虽然芦荟有很多好处,但也不宜过量食用,以免引起不适。
– **个体差异**:由于个体差异,对芦荟的过敏反应可能不同,因此初次食用时建议小量尝试。
– **避免食用芦荟的绿色部分**:芦荟的绿色部分含有一定的刺激性物质,食用时应该去除。




1. **温胃镇痛**:姜丝具有辛温之性,能够温中散寒,对于脾胃虚寒、胃脘冷痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。

2. **杀菌抗炎**:姜丝中的成分具有杀菌和抗炎的效果,对于胃炎、溃疡型胃炎等消化系统疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。


3. **促进消化**:生姜中的姜辣素能够促进胃肠蠕动,刺激胃酸分泌,有助于食物的消化和吸收。

4. **美容养颜**:小米和薏仁都是营养价值较高的食材,小米富含维生素、氨基酸等,薏仁则是一种美容食品,常食可以保持皮肤光泽细腻,消除粉刺、斑雀等。

5. **提高免疫力**:生姜中含有的挥发油和姜辣素等成分,有助于增强人体的免疫力,抵抗病毒和细菌的侵袭。

6. **缓解感冒症状**:在天气变化时,姜丝粥可以帮助驱散寒气,缓解因受凉引起的感冒症状,如鼻塞、流涕等。

7. **保护胃黏膜**:生姜对于保护胃黏膜有一定的作用,对于胃黏膜受损的人士有一定的辅助恢复效果。


8. **辅助治疗疾病**:对于虚寒型胃炎、溃疡型胃炎等消化系统疾病,长期食用姜丝粥可能会有一定的疗效。



1. **祛风除湿**:红活麻具有祛风除湿的功效,对于风湿性腰痛、关节痛等病症有显著疗效。它能够有效去除人体内的寒邪和湿邪,缓解因湿寒引起的各种不适。

2. **活血止血**:红活麻还能活血化瘀,对吐血、瘀血肿痛等症状有很好的治疗效果。通过促进血液循环,可以加速伤口愈合和消肿。

3. **利湿消肿**:对于水肿、肾炎等病症,红活麻的利湿消肿作用非常显著。它可以帮助身体排除多余的水分,减轻水肿症状。


4. **治疗皮肤疾病**:将红活麻捣碎外敷,对毒蛇咬伤、皮肤瘙痒、疮毒等症状有显著疗效。这种方法可以起到消炎、止痒的作用。

5. **改善呼吸道症状**:对于伤风咳嗽、胸闷痰多等呼吸道症状,红活麻也有一定的缓解作用。

6. **改善泌尿系统问题**:对于小便不利等泌尿系统问题,红活麻的利尿作用有助于改善症状。



– **遵医嘱**:在中医师的指导下使用红活麻,避免自行用药可能带来的风险。
– **适量用药**:根据医嘱和病情适量用药,避免过量使用。
– **饮食注意**:在服用红活麻期间,应食用清淡食物,减少辛辣刺激性食物的摄入。



However, the word "covering the sun" is not appropriate. Covering the sun does cover the sun-there is no sun and no moon in the world of sanhua cassock. The sky is always red and pink, and the world is pink.

Hu Tianshengbao climbed to the top of the mountain and sat on the peach tree to eat wine. Li Junjie and Meng Gang stood side by side.
The atmosphere in the conversation is getting stronger and stronger. The monk Shengbao is very vivid about the wine collection, various kinds of wines, various aromas and several Chinese wine drinking channels.
"Not Buddha, I boast of myself!" When the wine was in full swing, the monk Shengbao called himself "Buddha" again. His face was red and he burped. He patted his feet and spread over the peach tree roots exposed outside the surface. "My wine boat is a small world with everything!"
Then he talked about his flying boat, and every part of it splashed with saliva, with a proud look on his face.
Not to mention that the 4-level sanhua cassock boat does have some advantages, among which the nine-day extremely moving wine stove has made Hu Tianda’s eyes wide open. Besides, there are two parts.
The first thing is that the membrane of Zijin cassock can radiate the light of Zijin Buddha, and it is good at dispersing all kinds of Taoist attacks.
The second thing is a set of colorful hidden path array with the ability of trapping the enemy and imagining the enemy. It is strange that this array can not be used in the cabin. It is designed to prevent the enemy from breaking into the cabin.
The more monk Shengbao said, the more proud he became. At the end, he said that he had just fought and said, "If I hadn’t damaged the wine stove in the past nine days and couldn’t force it again, otherwise Buddha would have fled. Where would I be trapped inside by those three flying boats?"
Hu Tian kept smiling without saying a word. After hearing this, he said, "I have some robot monks in my hand. Why don’t you let them see if they can fix it?"
The monk Shengbao brightened at the moment and then shook his head in a gloomy way. "I probably have mechanics, but the damage to the extremely mobile wine stove in the past nine days is really serious. I originally planned to pay a lot of money to hire four mechanics to repair it. This year, the mechanical monks are becoming more and more popular. One by one, they all look at the Buddha with their nostrils. I can’t get a Yuanying-level mechanical monk to move 100,000 spar."
Speaking of which, the monk looked up and drank all the wine in the cup, but his face was still indignant. After filling his head with drinks, he suddenly gave birth to a hopeful mood and looked up at Hu Tiandao. "Is it true that Hu Daoyou is an organic expert?"
When it comes to machine master, Hu-day can’t help thinking that the clever layman is more unnatural than the master of Yuan God, whether he, Alakazam or Mo Chenhui. He dare not boast that it is slight and laughs. "Machine master talks that it is not my purple breeze Pengzhou who repairs it, but he is experienced in handling it."
"hmm? I don’t know how to fix it? " Monks are interested.
"Then" Hu Tianxiao took a sip of his wine with a smile.
Sanbao monk suddenly sighed and drank a mouthful of menjiu. Then he suddenly felt that it was not appropriate for Hu-day dharma to come to repair his own machine and fly boat. If he refused, wouldn’t he not give it to the right side?
However, this nine-day extremely mobile wine stove is no worse than other core components in the wine boat. Wouldn’t it be bad if the bottom of the other machine is weak and repaired?
At that time, monk Shengbao hesitated.
Hu Tian smiled in his eyes and then said, "This man’s surname is Hu Ming’s land, so why don’t you let him have a look?"
Monk Shengbao was really embarrassed to see Hu Tian’s insistence. He smiled reluctantly. "Then let him try!" In fact, the bottom of my heart has given up hope and turned to hope that the other party will never show off and repair the wine stove at random.
Immediately, God Hu read and sent Alakazam to say this. After Alakazam went, Hu Tian flashed the wine recipe. "Big monk, you have a rich world, and you have worked hard for hundreds of years. I only have these wine recipes here. I don’t know what to change." Big monk, look at it! "
This words immediately said Shengbao monk haha laughed and stretched out his right arm and patted Hu-day’s shoulder with a big smile. "Brother Hu-day, you have been mending the truth for several years, and this alone is enough to envy others. If you let your purple breeze Pengzhou have a rich background, will you let others live?" Run this flying boat slowly. I can’t wait to be like the Buddha. It took me hundreds of years to slowly accumulate this robe. "
"It seems all right," Hu Tian said.
Monk Shengbao was even more complacent and looked up and laughed. He was humbled by Hu Tian’s intimidation and felt that the sky was so blue and cool, the flowers were so refreshing and fragrant.
Hu Tian suddenly said, "I often worry about taking care of my cabin world. It’s really an eye-opener to see the big monk flying a boat today. I especially love this peach blossom tree. If you don’t change this tree for this wine."
The monk Shengbao laughed suddenly and stopped. He looked at Hu-day dumbfounded.
Hu-day at this time, don’t look away at the cabin world with emotion. "I really envy you, big monk. It’s good to take care of the cabin world. Look at the exotic animal farm … Look at the cultivation garden … Look at the Dan room …"
Praise kept blurting out that the cabin world suddenly boasted that it was unique. Meng Gang and Li Junjie behind them almost couldn’t hold back their laughter because Hu Tianda copied most of the words just from the monk Shengbao’s boasting, and now it sounds ironic enough.
Monk Shengbao was blindsided.
Section 147 Repair the nine-day polar wine stove
Hu-day gushed out a lot of words before he turned to look at him "embarrassed" tunnel "from the bottom of my heart, seeing the big monk, you are so rich and rich, I almost can’t get rid of this wine party, but I thought that I can’t be stingy with this wine party, so I’ll change you to a big tree monk. You don’t want to postpone the rest, even if it’s a good marriage."
Li Junjie and Menggang glances all see each other smiling in the depths of their eyes. Their heads of families really plan people to not even spit bones. He pretends not to understand the market. In fact, I don’t know where the value of this wine is far from this three-peach romance tree.
It happened that when he said this, he also stressed the importance of chanting a "piece" and a "plant" very loudly, choking a holy treasure monk to say nothing, staring at Hu Tianzhang with wide eyes and trying to talk several times, he made a conscious sound.
How can he say it? It’s just because I just talked too much!
Hu-day is such a run that he is really disgraceful. If he doesn’t promise, wouldn’t it be cowhide blowing through the sky? His generous personality immediately turned red. Fortunately, he came to the wine to look at his face. He wanted to refuse, but he couldn’t erase it.
With a wave of his hand, he said, "Hi! Since I can get to know Brother Hu, it’s such a fate that these three plants are nothing. Take them if you want! Buddha, I don’t lack here. "
That said, it’s a lever, but monk Shengbao feels that his heart is bleeding at this time!
Hu-day immediately put this pile of wine in his hand into the hands of monk Shengbao to prevent him from changing his mind.
Monk Shengbao held these wine parties in his hands and stared blankly.

"Phantom ghost should be! Just an ordinary person believes that it will be done soon. "

When a little bit passed, Yu Guihai suddenly saw something moving on the ground. Looking down, it was spilled on the ground and the soup was churning violently.
In an instant, it condensed into several half-meter-long black-scale poisonous snakes, which quickly ejected towards him, and their fangs stretched out. Before they got close, they smelled a disgusting stench.
Yu Guihai exhaled and grabbed the chair beside him and swept out.
Poof ~ ~
Those poisonous snakes were swept away by the Ministry.
Duoduoduo ~ ~ ~
Those soup scattered on the wall and floor in succession, but soon they wriggled like living things and regrouped into poisonous snakes and came at him again.
Bang ~ ~
Yu Guihai swung his chair and swept past again.
Looking at the reunited poisonous snake, his heart is spinning fast. If he goes like this, he will die alive sooner or later. Then the ghost will come out and easily harvest him.
"You can’t just rely on your mother to save you. You must find a way to hit and kill ghosts."
Yu GUI hai Xin Dao
If you want to kill ghosts, you must find out where the ghosts are. Those poisonous snakes are illusory products, and even if you kill them 10,000 times, you can’t damage the ghosts.
"How can we draw out ghost objects?"
I returned to the sea to think, but it was hard to think of any good way at the moment.
Suddenly he felt something in the corner of his eye.
He turned to look and saw a strange head emerge from three meters away.
This is a man’s head and face with a strange sarcastic smile. There are several tiny tentacles on the top of his head, and the unknown neck grows slender tentacles like a whip.
This monster’s head is quietly suspended in the air, and its body is like air. When it returns to the sea, it can be seen that the outline is virtual.
"Goo goo goo ~ ~"
Seeing Yu Guihai twist his head, it seems that the monster’s mouth is strange and he is laughing at something.
Then the monster roared with his mouth open!
A tentacle on its head extends out and slowly plugs into Yu Guihai’s eyebrows!
This monster Cheng cares for himself, and simply treats Yu as if he belongs to the sea!
"The horse is so arrogant!" Yu Guihai is so angry that he can’t smile and get up!
Chapter 34 Kill a ghost
In a flash!
Yu Guihai is full of qi and blood, so he works hard.
Far more vigorous and vigorous than ordinary skin-refining fighters, the strength of Qi and blood quickly moves along the power line of Tiger Pao Boxing.
The drum-bang-like boxing with perfect strength separation and the white ape’s arm-pass boxing can add bricks to the tiger pao boxing.
These two methods are not powerful in actual combat, but they have a strong increase for other martial arts, just like the passive skills in the game are particularly strong, and the real way is more important than the general powerful martial arts.
I return to the sea and exhale, and I roar like a tiger.
Then he slammed his fist out and targeted the monster three meters away.
Strength from the soles of the feet, generate, through the layers of muscle growth, finally converge to the right fist, and his fist instantly doubles.
Rumble ~ ~ ~
The thunder roar in the air is caused by the fist breaking the air.
Ho ~ ~ ~ ~
Followed by a fierce bullying roars.
In front of the fist, a huge white tiger head suddenly appeared, and the tiger head was lifelike, and the mighty king on his forehead was clearly visible.
As soon as the tiger appeared, it rushed to three meters away, and the monster suddenly hit the center of that strange head.
Ho ~ ~ ~
A more majestic roars suddenly exploded, and a powerful force broke out than coercion.
The strange head just emerged a stunned expression at the moment of being hit, and then it was hit by a tiger’s head and the whole face was sunken.
Then a powerful harsh sound wave swept through.
Ho ho ho ~ ~ ~
Tounao was instantly hit by sound waves and inflated like a balloon, then twisted and torn.

Of course, the sudden cessation of the Milky Way storm can’t hide from all the demon gods, tigers and gods, and they get up and go to the source of the Milky Way storm, only to see that the Milky Way is not only full of energy, but also the matchmaker has disappeared.

"Have all the star gods ever seen the trace of matchmaker?" Like a god scanning the surrounding no trace of matchmaker leng asked.
"Report back, I saw the clouds gathering in the sky, the energy of the Milky Way and the matchmaker demon god all entered a gourd, and then the gourd disappeared." A star god jumped out and said.
"What?" Like gods, tigers and gods, they all change their faces. "Go to the fox god quickly."
"The impassable palace has come" Fox God is sullen.
Peter said that the former fox god wanted to use Jade Duxiu to practise, and they were getting better and better. The jade rabbit ears in the clothes of Jade Duxiu were sealed, covering her eyes and blushing.
All of a sudden, the energy storm in the sky converged, and the fox god and jade show all had feelings. The fox god stuck his head out of the wave and caught the jade show hair and fixed the jade show brain. "Is the matchmaker out?" Shouldn’t it be so fast? "
Say that finish after a foot will fly jade Duxiu kick wear good clothes to fly out "when it’s wrong, it shouldn’t be so fast."
"It’s really wrong." Jade Duxiu Nai emerged from the quilt and slowly wore clothes.
The atmosphere in the field is frozen, and the fox god’s face is flushed, but the breath is as cold as a god. The tiger god dare not look at the fox god coldly. "The matchmaker is my fox family tianjiao. This matter must be traced back to the end and the matchmaker must be rescued."
"If the heaven and the earth of the gourd are the most powerful in suppressing the snake god, there are congenital gourds and purple-gold-red gourds the day before, you should ask Hongjun about this matter." Like Shinto.
"You two searched the Matchmaker’s Trace Palace to look for Hung-chun." The fox turned to his bedroom and left.
Looking at the fox god walking away, the tiger god shook his head. "It’s pitiful that the fox god has a strong body and a red face!"
"Don’t talk nonsense, be careful of the fox god’s anger and call for people to find the trace of matchmaker." The elephant god quickly covered his mouth.
Watching the fox god walk into the bedroom with a cold face, Yu Duxiu just tidied up his clothes. "What’s the matter?"
"The palace asked you if your purple, gold and red gourd might be dressed up?" The fox god looked at Jade Duxiu.
"There should be no problem, right?" Jade Duxiu looked hesitant. "I have been stolen by jade before I can test the power."
"What’s the matter?" Jade Duxiu worried about looking at matchmaker.
The matchmaker’s face is cold. "If I didn’t guess wrong, the matchmaker was blindsided and put away by the purple, gold and red gourd."
"What?" Yu Duxiu was surprised. "Really?"
"Can this be a joke?" Fox god stared at Jade Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu took a deep breath. "Don’t worry. The purple, gold and red gourd will seal the matchmaker at best, which will not kill the little fox."
"You are the owner of purple-gold-red gourd. Can’t you sense the trail of purple-gold-red gourd?" The fox god looked at Jade Duxiu.
Before Jade Duxiu, of course, you can feel the trace of Purple Golden Red Gourd. After all, Purple Golden Red Gourd is your own refined blood sacrifice, but … Since Jade Duxiu carved runes on that Purple Golden Red Gourd, you really can’t feel the Qi of Purple Golden Red Gourd.
Looking at Yu Duxiu’s wry smile, the fox god slowly sat on the bed. "Purple, gold and red gourds are harmful things you refine. You must find a way."
"Don’t worry, don’t worry about it. I think there are many strong people in all worlds, but there are really few treasures stolen from jade." Jade Duxiu knocked on the case and walked slowly in the bedroom of the fox god. "I went to find jade and then boarded the major races to see for myself that purple, gold and red gourds must be induced by me in my side."
After that, Jade Duxiu turned and walked out of the small world of the fox god, and the world came to the side of the jade bodhi old zu. At this time, the jade bodhi old zu was like a headless fly.
"Hung-chun, you really didn’t take that gourd?" See jade show jade bodhi old zu asked a.
Jade Duxiu sullen "bodhi old zu you in trouble! Matchmaker was taken away by purple, gold and red gourd. "
"What?" Jade bodhi old zu smell speech eyes wide stare to cover your mouth, "true or false? Can that treasure really accept the demon god? "
"Nonsense" Jade Duxiu Naidao
Jade bodhi old zu looked at jade Duxiu scurrying back and forth. "Fox God is bound to depend on me this time. You must prove to bodhi old zu that I didn’t do it."
"Come on, I know you will go with me to Terran once." Jade Duxiu seized the jade bodhi old zu and left for Terran.
"Terran, the three old guys really have something to take away the treasure from the bodhi old zu." Jade bodhi old zu fart Dian Dian way.
"Hung-chun! Jade! Please give me a visit from your ancestors. "
"These two guys how come? Looking at Hung-chun’s gloomy face, do you suspect that we stole the purple, gold and red gourd? " Too easy to teach one leng.
Taiping ancestor frowned. "Although we didn’t steal it, we really have great suspicion that we have that strength."
"Let’s invite them in first. Jade is a tough fellow, but Hung-chun is not an unreasonable person." Tai Dou taught his ancestors.
The large array slowly hits the jade bodhi old zu to enter the large array to meet the ancestors’ eyes. The ancestors made no secret of their hostility and sneered at the second population. "Hey, it’s not that we suspect that we stole your treasure, is it? If you don’t have the strength to protect your treasures, then don’t steal them from weirdos. "
"Tai Yuan, you should accumulate some virtue in your small mouth, or be careful of the bodhi old zu, and I will tear your mouth to shreds." Jade bodhi old zu denounced Tai Yuan’s ancestor, and he rolled up his sleeves and was about to make moves.
Yu Duxiu grabbed the jade bodhi old zu’s shoulder and looked at Taidou and Taiyi with a pair of eyes, and then made a respectful ceremony. "Have you ever seen a purple, gold and red gourd?"
"Hung-chun, you’ve got the wrong person. We really didn’t make moves this time."
"Although Hung Chun is calculating people, he never disdains to lie." Tai Yi taught his ancestors, "I’ve never been out in a big array to find out where I’m too concerned, and sometimes I miss you."
Jade Duxiu smell speech nodded without saying turn away.
"Hey, hey, hey, don’t go. We haven’t asked yet." Jade bodhi old zu shouted.
Chapter 296 Boarded fiend tribe
Sometimes it’s enough for someone to ask and say nothing about something.
"We haven’t asked you yet. How did you leave the heavens and the earth? Except for the bodhi old zu, who is most suspected of being the youngest, I really can’t imagine who can take the purple, gold and red gourd from my hands. How could those magic protoss people use their brains to plot against the bodhi old zu?" Jade bodhi old zu’s words are full of contempt for the fiend. Without the Yuan God and the soul, the strong man is just a powerful man.
"Grandfather Taiyi is waiting for a proud figure. Since he said no, naturally he didn’t!" Jade Duxiu walked out of the Terran Star Array on Sunday.
Jade bodhi old zu heard a sigh, "Are you young or young? You have been cheated by the pseudo-monarchs of Terran. The meanness of these youngest sons is far beyond your expectation. If we follow the bodhi old zu’s instructions, we have to start a struggle to see the truth."
Jade Duxiu stopped and a pair of eyes looked at the palm of jade bodhi old zu and turned against the turbulence. "Let’s go to the magic protoss."

Aphrodite was shy. She didn’t know what Li Suiyun was going to do in a hurry, and her whole body shrank into the quilt. She looked afraid and thought that the other party might be frivolous again. Although she had already prepared herself mentally, she was still a little difficult to adapt to, and her heart was full of tears.

If Li Suiyun doesn’t know Aphrodite’s worries, he can also endure a slight smile. "Go and freshen up! How can we get out of here if this is the case? "
Aphrodite blurted out in surprise, "From here? What time do you leave? How do we leave? "
Li Suiyun wanted to make something come out. He looked at the sky and smiled. "It’s getting late. After you freshen up, we’ll take a walk. Natural light is just right away. I want to see why Zeus stopped me from taking you away."
Aphrodite was frightened to death. She never dreamed that Li Suiyun was so tough that she tried to force her way out of the mountain gate. But she didn’t know that Li Suiyun came with a heart of trouble. What’s worse, his goal has reached nature, and he will frighten the gods of Olympus with things in the future.
Aphrodite doesn’t know what to say. She doesn’t know Li Suiyun’s identity. Funnily enough, both of them have a husband and wife, but they don’t know the man’s background yet.
She’s dressed up and changed into a hunting outfit. She knows that the next step is probably to escape, and she must never wear those clothes that can be called burdensome.
Li Suiyun paid no attention to Aphrodite. He sat cross-legged and adjusted his state. In the long years, he experienced a lot of battles and battles, but he didn’t fight against such a powerful opponent as Zeus several times. He had some excitement that made him high-spirited.
Sometimes the early bird is not so good. It is Li Suiyun’s favorite thing to defeat Zeus and hide his strength well. Sometimes it is tantamount to self-destruction to measure the low card too early.
Fierce Li Suiyun opened his eyes, and he felt that spirit force swept over again yesterday. His eyes flashed with a flash that even the cold pool could be frozen, and Li Mang had no qualms about sending out his spirit force and hitting each other’s spirit force.
Zeus was just a routine mental patrol this day, so we bumped into an opponent who was prepared and absolutely not inferior to him. When he reacted and wanted to fight, he lost the lead. Where did he come from?
Zeus, who has a mental arithmetic mind, cried and suffered a big loss. He felt that his head was smashed by a sledgehammer. In front of him, Venus flashed and his chest was stuffy. A sweet "wow" spit out a big mouthful of blood and cried, and he was stunned and speechless in his seat.
This is from the shock of the soul. Li Suiyun’s move directly cost Zeus three layers of combat power, and it will be difficult for him to recover in a few days
Li Suiyun suddenly got up and pulled out the bamboo stick with him. His eyes were full of confidence. Aphrodite smiled and said, "Let’s go." She walked out of the palace with the goddess who didn’t know what to think.
Just now, the collision between gods and minds did not mean that all gods were unaware of Aphrodite’s lack of experience, but this does not mean that other powerful gods were unaware of it.
Apollo, Ares, Athena, Hephaestus, Artemis and Hermes came from all directions. They were surprised. They all wanted to know who made their father so powerful that even if everyone joined forces, they could resist his father and get hurt.
Many low-ranking gods who used to play in Olympus have also received messages from the Lord God, and they have rushed to the Palace of Cupid. Some of them are already dressed in armor and spears, and even chariots are ready. It is inevitable to see a big war.
Chapter XIV Garbage is always garbage
Li Suiyun took Aphrodite with a proud face and walked out with his head held high. Everyone’s face changed slightly. Among them, Apollo, Athena, Ares and Hermes knew Li Suiyun or guessed his identity with the bamboo stick in his hand. All four people’s faces changed. The name of the Oriental Buddha is notorious.
In fact, sometimes it is so cruel. You have to put on a vicious look or show a vicious name when you talk about something, and the other party will be afraid.
Li Suiyun glanced coldly at the crowd and said faintly, "What are you doing here if you are not my opponent? Why don’t you retreat quickly? Do you want to learn to put out a moth and bring yourself to ruin?"
Apollo’s face changed slightly. He stepped forward and sank. "Taoist Qingxu, I don’t know why you came here. If you want to leave your identity, we won’t stop you, but you can’t take her away."
Aphrodite’s eyes were full of angry flames. "She is the god of Olympus. You didn’t take her away."
Li Suiyun’s eyes shot out a harsh silver light, which was powerful enough to condense into a solid spirit. Apollo flew out like being hit by a hammer, crossed the high crowd, drew a beautiful arc, and even made a harsh sonic boom, and then slammed it to the ground and smashed a deep hole.
Apollo couldn’t say he was depressed, and he wasn’t so bad. However, Li Suiyun’s mind was so good that he couldn’t move, and he couldn’t say he was uncomfortable. He could climb in the pit to recover his strength, but he didn’t know that this mind attack was still learned by Li Suiyun from the west by accident.
This scene shocked those low-order gods who were eager to try. Obviously, they didn’t expect that the enemy would be so powerful this time. Even the powerful Apollo didn’t pick up a move, so they lost their fighting capacity. They all inadvertently changed their positions and wanted to make themselves back a little. If there is a real fight, it is natural that there are twelve main gods leading the way, but it is not their little god battlefield.
Athena and Ares, who are extremely experienced in combat, naturally see that Apollo was caught off guard, but the war is so cruel, whether you are prepared or not, failure is failure, even if you are not prepared, you can blame him for his carelessness.
To make matters worse, even if Apollo was careful to guard against it, it was not an empty opponent. After all, the other side was a famous monk in the East. It was said that he could compete with Zeus and defeated Zeus in the early confrontation.
Athena glanced at Ares. She knew that her brother was no match for Apollo. How could she resist this eastern monk? When she gritted her teeth, she was about to make a move, but she saw that Ares gave her a reassuring look. The shield stood across her chest and the spear tilted at Li Suiyun’s mouth. She said coldly, "Do you want to start a war between the East and the West Protoss?"
Li Suiyun’s face twitched slightly. This guy is not an ordinary person. First, suppress yourself from the truth, then give yourself a big hat to start a war. Finally, he went to the bottom of Li Suiyun to see if it was a deliberate provocation by the Oriental Protoss.
Athena’s face also showed surprise. She didn’t expect Ares to become so refined. It seems really difficult to answer this question. Although powerful, but always conservative, the Oriental Protoss will not easily start a war!
Li Suiyun took a look at Ares and took a deep breath to enlarge his smile. "I am naturally worried. I want to find a partner because I want to close the road of enlightenment and I am afraid that the future of heaven will be long and lonely. It is also good to relieve my anxiety. I have long heard that Aphrodite, the goddess of love in Olympus, came to meet me. Are we both willing to leave here?"
Ares’s face changed greatly. He looked at Aphrodite in disbelief, only to see that the other side was leaning silently against Li Suiyun’s body, ignoring his own mind and felt a great pain.
Ares’ reckless personality also guessed that Aphrodite was revenged on the gods because of her own ability, and finally committed herself to the fat in front of him. He suddenly lost control and was a little hysterical, pointing to Li Suiyun and yelling, "Why do you take her away? She has an engagement with Hephaestus. Why do you take her away?"
Hephaestus, the god of fire, is not as arrogant as some gods. On the contrary, he is quite kind. When Prometheus was locked up, he spoke out against it. He knew that he was not worthy of Aphrodite, and he was not as cheeky as Li Suiyun. More importantly, he also liked Aphrodite’s feelings that his brother treated his sister. He didn’t want to destroy this feeling, and he didn’t want them to be forced to combine, which would eventually damage their reputations. Since she wanted to leave, let her go.
Hephaestus took one look, and Ares turned his head to Li Suiyun and some people didn’t want to face him. Aphrodite gave a warm smile and said calmly, "Aphrodite, although we entered into an engagement under the auspices of the Father, after all, you didn’t become a real husband and wife. I respect your choice and hope you are happy."
At this point, Vulcan paused and continued, "I don’t mind you leaving this powerful monk from the east who can compete with the father, but I hope you can get the father’s permission. After all, you are a member of Olympus, and getting the father’s blessing will make your marriage more perfect."
After listening to these words, whether Li Suiyun or Athena secretly gave a thumbs-up call "fierce", the position of the flame god is not very high among the twelve main gods, but no one thought that he would speak so well.
Obviously, he didn’t want to accept this marriage, which made him and Aphrodite unhappy, but he had to accept it under the pressure of Zeus. However, he used this opportunity to express his true feelings in front of the gods, and at the same time cleverly pointed out that the Oriental friar was strong, not himself. These gods could resist it in the end without showing any trace, and expressed their loyalty to Zeus, ensuring their status and security.
What’s more, it’s not as simple as the rude and savage blacksmith on the surface that Hephaestus did not fall on the face of Olympus.