荆芥水是一种传统的中草药制剂,主要来源于荆芥(学名:Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq.)这一植物。以下是荆芥水的一些主要作用与益处:

1. **镇痰、凉血**:荆芥水具有镇痰和凉血的功效,适用于治疗咳嗽、痰多、血热等症状。

2. **治疗感冒**:荆芥水可以用于缓解感冒引起的头痛、发热、身痛等症状。

3. **头痛缓解**:对于头痛患者,荆芥水可以通过其镇痰和凉血作用,帮助缓解头痛。

4. **解表散寒**:荆芥水有很好的解表散寒作用,适合于风寒感冒患者。

荆芥水是一种传统的中草药制剂,主要来源于荆芥(学名:Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq.)这一植物。以下是荆芥水的一些主要作用与益处:

5. **抗炎作用**:荆芥水具有一定的抗炎作用,可以帮助减轻身体炎症。

6. **抗菌作用**:荆芥水中的有效成分具有一定的抗菌作用,可以用于辅助治疗一些细菌感染。

7. **促进血液循环**:荆芥水还可以促进血液循环,有助于改善局部血液循环不畅的情况。

8. **止痒**:在荆芥水中加入防风、豆腐水等进行泡澡,可以起到疏风止痒的作用,适合于皮肤瘙痒患者。


– **剂量控制**:按照医嘱或产品说明正确使用,避免过量。
– **个人体质**:根据个人体质和具体症状选择是否使用荆芥水。
– **药物相互作用**:使用荆芥水时,需注意与其他药物的相互作用,特别是抗凝血药物。
– **不宜人群**:孕妇、哺乳期妇女、儿童等特殊人群应在医生指导下使用。

荆芥水是一种传统的中草药制剂,主要来源于荆芥(学名:Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq.)这一植物。以下是荆芥水的一些主要作用与益处:



1. **健脾养胃**:白豆性平,味甘,具有健脾养胃的作用,适合脾胃虚弱、消化不良的人群食用。

2. **补充营养**:白豆含有优质蛋白质、碳水化合物以及多种维生素和微量元素,能够补充人体所需的各种营养元素,增强免疫力。


3. **促进消化**:白豆中含有的维生素B1有助于维持正常的消化腺分泌和胃肠道蠕动,抑制胆碱酶活性,从而促进消化,增进食欲。


4. **调节血糖**:白豆的不饱和脂肪酸能够促进胰岛素分泌,参与糖酵解,对糖尿病患者来说是理想食品。

5. **抗炎抗菌**:白豆具有一定的抗炎抗菌作用,可以帮助抵抗病毒和细菌感染。

6. **改善皮肤状况**:白豆中含有的铁、钙等矿物质以及丰富的纤维素,有助于促进肠胃蠕动,帮助排出体内毒素,减少毒素堆积,从而改善皮肤状况。


7. **预防水肿**:白豆有利水渗湿的功效,有助于加速身体内水分的代谢,预防水肿。

8. **治疗相关病症**:白豆可以用于治疗脾虚兼湿、食少便溏、湿浊下注、妇女白带过多等症状。

9. **补肾壮阳**:白豆被认为有补肾壮阳的作用,适合肾虚人群食用。

10. **美容养颜**:白豆具有一定的美容养颜作用,有助于皮肤更新和保护。




1. **抗疲劳与增强体力**:刺五加茶中含有多种活性成分,可以抵抗疲劳,增强体力,适合工作压力大、经常熬夜的人群。

2. **补中益精**:传统医学认为刺五加茶有补中益精的作用,有助于延年益寿,特别适合中年人饮用。

3. **降低血压**:刺五加茶能够改善身体的循环系统,有助于降低血压,对于高血压患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. **改善睡眠**:刺五加茶有助于改善睡眠质量,对失眠多梦、难以入睡等问题有一定的缓解效果。



5. **调节神经功能**:刺五加茶有助于调节神经系统,对神经衰弱、心悸健忘等症状有改善作用。

6. **抗衰老**:刺五加茶具有一定的抗衰老效果,有助于保持年轻活力。

7. **降血脂**:刺五加茶可以改善高脂血症和高粘血症的血液流变特性,对心血管有一定的保护作用。

8. **祛风除湿**:刺五加茶可以祛风除湿,对风湿性关节痛有显著疗效。

9. **提高免疫力**:刺五加茶能够增强免疫功能,提高身体抵抗力。

10. **抗辐射**:刺五加茶具有一定的抗辐射作用,可以减轻电子设备辐射对身体的损害。

11. **补肾益精**:刺五加茶有助于补肾益精,增强男性性功能。

12. **辅助治疗多种疾病**:刺五加茶可以辅助治疗冠心病、糖尿病、白细胞减少症等疾病。



1. **高含量的维生素C**:刺梨中维生素C的含量非常高,每100克鲜果中含维生素C约841.58~3541.13毫克,远超其他常见水果,具有出色的抗氧化作用。

2. **抗氧化与抗衰老**:刺梨中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和黄酮类物质能有效清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞老化,起到抗衰老的作用。

3. **免疫调节**:刺梨中的多糖成分能够增强机体的免疫功能,特别是对非特异性免疫功能和体液免疫具有显著增强作用。

4. **糖脂代谢调节**:刺梨中的黄酮、多糖等成分对抑制葡萄糖苷酶活性、改善胰岛素抵抗和调节糖脂代谢有积极作用,有助于预防和改善糖尿病。

5. **微量元素调节**:研究表明,刺梨汁可排出体内过量的锰,调节微量元素平衡,拮抗锰中毒引起的脂质过氧化损害。

6. **抗炎作用**:刺梨提取物对白细胞和淋巴细胞降低有明显作用,能够减轻炎症,对胃溃疡有治疗作用。

7. **改善睡眠**:刺梨能清除体内过多的自由基,改善和治疗组织器官紊乱和障碍,有助于改善和治疗睡眠障碍。

8. **抗疲劳**:刺梨提取物可抑制乳酸生成,提供能源,帮助人体抵抗疲劳。


9. **保护心脏**:刺梨具有保护心肌细胞,提升肝脏抗氧化功能,改善肝脏损伤,养护脾胃,减少肾脂质过氧化物产生等作用。

10. **祛痰止咳,养护咽喉**:刺梨具有祛痰止咳、养护咽喉的功效,对于喉咙不适、咳嗽等症状有一定的缓解作用。

11. **防癌、抗癌**:刺梨中的多种活性成分具有防癌、抗癌的作用。

12. **健脾助消化,清热镇静解暑**:刺梨在中医里具有健胃消食、清热解暑之效,可用于治疗积食腹胀、痢疾、肠炎、维生素C缺乏等症。



### 金骏眉
1. 提神醒脑,增强体力,改善心情。
2. 富含茶多酚和咖啡因,有助于降压、降脂、抗氧化。
3. 利尿、消肿、解毒,有助于缓解水肿、排毒养颜。

1. 产于福建省武夷山市,属于优质红茶。
2. 外形呈金黄色毫尖,色泽红亮,清香浓郁,滋味鲜爽。
3. 制作过程采用传统手工工艺,包括摊凉、揉捻、杀青、发酵、干燥等多个步骤。

### 硬齿面减速机


1. 高传动效率,效率可达到96%以上。
2. 大扭矩传递能力,适用于需要大扭矩输出的场合。
3. 长使用寿命,比软齿面减速机长2-3倍以上。
4. 稳定性好,传动噪声小,振动小。
5. 维护方便。

1. 采用硬质合金或高强度合金材料制成的齿轮,具有更高的硬度和耐磨性。
2. 齿轮配合精度高,摩擦损失小。

### 茨菇


1. 散结解毒,补中益气。
2. 厚肠胃,止咳嗽。

1. 气味苦、微寒、无毒。
2. 营养丰富,每百克球茎含淀粉60克、蛋白质5.6克、碳水化合物25.7克、磷260毫克及其他矿物质和维生素等。
3. 可食用,且营养丰富,价值高,可煮食、炒食和制淀粉。


### 润致娃娃针
1. 通过注入透明质酸等医学美肤营养配方,使皮肤吸收并储藏大量水分,唤醒细胞再生机能。
2. 重塑紧致平滑富有弹性的肌肤,使皮肤紧致白皙、饱满水润。

1. 使用HEC高效微交联技术和利多卡因缓释技术,保证治疗过程舒适,抑制过度炎症反应,缩短恢复周期。
2. 持久水润,含有24mg微交联透明质酸钠,在真皮层保湿时间更持久。
3. 适用于全面部中胚层治疗,也可单独应用于静态性的额纹、眉间纹、口周/眼周衰老、颈纹等浅层皱纹治疗。


### 红豆的功效与作用:


1. **降血脂和降低胆固醇**:红豆中含有丰富的植物甾醇,有助于降低血脂和胆固醇,对心血管健康有益。
2. **缓解疲劳**:红豆具有缓解疲劳的功效,适合疲劳过度的人群食用。
3. **补血益气**:红豆含有丰富的铁质和维生素B群,有助于补血和增强体质。


4. **清热解毒**:红豆性平味甘,具有清热解毒的作用,适用于治疗口腔溃疡、消化道溃疡等炎症性疾病。
5. **健脾益肾**:红豆具有健脾益肾的功效,有助于改善脾胃虚弱和肾脏问题。
6. **促进血液循环**:红豆可以促进血液循环,增强体质。
7. **促进排便**:红豆中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,缓解便秘。

### 赤小豆的功效与作用:

1. **利尿排毒**:赤小豆具有利尿作用,有助于排除体内多余的水分和毒素。
2. **补血益气**:赤小豆同样含有丰富的铁质和维生素B群,有助于补血和增强体质。
3. **消肿**:赤小豆可以消除水肿,适合水肿体质的人群食用。
4. **清热解毒**:赤小豆性平味甘,具有清热解毒的作用,适用于治疗内热上火所导致的口腔溃疡、咽喉肿痛等。
5. **促进肠道蠕动**:赤小豆中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,缓解便秘。
6. **减肥**:赤小豆具有减肥功效,适合肥胖人群食用。


### 红豆与赤小豆的区别:

1. **形状**:红豆是圆身的,而赤小豆是扁身的。
2. **用途**:红豆主要用于食疗,而赤小豆则常用于中药材。
3. **口感**:红豆口感较为紧实,而赤小豆口感较为松软。


Pass the diamond crystal to Gao Cai when the sand monk said slowly that the tone is also solemn and seems to be entrusting a huge thing.

"Thank you, Uncle Sha, for taking good care of it. My brother will never be light without Uncle Sha’s permission!"
See the sand monk so solemnly high talent also dare not have the slightest contempt also solemnly took the diamond crystal.
"This little longevity sand technique can not only sacrifice and refine the magic diamond, but also make it easier for people to make magic weapons, including others’ magic weapons. If you want to be powerful, you can make others treasure. Moreover, this method is also a method of immortality, which can sacrifice and refine treasures. You can even encourage treasures to protect yourself."
Looking at Gao Cai’s face, he said slowly that he would focus on this practice.
After listening to the pig’s warning, Gao Cai’s face suddenly shocked, and his heart immediately became white. This method is important, and it can easily make others treasure. If you suddenly urge this method at the moment of engagement, you can let others treasure yourself, even if it is a moment, it can make your opponent beyond redemption.
The most important thing is that this method is not only a powerful protective method, but also a powerful refining method.
Thought of here, Gao was more grateful to the sand monk for sending this method, which was almost a choice of disciple teaching method.
This immortality tradition is as important as entrusting life. After all, the immortality law is the most important method for practitioners of heaven and earth. Many people have no immortality law, and they have to struggle to find their own precepts, but they have been tested many times, and they have been recognized by the Qing Dynasty, and they have almost passed the test of life and death
When I stepped back a little and bowed heavily, I slowly said, "Thank you, Uncle Famendi, for your kindness!"
"Haha, the second brother said it was too serious, not so bad!"
Seeing Gao Cai’s attitude, the sand monk smiled with a wave.
"Don’t bother, it’s not easy for you to repay us. Let’s eat Huang Zhongli and that golden fire honey casually in the future!"
The monkey jumped up from the side and said with a smile.
"Hehe, uncles can take these spiritual fruits at will in the future!"
Gao Cai smiled and immediately took out and looked at Jin Huoling honey and gave it to three people.
"Amitabha, the old woman, has come to beg for immortal fruit when she hears the extraordinary fragrance!"
Just after the three people finished, Dharma host and Tang Xuanzang came slowly and said with a smile.
"I have seen the master and the abbot!"
"I have seen two masters!"
Seeing the arrival of two people, they all got up and worshipped. Three people also knew that the abbot was the founder of Dharma, and they didn’t dare to neglect him.
"This is that Huang Zhongli is ready to send two masters to taste this fairy fruit because he can prolong his life!"
At this time, Gao Cai is not stingy to send out two Huang Zhongli.
I want to seek this golden cicada and pick up the golden fairy’s flesh. At this time, I can bear more cause and effect, and I can feel at ease in the future. Even the unfathomable and good karma is good for myself.
"Huang Zhongli? ! It’s a good chance for the benefactor, and you’re welcome. In the future, the benefactor can send an envoy to the grandmother at will. "
Looking at the shining golden light, Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Bodhisattva shook it slightly, but you’re welcome. I knew in my heart that this Huang Zhongli had disappeared since ancient times, but I didn’t expect to get this fruit here.
"It’s a good chance to quit the apprentice!"
Xuanzang didn’t know Huang Zhongli, but when he saw this fruit vision, he also knew that it was a natural thing, and he slowly ate it.
"The day after tomorrow is the Lantern Festival in Jinping House. On this day, there will be a grand event in Jinping House. You can watch it and have a chance at this time!"
After eating Huang Zhongli, Bodhisattva bodhi old zu said slowly, and the tone seemed to point.
When I heard this, Gao Cai looked slightly and knew that the three rhinos in Jinping House were coming out. I was afraid that I could also take the opportunity to drop these three animals.
But now it’s time to digest this Wanshou Hengsha technique and practice this method. First, sacrifice and refine your own country temple to sacrifice and refine your spiritual wisdom, so that you can have a real innate spiritual treasure.
Moreover, there are many common implements and magic weapons in their own hands, and some common magic weapons are even more, just to condense these magic weapons into a whirling treasure tree is also the best.
In particular, this longevity and constant sand technique has a certain protective power to be combined and carefully understood when it is given by itself.
"It’s just that we haven’t seen this lively scene for a long time!"
Xuanzang said slowly when he was thinking in a high school.
It was the Monkey Pig Ring and the Sand Monk who were also moved when they were talking in Dharma, knowing that they were afraid that there would be another disaster here.
Chapter four hundred Shoot an arrow at the sun
A huge fruit tree with golden light took root in Leihai, a pure sunshine in the temple of Daqian State. On the other side of this huge fruit tree, a statue of a beast head with a stick in one hand and a shield in the other. The heart was inserted by a giant arrow, and the giant was tightly locked by a thunderbolt chain. Around this giant, huge Raytheon was constantly bombarding with a thundercone in his hand.
"This is the ancient fierce beast teeth flesh! When it’s really scary, it’s not as scary as the monkey brother’s body. This guy’s heart is also sharp and scary. No wonder the sun was shot at the beginning! "
Looking at the pure Yang Leihai locked with teeth, the pig ring said slightly with a look and was full of admiration for this flesh.
"The second brother is right. After all, this gnawing tooth is more powerful than the famous fierce beast in ancient times. I met the murderer Hou Yi, otherwise I can also cross the world. The stick and shield in this guy’s hand is also a first-class treasure. It’s a pity that it was scattered by descendants, otherwise it might have become a congenital treasure."
At this time, the sand monk has always said little, and he is also amazed, especially looking at the evaluation of the body stick and shield of this gnawing beast with a hint of regret.
"All right, all right, what do you two evaluate? This guy practiced earlier than my old man, but now my old man can blow it up by strength alone."
After hearing the pig ring and the sand monk’s evaluation, the monkey looked at the tooth-gnawing behemoth’s hair flying and drank.
"Ha ha, Monkey, don’t be angry. I’m a disciple, but let’s help him refine the body of this gnawing beast to get an arrow!"
Seeing the monkey angry, the pig stopped laughing and made a rounder. He said that his body swelled into the hands of a giant with a hundred feet. With the help of pure Yang Lei Haili, he quantified a giant hand, and the sand monk also showed a huge body from the other side to suppress the teeth.
The monkey roared, and suddenly and violently, and the monkey went hard to the tooth-cutting body, and a huge ShaQi collided with the tooth-cutting body.
It’s also welcome to see that the master three people have contained the tooth-cutting talent. A little power in the temple of the country is poured into the number of bombardment teeth-cutting flesh. Raytheon’s body is a giant column of stars, and a nebula hangs over the tooth-cutting flesh.
At this time, the tooth-cutting flesh can suddenly shake up and resist, especially when it is suppressed. When the tooth-cutting heart shoots at the sun, the arrow emits a sharp Shaqi, which is as horrible as the great power of heaven and earth rushing to resist the killing of Gao Cai and others
This arrow that shoots the sun is the tooth-gnawing death ring, and it has become the tooth-gnawing amulet at this time. It is amazing to drink and peck at it.
It is at this time that in the face of all the people, they joined forces to attack and kill the whole shooting arrow, which slowly retreated from the tooth-cutting body. Every time this shooting arrow launched a tooth-cutting body, it broke out into a powerful and terrible ShaQi, which gave people a feeling of panic.

"You are so keen on Shinto, doesn’t it mean that you have no confidence in Shinto?" Jade Duxiu’s words hit Liang Yuanxin directly.

Liang Yuan was one leng, and then a weak smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Brother can actually see that."
Jade Duxiu said nothing in his heart, but it was a slight sigh that Liang Yuan had a profound heritage. If he was bent on seeking Shinto, he might not have a few chances. Unfortunately, Shinto is harmful. How many monks in this world can resist the temptation of Shinto?
Liang Yuan corners of the mouth with a wry smile, "Brother, do you know that I have obtained the ancient inheritance?"
Jade Duxiu nodded. "Although I don’t know about it, it’s no secret in our place."
"I am also ecstatic in my heart when I get the promise." Speaking of this, Liang Yuan revealed memories. It took a while to say, "Which Taoist leader is the most powerful person in ancient times, even if it is not much weaker than the Taoist from the dust."
"Oh," Yu Duxiu heard the story. How many treasures are contained in the dust-free abode of fairies and immortals? Yu Duxiu saw Liang Yuan’s unique possession of a dust-free Taoist priest, which is almost unimaginable.
"As the saying goes, success and failure also bear the burden. I didn’t know that Xiandao was difficult until I got the long road. The long road was one step away from Xiandao, and it was still so lamentable. What’s worse, I’m a young student who first boarded Xiandao." Speaking of this, Liang Yuan looked at Yu Duxiu. "In my opinion, Xiandao is too ethereal. I don’t see that there are countless immortal people since ancient times."
"Immortality is immortality and immortality. If you can live forever, you must care about what means." Liang Yuan sighed faintly.
Jade Duxiu’s heart is dim. Even though Liang Yuan has many conflicts, it is sad to see a tianjiao lose confidence with his own eyes.
Liang Yuancheng also lost and won’t have come to this point if he didn’t have a bearing. If he didn’t have a bearing, maybe Liang Yuan wouldn’t know that Xiandao was difficult and showed his fear.
Jade Duxiu has always been full of confidence in Xiandao or there is a saying that "those who know fear it"
"Alas," Yu Duxiu sighed faintly, and the divine light in his eyes flashed badly. He turned to look at Liang Yuan. "What if the gods can’t be sealed?"
It took Liang Yuan-yu a long time to say, "If you can fail, even if you fail, you will be able to make a comeback with your godfather. Now my brothers in Taiping Road have been involved. If you fail, it will be a great blow to my Taiping Road."
Jade Duxiu rose lightly and looked up for a long time without saying a word.
Since I have a congenital spiritual root, I will never feel that the fairy road is ethereal. He has a long life and can wait for the day when this world will not destroy him.
From today on, Liang Yuan will not be regarded by him. A person who has lost the qualification to be immortal has disappeared from everyone.
"What’s the situation in the city?" Jade Duxiu changed the subject and didn’t want to discuss the situation in the city in Liang Yuan.
"That Huang Puqi Su Chi is an old fox who led the military forces to leave a city with a bad look." Liang Yuan complained.
Jade Duxiu put his hands behind his back. No wonder last night, he lost a lot of power to absorb the disaster. It turned out that Su Chi didn’t intend to win the handover of the army.
"There is a military force outside the city that will eventually be hidden in the dark, and it will be a big trouble if I rush out and take a bite at the key moment." Jade Duxiu said flatly.
Liang Yuan’s eyes flashed a murderous look. "It’s you who told me about that Liu Yu. I’ve sent someone to spy on Liu Yu quietly. It won’t be long before news comes and I can take the opportunity to destroy this person."
Jade Duxiu nodded and didn’t speak. He took a step gently, and there must be no indifference between thousands of miles away. "I will leave you in charge of the other brother in the future."
Looking at the distant figure of Jade Duxiu, Liang Yuan sighed and dissipated in the wind. "It would be better for me to be handsome."
It’s no wonder that Liang Yuan showed an expression of shame. The education gap between the two grew up in a small environment is too big. Jade Duxiu is a poor family, and neither past lives is too good. Naturally, there is no so-called family concept.
Unlike Liang Yuan, as the saying goes, one man has a good word. Now that Liang Yuan has gained magical powers, he first thought of strengthening the family, such as educating him from his elders at home when he was a child, and all family interests should be emphasized. Now, the plan of sealing the gods will not only make him immortal but also strengthen the family. Liang Yuanle is not in Liang Yuan’s view, this is an opportunity to strengthen the family. To make great achievements this time, not only will he be immortal, but some people in the family will be pardoned by the clan.
Liu Yu, a secret valley outside the jade figurines city, looked at the information in his hand and frowned. "Actually, the city was broken overnight, and Huang Puji fled in a mess. Su Chi even disappeared, leaving me alone again. Even this is not good. It is better to leave early. If the generals in that city have a little brains, they will not let me sleep on my couch."
Thought of here, Liang Yuan ordered to hand in hand, "Go and prepare your bags quickly. General should immediately leave the jade figurine city."
Before I finished, I heard a desolate horn sounded in the distance, and a soldier stumbled in. "The general is not good. The jade figurine city won the soldiers and killed them here. Please make preparations early."
Chapter 256 Natural barrier cold river
The victory over the army quickly exceeded Liu Yu’s expectations. Hearing this, Liu Yumeng got up and "lost all the food and grass and everyone quickly retreated."
After saying this, the sword did not hesitate to turn over and the horse was in a mess.
In the end, Liang Yuan didn’t leave Liu Yu. Liu Yu was too alert and was frightened by Yu Duxiu for several times, so he refused to win the imperial head-on battle.
"This Liu Yudan is too small" looked at the letter Liang Yuan muttered.
Jade Duxiu sat aside and sneered at "not Liu Yu’s timidity, but I was terrified by daoist magic’s large array", but these words didn’t need to be said to be heard by others and to show off by myself.
Liang Yuan let go of CITIC and looked at a few maps on the table for a long time before saying, "This sinister road of Dayan Empire is difficult, and we will face the big Yan Hanshui River as soon as we start."
Yu Duxiu didn’t speak. Now Liang Yuan’s army is leading the other side to do what it does. Just follow behind. Most of the causal karma has been carried by Liang Yuan. Yu Duxiu wants to quietly absorb the robbery, but he doesn’t want to be the first bird to die quickly.
"If you want to go to the army to repair and dial early one day, you will cross the cold river as soon as possible and go straight to the hinterland of Dayan."
This cold water river is the last barrier for Dayan. If it passes through the cold water river, Dayan will be ravaged like a girl with an open arms.
If Taiyuan Road can support Dayan’s national subjugation, his Liang Yuan’s contribution must be the biggest in Taiping Road, and those people will not be too low in the future.
Jade Duxiu and the second day, the army arrived at the cold water river in a day’s time.
Far away, I looked at the other side, but I saw that there was a big swallow camp across the cold water river. The big swallow army was obviously ready for a long time.
This cold river flows fast, and the river is hundreds of feet wide, even if it is much wider than the Yangtze River and Yellow River in later generations, it is a real natural barrier.
Looking at the cold water river, Liang Yuan frowned. This cold water river is wide and beyond his expectation. This cold water river is a small river, but I never thought it was actually a mighty river.
"Brother, we came in a hurry and didn’t prepare a big ship. Is that good?" Liang Yuan looked at the fast-flowing water by the cold water bank, and a faint sadness flashed in his eyes.
"There are many ancient trees in the mountains cut down here and made into paddles." Jade Duxiu said indifferently.
Liang Yuan shook his head and pointed to the neatly arranged big boat across the street. "Even trees can’t make emergency boats. Even if they can’t stand each other’s impact, the key is how many trees do we have to cut down in Maneba?"
Jade Duxiu looks at the faint chill in the turbulent eyes. "Then cast a spell to freeze the river."
Liang Yuan still shook his head. "I’m afraid I can’t. The military forces here are too strong. The river is hundreds of feet wide, and the water is swift. Even if the avatar is big, it is difficult to seal it for a long time. It is too short to wait for all the soldiers to pass through it, and their lives will inevitably fall into the river. If some soldiers pass through it, there is nothing to send food to each other."
After a pause, Liang Yuan took out a scroll from his arms and said, "This ancient legend says that this river is incredibly cold. If people fall into it, they will freeze to death even if they are not drowned."
Jade Duxiu smell speech took the different records and read them again, then he looked at the river. At this time, when the sun was shining, he saw that the river was cold. Obviously, this different record is not false.
Jade Duxiu frowned. "Although I can walk around, I’m not proficient in dancing, but I’m an ancient inheritor. If I don’t enter this river, I’ll take a walk."
Liang Yuanwen just hesitated and nodded, "Brother, I will protect you."
When he said this, he saw Liang Yuan plop into the river, where the river just swam to show his head.
"How can you experience the coldness of the river when you disperse the water-breaking spell?" Jade Duxiu’s voice is not loud, but it is enough to enter Liang Yuan’s ear.
Liang Yuan just hesitated to disperse the mana in the river, but he saw that the water three feet away surged up, and an ice chill came to Liang Yuan with a shudder as if he had fallen into the river in the cold winter.
Although Liang Yuan is a friar, he is not out of the category of the body and the fetus. After three breaths, he sees Liang Yuan foaming at the mouth and choking the body. The water is instantly evaporated to dryness.
"Brother, this water is so cold. It’s even unrealistic for our army to swim in the past." Liang Yuan came to Yu Duxiu with a trembling body, and even the scorching sun in the sky brought him the slightest warmth.

"It’s no wonder that I have broken through to the realm of Taiyi True Immortal, but I’m just new to Taiyi True Immortal. It’s the same as my peak pruning method of Taiyi True Immortal. Give me a quick surrender and go to the Presbyterian Church for mercy!"

The third volume The stars gather together. Two hundred and ninety-seven Back to the Presbyterian Hospital
"Jiang Yan, you and I belong to the same sword Sect and teach the heirs-you actually shot me regardless of the friendship of the same family. I think it is you who really want to rebel!"
I’ve already made another shot in reading and drinking!
After all, he understood the true meaning of the sword tactic of the Great Harmony of Heaven, and passed the 99′ s thunder robbery. Although he just entered the realm of the true fairy of Taiyi, he was not inferior to the old true fairy of Taiyi. With the huge illusory country looming above his head, a force of King’s Landing flew into the air and a young man collided with him!
"You incredibly dare to resist? Haha, can you really reverse things by being promoted to the realm of Taiyi Zhenxian? Dreaming of the sky, the sword is broken! "
Re-condensed strength Tian Datong sword tactic collided with each other, so the two forces confronted each other head-on, and the whole HuShanDa array was hit violently, and some of them contained pitfalls, and they started to operate independently!
Taiyi realm is definitely the top among the first-class sects that belong to Yijianzong, and it is even second only to Zhangjiao and several elders in its status.
The two men fought here and immediately attracted the attention of some nearby Shinto, Xiandaodi and elders. At the same time, in the depths of Guiyijianzong, several powerful gods of Taiyi realm also extended from the inside to watch all kinds of things happening here!
"Nian Sheng, Jiang Mark, both of you belong to me. It’s a rare genius and a great successor to Zhang Jiao. Now I belong to a sword Sect. It’s an eventful autumn. Instead of uniting with the outside world, you are fighting with each other when I belong to a sword Sect. It’s outrageous to go to the Presbyterian Church at once!"
Fairy sound shocks, and a stronger will than ordinary Taiyi true fairy runs through the void, arrival.
"Taiyi Xuanxian!"
"It’s the elder Yin who intervened in this matter!"
"If you don’t interfere, one of the heirs of the Palm Sect will definitely disturb the Presbyterian Church. I’m afraid even the Palm Sect and several elders will ask about it!"
"I didn’t expect this student to become a true fairy of Taiyi, but it became troublesome. When I taught him the identity of a successor, I decided that he couldn’t practice Taiyi in ten thousand years. I didn’t expect him to do it!"
"He was promoted to too b true fairy and again? We all belong to a sword Sect, and all our brothers, Brother Jiang Mark, followed by Brother Zhan Jiang, taught us to support it, but such an outsider wanted me to belong to a sword Sect by virtue of the so-called orthodoxy 100 thousand years ago, and I was the first to refuse! "
"It’s true that almost all the elders support Brother Jiang’s idea of giving birth to an outsider, even if he practices to Taiyi Zhenxian, he can’t do anything about it."
Speculation keeps coming from those onlookers and elders!
From the mouth of these brothers and elders, Gu Qing has been able to hear that the pulse of Niansheng is very unpopular in this sword Sect!
It’s like a group of people who can return home have occupied a disposal villa for decades, but at this time, the owner of the villa suddenly came back and they naturally won’t be happy to take it back.
After listening to the words of the elder, Jiang Mark made a respectful salute to the direction of the sound, and then turned to Niansheng again. "Okay, now cut the crap and go to the Presbyterian Hospital together. If you dare to refute the Presbyterian Church, even if Elder Liu wants to support you, there is no reason to protect you!"
"Hum Presbyterian, I will naturally need your heart!"
With that, Niansheng turned to Gu Qing and said, "Gu Qing Daoyou, I’ll take you first, and we’ll return to Yijianzong. Now settle down and ask Tian Jianfeng for my master to entertain you. I’ll tell Daoyou what’s going on these years after you come back from the Presbyterian Church!"
"No, I’ll go to the Presbyterian Church with you!"
"This …"
Before Niansheng could speak, Jiang Yan beside him had taken the lead in grunting, "The Presbyterian Hospital is the most sacred institution for us to belong to a sword Sect. Even my true brother can’t step into it without being summoned by the elders. You, an outsider, want to enter the Presbyterian Hospital for me to belong to a sword Sect?"
After hearing that Gu Qing was commensurate with Niansheng Daoyou, the people who gathered in the same group regarded him as a master of Jin Xian or Taiyi’s true immortal cultivation. Moreover, from the point of view of the two people, it is obviously unusual, and it is very likely that Niansheng found a powerful ally. At that time, he did not have any scruples when he spoke.
"Are you? What if I have to go! "
"Hey, that depends on your business. It’s equivalent to invading us to belong to the elders’ courtyard of a sword Sect. It’s equivalent to invading me to belong to a sword Sect. It’s equivalent to belonging to the enemy with our whole sword Sect!"
Niansheng knows that Guqing is terrible at the moment, and even the immortal road is important. Luo Xuanxian’s realm is seven lore. The imperial city died in his hands. This repair is such a horror. If he really belongs to a sword Sect, the whole one will belong to a sword Sect. No one can resist it!
When he said coldly, "Gu Qing Daoyou invited me to be the successor of the past, which is still beneficial." After that, he turned to Gu Qing with some apologies. "Gu Qing Daoyou needs this person to have general knowledge!"
Gu Qing shook his head. "I want to see how you will handle this matter. After all, this matter involves me. If it weren’t for you to take me to a sword Sect, there wouldn’t be such trouble!"
"This …"
"Niansheng, since you have saved him, you should be prepared to be punished by the elders. Let’s go. Do you want the distinguished elders to wait for you?"
"Niansheng, let’s go!"
I sighed a little when I saw Gu Qing’s determination. "Let’s go there together, but this matter of Gu Qing Daoyou is, after all, that we belong to a sword Sect. It involves that we belong to a sword Sect and inherit the benefits. I hope that Gu Qing Daoyou will not intervene!"
"It’s also a big position!"
In Gu Qing’s mind, he couldn’t help but think of the dispute over the position of Xuanyang Tianzong when he was Xuanyang Tianzong. He shook his head. "Is this position really so attractive?"
"Guqing Daoyou don’t know, return to the wilderness and return to the sword clan to recapture the glory that belongs to our wilderness and return to the sword clan. The palm teaching of the sword clan is that all the elders have a lifelong hope, whether it is Qin Tianhu Fang Zhongyu or my master Wan Jiantao who passed away. They have been working hard in this direction since the day I joined the sword clan. Since I have this strength theory, I have learned from the master and returned to the sword clan.
"Yes," Niansheng nodded cautiously. "You must take responsibility!"
I can’t shake that thing when I hear the tone of my mind. I can’t help but be in a trance.
"You must take responsibility!"
Niansheng must shoulder the responsibility of returning to the sword Sect after entering the sword Sect. What about him? When he woke up to Qing Di’s memory, when he got the will of heaven through the silent LeiJie, when he released Qing Di from Yunxiao Holy Land … Whether … Whether, as Taoist Qingyuan said, he also had to shoulder the responsibility of fighting against Qing Di?

"It will be interesting to see what’s different about Hongjun. Hongjun claims to stand out from the crowd and I don’t know what’s different." Long Jun of the East China Sea got up and five brothers walked towards Haiyan in order.

The ghost god in the underworld sits opposite the ghost Lord.
"Are you going to devour Hongjunyuan?" Looking at the insect, the god and the ghost, the Lord was suddenly shocked and a bit horrified. "Is that Hung-chun already immortal?"
"I’m a born creature." Worm God shows white teeth.
Chapter 197 Calculation
Insect God is a congenital god beast, especially a famous god beast. A group of insects devour everything with overwhelming vitality.
Looking at the bug god’s eyes, the ghost Lord of the underworld nodded. "Hung-chun, this fellow is too f * * king. If you can devour this fellow, it’s better, but it’s also a menace. There is always a sense of crisis in Hung-chun’s heart."
Talking, the ghost master’s palm stretched out and The six great divisions in the wheel of karma circulated, and a quiet black hole emerged on Sunday. Seeing no light, terror was daunting at first sight.
Looking at the secluded black hole, the insect god didn’t hesitate to decompose several groups of insects into The six great divisions in the wheel of karma and disappeared.
Thirty-three Heavenly Sirs, the location of the demon god, is like Shinto. "Hung-chun, this fellow is amazing. Nowadays, this scourge is finally removed from the heart. Without this little random calculation, the heavens and the earth are missing a muddy water person, and we, the demon clan and the protoss, can also have less disasters and less muddy water people."
"Yes, it is this reason that Hung-chun is the protagonist of this great struggle. Even if he is suppressed by all parties, he has not only failed to be suppressed, but has soared to the sky. Now it is really great that the first ancestor in ancient times generally needed me to wait for Qi Qi to be able to suppress this fellow. Now he will suppress this small part of the source. This small one is impossible to make a comeback unless it can knock over all the strong ones, but this may be minimal."
The fox god was silent and then slowly walked out of the Heavenly Palace, watching the fox god go away and his back looked like Shinto. "Why does the fox god feel something is wrong?"
"It’s really wrong and I don’t know what’s wrong. After Hong Jun was suppressed, he was worried?" Hushendao
The two demon gods are silent and don’t pay attention to the fox gods, but deal with all kinds of problems of the demon race, plotting to kill the fiend clan, such as the town, and kill the fiend clan.
Thirty-three Heavenly Jade Duxiu was suppressed.
"Why are you here?" Jade Duxiu’s head stood on a tray and looked at all kinds of graceful manners. The fox god’s eyes flashed with a play abuse.
"Call you arrogant, call you arrogant. It’s great this time to be dismembered and suppressed by all parties in heaven and earth." Fox God is in front of Jade Duxiu.
Jade Duxiu sneered at the news and looked at the fox god. "Why did you come here today?"
"I’m looking at you as if you were sealed by someone, like you’re in a mess." Fox God sneered
Jade Duxiu shook her head and slowly closed her eyes. "I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you. I’m not only living well, but also living comfortably. If I don’t die, I can be born again one day."
"Knowing that you can’t get into the trap, you will die." The fox god looked at Yu Duxiu’s head and slapped Yu Duxiu. Yu Duxiu suddenly angered, "Why do you hit me?"
Fox God stared at Jade Duxiu with a pair of eyes, and pointed his finger at Jade Duxiu for a moment.
All the seals broke instantly, and Duxiu looked at the fox god in amazement. "What are you doing?"
"You go!" The fox god has a heavy face
Jade Duxiu looked at the fox god strangely. "You actually let me go. This will make all the people in the sky angry."
"It doesn’t matter if you let you go because of your pity." Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu. "Be careful when you go out. I can do it. You have to get these leftover bodies back by yourself."
At the fox god, Yu Duxiu slowly closed his eyes. "I’m not leaving."
"Don’t go" Fox God’s eyes are puzzled.
"If I want to go to the heavens and the earth, no one can trap me. If I don’t want to go, no one can drive me out." Jade Duxiu said unhurriedly, and saw that Jade Duxiu’s head was shining with divine light, and all the seals were broken by the fox god. "You don’t forget that this is the third heaven, and this is my world. Everything can’t escape from the inductive seat. If you want to escape, it’s just minding."
Fox God bowed his head and looked down at Jade Duxiu with a pair of eyes. "What are you planning?"
"Come here and I’ll tell you" Jade Duxiu said.
When the fox heard the news, he turned his ear to the track.
The consciousness of the fox god gave Jade Duxiu a slap in the head, and some of them were red and angry. "Since you want to die, don’t say that I didn’t save you, wait here and die yourself."
Say that finish after a big red robe fox god turned and left out of the town jade Duxiu palace.
"It’s a little weird," Jade Duxiu said. "Jin Li, this bastard, wants to benefit the four seas. It’s already uncomfortable to put this body in the four seas, so it’s better to take it back early."
"Hey, God, this stinky bitch is also thinking about taking the opportunity to devour the source power. It’s outrageous. Can you call this smelly bitch to succeed in watching the seats and teach him a lesson?" Jade Duxiu’s eyes are shining with cold light.
At the spring of the East China Sea, the Dragon King of the Four Seas gathered to look at the golden scales of a sole sealed in the spring. "If brothers want to know the mystery of Hongjun, it is better to thoroughly grind the refining source of Hongjun’s sole to get a glimpse."
"Hung-chun has proved that it seems unrealistic to want to break the source," said Long Jun of the East China Sea with a frown
The brocade scale said, "Several brothers have transformed the four images into a heavenly force. Even if they are above the strong, they can fight more than win by fighting, and even more so, Kuang Hongjun can only allow the strong."
"Jin Li, you are so vicious." Jade Duxiu’s sole spoke.
"Hung-chun! Now that you are in my hands, you should accept your fate. Today, you will thoroughly perform your mystery and check your details. You are not the protagonist of this great struggle! The protagonist of the big fight should be the opening angle of the ghost of the nether world. Because of your rebellious fate, it will be interesting to see who you are that actually disturbed the cat’s secret and changed the destiny. "Jin Li’s eyes flashed with a cold light, and the dangers were endless.
Looking at the brocade scale jade solo laughs at "idiot! You are just a poor wretch! Can you trap me with you loaches? Not too naive. "
Talking, I saw that the sole of Jade Duxiu’s foot had collapsed inch by inch and disappeared into the eyes of Donghai Spring. All seals and prohibitions had been turned into dust.
"Not good! Hung-chun ran away. "The East China Sea Long Jun shouted at SIRS Long Jun. It was too late to lock in the void. Are these people able to imagine the mystery of Jade Duxiu’s magical powers?"
"Fucking thing actually told him to run away. This fellow is much more difficult than the first ancestor. In that year, the first ancestor was still dismembered to suppress this small means. In this case, it is simply unreasonable to go against it." Jin Li fists clenched his eyes and flashed a bit of anger. "I didn’t see clearly what this small means."
"Warn the other strong men quickly that they must be kept under strict supervision, and don’t ask Hung-chun to really get away," said Long Jun of Nanhai.