
1. **化痰止咳**:紫苑具有很好的化痰作用,能够帮助消除体内痰液,从而缓解咳嗽症状。对于咳嗽痰多、痰液黏稠不易咳出等情况,紫苑具有显著的治疗效果。

2. **清肺泄热**:紫苑可以清肺热,对于肺热引起的咳嗽、痰黄、口干舌燥等症状有很好的缓解作用。

3. **通调水道**:紫苑有助于调节体内水液代谢,对于水肿、小便不利等症状有一定的改善作用。


4. **治疗咳嗽相关疾病**:紫苑常用于治疗各种咳嗽症状,如劳热咳嗽、肺痈(后期)、肺痿、吐血等症。常用的方剂有紫苑汤、紫苑丸、止嗽散、紫苑散等。

5. **抗菌作用**:现代研究表明,紫苑具有一定的抗菌作用,可以抵抗大肠杆菌、痢疾杆菌等多种致病菌。

6. **抗病毒作用**:紫苑对流感病毒有抑制作用,有助于预防由病毒引起的疾病。

7. **抗癌作用**:紫苑中含有的一些醇类物质可以抑制癌细胞的活性,具有预防癌症的作用。

8. **消炎作用**:紫苑对某些炎症类疾病有很好的消炎效果,如咽喉炎、气管炎、肠炎、腮腺炎等。

9. **润肺止咳**:紫苑用蜜炙后,可增强其润肺止咳的作用,适用于肺痨咳嗽、痰中带血、肺燥、咽痒、干咳等症状。

10. **解毒利咽**:紫苑性质微寒,能清热解毒,对于咽喉肿痛、声音嘶哑等症状有治疗作用。



### 1. 补肾壮阳

### 2. 清热解毒



### 3. 利尿消肿

### 4. 改善身体虚弱

### 5. 其他功效
– **改善腰腿疼痛和骨质疏松**:对于因肾虚引起的腰腿疼痛和骨质疏松有缓解作用。
– **清热解毒**:对于咽喉肿痛、口腔溃疡等由生活压力引起的症状有改善作用。

### 6. 服用方法

### 7. 禁忌
– 妊娠期妇女
– 对肾精草成分过敏的人
– 正在服用其他药物的人




### 印加果油


– **益处**:
– 含有丰富的Omega-3、6和9脂肪酸,有助于心脏健康。
– 含有维生素E和类胡萝卜素,具有抗氧化作用。
– 富含蛋白质,适合素食者和素食者作为Omega-3的来源。
– 有助于降低胆固醇、调节血糖、改善大脑和心脏健康等。
– **影响**:
– 可能导致过敏反应,但较为罕见。
– 需要适量食用,过量可能导致能量摄入过多。


### 夏威夷果油
– **益处**:


– 富含不饱和脂肪酸,有助于消化吸收。
– 具有减少胃酸、阻止胃炎和十二指肠溃疡的作用。
– 对胃部有益,适合胃部不适的人群。
– 有助于健脑益智、延缓衰老、预防骨质疏松等。
– **影响**:
– 高热量,过量食用可能导致体重增加。
– 可能不适合有特殊胃病或过敏体质的人群。

### 玫瑰果油
– **益处**:
– 富含必需脂肪酸、抗氧化剂和维生素,有助于保湿、抗衰老、提亮肤色等。
– 具有抗炎特性,可治疗痤疮和促进皮肤愈合。
– 修复阳光损伤,减少晒斑。
– **影响**:
– 需要高质量冷压油,以保留其有益特性。
– 对某些皮肤敏感者可能引起刺激。

### 油橄榄果油
– **益处**:
– 促进血液循环,预防血栓。
– 保护心血管健康,减轻心脏负担。
– 提高血小板活性,减少血栓发生。
– **影响**:
– 需要适量食用,过量可能导致能量摄入过多。

### 沙棘果油
– **益处**:
– 降低血液粘稠度,改善血脂。
– 增强心脏功能,改善冠心病、心绞痛。
– 缓解神经衰弱,提高记忆力。
– 消炎、抗溃疡,保护胃黏膜。
– 护肝解毒,清除体内自由基。
– 延缓衰老,增强身体素质。
– **影响**:
– 对过敏体质者可能引起过敏反应。
– 需要适量食用,过量可能导致能量摄入过多。



1. **高营养价值**:榴莲含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、多种维生素(如A、B1、B2、C、E)和矿物质(如钙、铁等),是一种高能量、高营养的水果。


2. **保健功效**:榴莲具有活血散寒、缓解痛经等保健功效,特别适合女性食用,对于改善腹部寒凉症状和寒性体质者有益。

3. **改善肠道健康**:榴莲中的膳食纤维和水分有助于消化和促进新陈代谢,维护肠道健康。

4. **增强免疫力**:榴莲中的高营养价值和某些特殊物质(如谷氨酸、核黄素和维生素C)有助于增强免疫力,预防慢性疾病。

5. **控制体重**:虽然榴莲热量较高,但脂肪含量较低,适合需要控制体重的人群食用。

6. **促进消化和抗氧化**:榴莲中的某些成分可以帮助消化,并具有抗氧化作用,有益于身体健康。

7. **促进食欲**:榴莲的特殊气味能开胃、促进食欲。

8. **促进体温上升**:榴莲有助于改善腹部寒凉症状,可以促使体温上升,适合寒性体质者食用。



1. **补充营养**:水葡萄含有丰富的糖类、维生素A、B1、B2、C以及蛋白质、矿物质钾、磷、铁等,这些都是维持人体健康所必需的营养素。

2. **抗氧化作用**:水葡萄中含有多种抗氧化物质,如多酚类化合物、维生素C和维生素E等,能够中和自由基,防止其对身体组织的损伤,从而预防多种慢性疾病。


3. **预防心脑血管疾病**:葡萄中的多酚类物质有助于保持正常的血压水平,并且可以舒张血管,促进血液流通,改善心血管系统的功能。此外,葡萄中的红色素和类黄酮等有助于降低胆固醇水平,减少动脉硬化的发生。

4. **抗衰老**:葡萄中的类黄酮是一种强力抗氧化剂,可抗衰老,并可清除体内自由基,帮助延缓衰老过程。

5. **缓解疲劳和神经衰弱**:葡萄含有多种人体所需的氨基酸,常食葡萄对神经衰弱、疲劳过度大有补益。

6. **补虚弱**:葡萄干,即葡萄的干燥形式,其糖和铁的含量较高,是妇女、儿童和体弱贫血者的滋补佳品。

7. **健胃消食**:葡萄中的多量果酸有助于消化,对于食欲不振、消化不良有一定的改善作用。

8. **利小便**:葡萄被认为有通利小便、消肿的功效,对于小便涩少、水肿的人有一定帮助。

9. **调节肠道**:葡萄中的膳食纤维有助于调节肠道功能,有助于消化和促进肠道健康。


10. **促进血液循环**:紫色和黑色的葡萄含有丰富的花青素,能促进血液循环,对面色苍白、气血虚弱的人有很好的调理作用。


– 适量食用,避免过量,因为葡萄含糖量较高,过多可能导致身体负担。
– 不要榨汁后冰镇饮用,因为榨汁会破坏葡萄中的维生素,且冰镇饮料可能加重体寒。
– 选择新鲜葡萄,避免食用不新鲜的葡萄以防细菌感染。



1. **润肺止咳**:银耳具有滋阴润肺的作用,能够帮助缓解因肺燥引起的咳嗽、干咳无痰等症状。雪梨生津止渴,具有清热润肺的效果,两者结合能有效止咳。

2. **清热解毒**:冰糖性平,具有生津润肺、清热解毒的功效,对于体内热毒积聚、咽喉肿痛等情况有辅助治疗作用。

3. **养颜美容**:银耳富含天然植物性胶质,长期服用有助于滋阴润肤,减少皮肤干燥,对延缓衰老、减少皱纹有一定的帮助。

4. **促进消化**:冰糖和银耳都有助于润肠,对于改善便秘、消化不良有积极作用。

5. **增强免疫力**:银耳中的酸性多糖类物质能增强人体免疫力,调动淋巴细胞,加强白细胞的吞噬能力,从而提高身体对疾病的抵抗力。

6. **改善心血管健康**:银耳中的矿物质如钙、磷、铁等,有助于维持心血管系统的健康。

7. **滋阴补气**:银耳具有滋阴补气的功效,对于体虚、气短乏力等情况有缓解作用。



8. **适合孕妇食用**:这道甜品不仅对普通人群有益,还适合孕妇食用,有助于孕妇的身体健康和胎儿发育。

9. **辅助治疗慢性疾病**:冰糖银耳炖雪梨对于慢性支气管炎、肺原性心脏病等慢性疾病有一定的辅助治疗效果。


When Xu Guangying heard this, he mused, "Even if you didn’t kill the target, you’ll reach the magical Taoist. Have you arranged it?"

The Magic Taoist laughed. "It’s quite interesting. First of all, those who turned out to be Taikoo’s younger brothers all have a deep hatred for Taikoo’s family, and they are generally loyal to me. At the same time, I also turned a Taikoo’s female appearance to pursue some secret younger brothers in Taikoo’s family. Those people were all elite trained by Taikoo’s family and were quietly hidden in the war. More than a dozen people believe that many core elders of Taikoo’s family will go on the rampage. Haha-"
I didn’t expect that the viola-changing person was this magic Taoist.
Chapter III Kyushu War
Among the people present here, the ethereal person is the leader, but not the master of many Taoist priests.
The remaining five Taoist priests, namely, Magic Taoist, Shadow Taoist, Soul Taoist, Evil Taoist and Spiritual Taoist, are all people who stir up all walks of life and use poisonous tricks, and everyone is very extraordinary in their practice. It can be seen from their provocation to come and go freely.
However, it seems that many experts in Taikoo Clan, including Taikoo Clan Master, rarely know that this group of people are making them plan to implement step by step.
But this time, it’s different. In addition to the five Taoist priests, there is a virtual shadow. His breath is a little dark, like a dark star hidden in the dark night, which makes people be very careful.
All the people are behind the mouth, and this shadow finally said, "The leader of the tunnel people and the ghost people have awakened, so that I can also make moves. Even if we meet the ten core elders of Taikoo, we can cope with this time. Even though the Taishan Kyushu War is important, many core elders of Taikoo will never be dispatched, and there will be several people staying in the cloud and the virtual world. At that time, the Taishan turmoil will be launched again, which will bring devastating disasters to the right path."
The leader also laughed. "There is nothing wrong with the right path. Although the calculation is not shallow, several masters have already arranged the response method to ensure that the right path is killed. The pattern of the three realms will also change because of this. Of course, everyone can’t take it lightly. The biggest variable of the Taishan turmoil was that it turned out to be a young man who was unknown in ancient times. I don’t know what the fate achievement method was, but it was even rare in a thousand years. Even the Lord of Yin and Yang did not break the sky cover with an earth blow. I don’t know this.
The last virtual shadow, that is, the master who is called the magic Taoist, replied, "I have found out that this land is the Lu family whose clan was originally located in the Nujiang generation. When it was called Pingxi Village, it should have been attacked by wild animals. But I don’t know that it was reported that Pingxi Village people successfully avoided the disaster until the disaster subsided. It is not unusual for them to return to this matter. I believe that there are masters sheltering this Lu clan, but I can take care of this matter."
The commander nodded slightly and said at the same time, "Don’t leave anyone alive when you kill the Lu clan. You must cut the grass and root out the roots and leave no harm!"
The magic Taoist smells and nods, and the whole person’s magic shadow flashes and dissipates directly.
The few remaining Taoist priests also dissipated one by one, but the only one who was in charge looked up at the sky and sighed, "This time, Kyushu will be the right way, and finally the contest between fairies and demons in the cemetery will be over-"
The Kyushu Alliance was originally a symbol of a strong force in Kyushu, but after the Taishan turmoil, the strength of the Kyushu Alliance was greatly damaged. Although the foundation has not been shaken, it has not recovered much in recent months, but a large number of soldiers and low-ranking monks have been deployed in Kyushu to supplement their manpower.
In World War I, four of the nine masters of Kyushu Alliance participated in the war, and no one died, but all of them survived. This time, the emperor himself ordered the rest of the nine masters to be transferred back.
This time, the rules of Kyushu War have also been changed, not as in the last time, but in a wider range of battles. The whole war is divided into sixty-four war zones, each of which can have several monks but no more than ten people, that is to say, there are ten more people in a small battlefield.
In this way, it is equivalent to nearly 640 monks participating in the war. At first, each side will compete in a small battlefield. One group will divide each group into two teams to compete with each other. If a group is full of ten people, it will be five against five. If it is less than ten people, there may be a difference between the two sides. It is also divided into two groups.
The winner in each group should be four or five people. Among them, there will be another scuffle, and in the end, they will still stand, and one of them will be able to stay successfully.
Of course, if this group of people almost fight for it in the end, then one of the winners will be elected by the ruling.
This is equivalent to selecting 64 people after two rounds of team warfare and melee, then disrupting the grouping into a one-on-one competition and finally competing for the top few people.
Throw it in the front and don’t look at the back. The method of competition is somewhat similar to the Taikoo Fairy Congress.
It is particularly important that the first round of elimination is the tactical combat power competition between the two sides, which requires several people to beat each other in a group and cooperate tacitly.
The second wave of melee is even more thrilling. If anyone wants to fight alone for several people and turn the tide, it is likely to become the target of all attacks and be eliminated for the first time. Skills and tactics must be skillfully transported.
Taishan people are buzzing. This time, all factions have sent more people to ensure the safety of their younger brothers. Even some big factions and many elders are invited to come out of the mountain to force evil spirits to attack, and they are fully prepared.
Kyushu AU is to decorate sixty-four large arrays on the periphery of Mount Tai, which is said to be able to suppress hundreds of evil spirits. Of course, its power should not be simple even if it is not exaggerated as it is said. After all, this time, the nine masters of Kyushu AU have returned, among which Johnson has already reached the peak of the fairy, and there is more than one strong man such as Bai Yu and Jin Xian.
Taikoomen, Xuanyu Tiangong, and Wanyu Zongzhengdao still sent elite brothers to Taikoomen. This time, it took a lot of effort to deploy a lot of brothers, holy spirits and holy deities from the three mountains and twelve peaks, which was much stronger than the previous one.
Baihua Valley, Qingyun Gate, Yuxianyuan, Kunlun Mountain, Yunyue Mountain Villa, Crystal Cave, Falling Moon Sect, Sun True Religion and many other factions, caves and blessed places, and immortal schools have sent people to cultivate immortals, and the number of masters has increased by several times compared with one time. Most of them are orthodox schools, and some schools that are both righteous and evil have also come to express their views.
More practitioners, both good and evil, have also gone to Kyushu League to come and watch the battle. At the same time, this is also a position choice. If you stay away from it, you may be divided into evil schools, and the right path is not easy to get along with.
Chapter IV Remembering the Old Friends
Heroes come out of youth since ancient times
The decisive battle in Kyushu at the top of Mount Tai triggered the dream of several young masters.
This time, the Kyushu heroes gathered in Wan Li Road and finally gathered in Mount Tai again. Today, many blood bones buried in the right path also have a touch of sadness.
Kyushu Battlefield has long been rebuilt and a statue of a handsome boy has been erected there.
It is the statue that carved the teenager, showing his eyes full of gods, rich in gods and jade, and his arrogance. Lingyun made many young monks in the cultivation world look up to their hearts and admire him.
Looking at the statue, there were tears in a woman’s eyes. Was it soft rain? This time, she came to Mount Tai with all the people in Baihua Valley. She never believed that Lulu was dead.
She is very good at being away from home, and belongs to a bosom friend. Maybe she is not as rebellious as being away from home, but she is similar.
Besides, the experience before the rain was soft was also very hard. She hoped that the turmoil in Mount Tai would come so suddenly as the travelers from the land looked at the mountains and the sea and fought the world of mortals.
"The first world war I always can’t change anything-"
Fang Yunhan looked at the statue of Lu Li and looked very sorry. He lamented that the tragic World War I was also very sorry for the disappearance of Lu Li.
This time, in addition to the core elders, the younger generation of the masters who came to Taikoo Gate left Li Zhuran, Mu Qianxue, Nangong Extinction, Thousand Feathers, Moon Ice Mark and others, all of whom became the masters of Taikoo Gate’s new generation of young people, and their cultivation became more and more refined, and they were truly consolidated.
They will fight for victory in this Kyushu war.
There are more people coming from Yuxianyuan than once. In addition to Qiong Yuxian Hualin, there is also a man who followed. That is Hualin Younger called Huaqing. Her appearance is very soft and somewhat graceful, and she is graceful like a fairy. It is also extraordinary that Hualin is clamoring to win a top ten place.
There are many masters in Yuxianyuan, but they easily belong to the land of cultivating immortality. This time, if it is not for Hualin’s great progress, it is estimated that it is possible to give up this Kyushu Yuxianyuan people who don’t like to compete for fame and fortune, that is, to respond to the call of the emperor.
Bai Yu and Nie, two people from Taishan Kyushu War Station, personally sat in town to meet the masters of various factions. Because of the previous turmoil in Taishan, they taught the right path a great lesson. Therefore, the Kyushu Alliance is fortified at all levels, including many families and forces in Kyushu. Otherwise, there will be great disaster.
Many aristocratic families reacted differently to a deadly battle in Mount Tai, but the final result was that they changed their minds in these months, and all the aristocratic forces in Kyushu were intimidated and dared not follow.
That Nie is the number one ranking of the nine masters of the Kyushu Union. This ranking is actually just a statement from outsiders. Actually, the Kyushu Union Department has not made any ranking of masters. This Nie’s combat power is not necessarily worse than that of white.
It’s a very strange thing that Niqi cultivated himself. He reached the mid-term realm of immortals in just a hundred years, and then he was able to break through it almost every ten years in the following years. At present, he has reached the late stage of immortals, and every catastrophe. He is also a magic weapon. He is a master who makes many monks look up to him by his own strength.
This time, many sects from the periphery of Kyushu War Station came one after another, and some people also got together. No, others were because they all knew each other once, and that was separation.
Except for the thousand feathers, all the young brothers in Taikoo Gate miss the lingering rain, the moonlight and the gentle elegance, and the Nangong Xiaowan have also come here. They looked at the Nangong Xiaowan and the latter shook their heads slightly. Obviously, there has been no news from Taikoo Gate these days. At the beginning, even the main emperor of Taikoo Gate tried to find it, but the Nangong was destroyed.
Shao Tianhen Fang Han’s body was retrieved by their elders, and Yunge almost disappeared from the realm of cultivating immortals. This made Taikoo people very sorry that Fang Han’s two brothers disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes, separated by life and death.
Celestial Fire Sect, Qingyun Gate, Yunyue Villa, Crystal Cave and many other sects, their elite brothers are also doing their best to look at the statue of Mount Tai in the forest, and their eyes are also full of regret, sighing and looking into the distance.
That appeared in Pingxi Village had a great influence on Lu Li’s entry into the realm of cultivating immortals. At the moment, Zhu Zhangweng also came to Mount Tai, but he almost ran out of Shou Yuan to come here this time, that is, he just wanted to have a look at such a grand occasion.
In the past, everyone walked and walked. At this time, it was said that the length was not long, and some people died in the world of mortals, and others actually came to a white head.
Many people sigh, sigh and feel sad, but this is the reality. It is said that all immortals have to face many things and cross many robberies. This is the road to cultivate immortals, and this is also life.
More and more experts are coming, among them, some young brothers lead people to fall around many Kyushu battle platforms and wait for the Kyushu Alliance to make further arrangements. The remaining experts and elders of all factions are waiting for Yuntai Tiantai tea to watch the battle.
The battle platform of Kyushu is a thousand feet high, and the battle platform of Kyushu Alliance holds up sixteen cloud rooftops, each of which can accommodate hundreds of experts and integrate many sect leaders and elders into it, overlooking the whole battle situation of Kyushu.
Peripheral fairy array is also a layer-by-layer exhibition. Kyushu League has sent a monk who is less than Yuan Ying to greet him in the distance. The more soldiers are trained in the distance, the stronger they are. Almost all the fairy-level masters are in the patrol, and then there are fairy sitting in Bai Yu and Nie.
It’s hard to hide everyone’s sadness in such a hustle and bustle. Fang Yunhan sighed again, "If only he could show up, I miss you to fight side by side."

"I advise a few of you to give in easily. You’ll have to wait until we make a move, and you’ll be broken bones and tendons!"

"Well, you are lucky to fall into our hands. If you let Yan Gong make moves, you will know what is the ten-fold torture in hell …"
Three people, one sentence, have already sentenced these righteous brothers to death.
Most of the people across the street are the arrogant generation of their respective sects, who is not arrogant except Zhang Xiaofan?
How can I hear this kind of words? Then I heard the Van Gogh Valley Li Xun sneer at it. "The evil clown still dares to be rampant. Today is the day when you wait for death. Even if you kneel down and beg, you won’t want to save your life."
After saying this, Fanxiang Gu Yanhong immediately echoed, "Brother, it’s just like that!"
The old man’s face changed as cold as frost. "It seems that you really don’t know who you met, even if your master is here today, you dare not say such things!"
At the same time, his face changed greatly, and he was silent for a long time. He naturally knew that the old three were careless, but the Yan Gong, who turned his back on everyone, was by no means them, so he could provoke these right elites. It is really possible that all the departments will be folded here today!
Anxious, his face showed anger, and suddenly he rushed over the old man and others and shouted, "The old man is just a bunch of small hairs. You have to take a look at me to settle them!"
He pulled out his sword and looked arrogant, but his eyes kept turning towards Qingyun Gate. Qi Hao and Zeng made crazy eyes.
In this scene, some people across the street noticed it, others didn’t, but it doesn’t matter.
Because then Qin Changfeng finally slowly turned around during the just eyes swept away …
In the sprint, Xiaozhou immediately stopped and stumbled for two steps and almost fell down. His face was extremely ugly.
The opposite person also seems to have agreed to hold his heart together and quiver. According to the physical strength, some people are encouraged by their throats, while others are directly sprayed with a blood arrow.
Turns out to be in a flash milli signs to situation at the same time!
Face like wax paper, everyone looked at the masked figure with horror in his eyes.
Even if people are injured at the same time, why do you still fight like this?
Xiao Yicai was also warned by a small punishment, and his heart sank to the bottom of the sea. He regretted not sending the news of Yan Gong back to Yu Daoxuan earlier. The real person did not realize the seriousness of the problem and only sent a young brother.
"This is the right path elite, Junjie, Tianjiao?"
At this time, Qin Changfeng’s mask face was full of teasing sounds but full of contempt. He said with great disappointment that "Gong was ten years old and practiced for seven years to become a hell. It’s a pity that Yamaraja’s travelling in the travelling mountains is higher than that of Yingjie … You are all a bunch of idiots, and you don’t even have any interest in showing a king’s domineering."
When they want to resist, Qin Changfeng will increase the intensity of heavenly heart robbery, and the faint feeling of heart tearing will make them quiet instantly.
However, even so, everyone still never said, "The pavilion is not crazy. It’s not that there is no arrogance to defeat you this day. There is a young monk at Tianyin Temple at the age of fifteen, that is, Xuangong Dacheng has created a three-style holy method. If he beheads you here, it will be like killing a dog!"
"Do you say it’s a Buddhist monk?"
Qin Changfeng touched appreciate each other’s unique vicissitudes of life and evil spirit in Ba Mu’s eyes and sighed, "This is indeed a stunning wizard. He has been entangled for half a year and fought for hundreds of times. Even though he has done everything he can, no one can resist a draw … He is also the only one who recognizes his opponent behind my mountain. If there is a stone for me to cultivate Buddhism, I will share my mind and fight monsters … You people will share your heart and fight for life!"
With a sigh tone, Qin Changfeng almost laughed. I have to say … It’s a strange experience to praise yourself so hard.
However, others don’t know that these people who know the law heart not only don’t refute, but silence represents approval … They have to admit that their peers in front of these two people are indeed comparable to the small roots.
The only thing that makes me angry is that Li Xun in Van Gogh Valley shows disdain and grunts coldly, "But you dare to brag like this just because of the sinister and vicious evil method. I really don’t know if there is something really wrong, so I will fight openly. Do you dare?"
"Do I dare?"
"Why should I dare?"
Li Xun suddenly let out a scream, a mouthful of bright red hot blood gushed out, and at the same time, his knees bent and he knelt down directly to look miserable.


The star "Xuangeng" crossed the boundless star world with the mother’s call, and suddenly came to this dazzling Yang Tianzong Dangzhen Zongbao Tianwaitian, which merged this meteorite in one fell swoop, and the suppressed one was already dead and heavy!
Get this spiritual will from the purpose, the original has been suppressed without any temper, and I have forgotten that I am beyond the world. The will suddenly glows with exhaustion of crazy fighting spirit, and I have returned to the mother, freed myself from the bondage of yearning for the free star world, which instantly burns out the last power hidden in the depths of life …
"boom! Boom Boom! "
The whole world is like entering a doomsday, and all the Geng Jin gas that is hidden in it suddenly explodes, causing unparalleled lethality … If a part of the sixth-class stars is separated even if it is only 500 miles vertically and horizontally, all its forces are still not inferior to a low-level star explosion …
So crazy that the power of Geng Jin may tear everything apart and destroy everything …
But the end may also be a new life!
Because of this moment …
The will contained in the two worlds is no longer bound by the rush to return to the mother … It also includes the new will that crossed the universe from the mother "Xuangeng" and came to this day …
Or …
That road belongs to the new will of Guqing spirit!
The third volume The stars gather together to fight for the hundredth time and dazzle the sun
"This is …"
"The heaven and the earth contain gold gas so chaotic!"
"these forces have been led out by human face."
The complete chaos of all the gold in the two worlds shocked all the true brothers and elders present. Even the two elders who were locked in the depths of the two worlds were bent on impacting the higher realm of Shinto and staying out of touch. At the same time, the grand momentum filled every corner of the whole world from the sky to the sky.
"Who dares to touch us to dazzle Yang Tianzong!"
"eh? Gather at the Xuanyang altar! ? Inflammation but the magic door killed the gate. "
In the drink, two powerful momentum have shuttled back and forth with a burst of changes to the direction of Xuanyang altar!
However, I’m afraid that no one can answer the question of these two elders except Gu Qing. This phenomenon has obviously exceeded the limit that one of them can understand.
Beyond the sky!
That’s tens of thousands of years ago, it was taken in by the elders of Xuanyang Tianzong, and the elders of Xuanyang Tianzong sacrificed and refined day and night. The power of this meteorite is no less than that of the leisurely artifact. If the power inside is pulled out at one stroke to shoot the enemy, even if Wan Jiantao, the largest Sect in Middle-earth, comes, how far can he escape? If he escapes a little slower, he may stay here forever and die!
This can be described as the ultimate protection measure for the whole Xuanyang Tianzong.
But now …
It’s no wonder that someone is mobilizing the power of the two worlds to make this force out of their control. This move is suspected to have shaken them. It’s no wonder that even those two people who have been living in the two worlds have never asked the foreign affairs elders, but they can’t sit still and run out to heckle what happened
Although Yunyan answered the two elders’ heckling questions, one practiced divinity, knowledge, Taoism and respect, and their calculation of everything in the world has reached the point of rapid flash. Some mortals need to think for years, decades and even hundreds of years, and the problems will immediately come to mind clearly.
Just a thought that his eyes instantly fell on the eyes of Guqing, whose eyes were already cold and windy, broke into a murderous look with horror. "Guqing is you! ?”
"Yes, it’s me! You have always been afraid that if I grow up, I will shake the foundation of your dazzling heavenly Sect. Now I will show it to you! "
As soon as the words are finished, Gu Qing has one hand and one finger!
In that spirit of the earth, the spirit will pull the original messy chapter into the sky, and the horror gold gas seems to have found the commander-in-chief to command them at the same time, which instantly blooms a wave of terrorist energy, tearing the whole sky apart and directly condensing in the virtual place where the dazzling altar is located, just like a handle, the most sharp and extremely magical weapon in the world covers the sky with dense murderous look!
"YunYan! Pick up the sword! "
Mobilize the power of sending treasures from Xuanyang Tianzong Town to deal with him, the Xuanyang Tianzong Zhang Jiaozun, which is a shame that he has never experienced in his life!
However, Gu Qing ignored the wrath of the palm and taught Yunyan.
With his will pulling and condensing in the sky, he found the target at the same time, and cut all the sharp edges directly, tearing them apart and killing each other in vain.
These golden spirits are born out of the six-star "Xuan Geng" and the inheritance speed is equivalent to that star to a certain extent!
And "Xuangeng" may be much bigger than "Juque" in volume, but it is definitely not too small. They inherited the speed of "Xuangeng" and they broke out in an instant with an attack that was less than 210 times the speed of sound …
Not the speed of light, not the speed of light, but this speed is enough to kill everything.
"whew! Whew! Hey! "
All over the sky, the golden light is full of murderous look, just like a golden light rain in the sky!
The strength that runs through people’s hearts in each of these golden gas and murderous look makes the elders and true brothers present in Dandao feel cold, cold hands and feet, and some people who are weak even feel a sense of terror.
Even yan wang, Tai Luan, and Li Guang, three super masters promoted to Shinto realm, were filled with fear at this moment!
Although they were promoted to the realm of Shinto, it was only when they attained the highest distance from the light that Shinto reached its peak. In addition to practicing trance knowledge, even Yuan Shen did not condense out! Shooting them one by one in the face of this kind of golden gas may be able to capture the shooting trajectory of the golden gas and avoid it, but … If it is shot, it will be raining all over the sky …
Law dodge!
There’s nothing to avoid!
Dodge, then you can resist!
However, although the attack power contained in these golden gases has not yet reached the level equivalent to the impact of the pole artifact, the greatness of each line will not be inferior to that of the Chinese artifact!
Resist hundreds of artifact attacks! ?
Unless they have an artifact to protect themselves or they have cultivated to the four-fold understanding of Shinto, they will wait for them to have a …

"Very good!"

Yu Guihai nodded and pointed out that the magic fire of the black industry gathered all over the sky, and finally turned into a thick black flame rune that penetrated into the blood core of Fali.
With a stuffy hum, Fari quickly languished, and his life was completely in the hands of Yu Guihai.
Chapter 19 Terror Blood, Blood Magic Sutra, Betrayal
Yu Guihai sat beside the abode of fairies and immortals, and an old man in a red robe stood respectfully.
The old man’s face is pale, but his eyes, lips and nostrils are bright red. He is the form of blood-based transformation, which can better help him walk in human society.
Yu Guihai is thinking that he has just learned about the strict hierarchy of demons from Fali.
The inferno level is mainly divided according to the blood, and the strength of each rank is second.
High inferno has a strong blood to low inferno. Even if the strength of low inferno is higher, it will be crushed by high inferno. Even if the strength is higher, it is generally not dare to disobey.
For example, it was like this to him in Fa ‘a. He remembered that the demon statue blood class was so horrified before he died, and I’m afraid it was also shocked by the magic power of his awakening black industry.
Yu Guihai has some understanding of this division. In fact, human beings are almost not as outrageous as inferno and have substantial suppression effect.
Although the level of human beings is generally divided according to their strength, their blood is also important. For example, although his strength is not high, those strong human beings should also respect each other.
According to Fari, he is a inferno’s blood force.
However, Yu Guihai knows that the black industry magic fire is the first clan, one of the devil’s forces, and now he has not yet activated this devil’s veins, but only activated 50%
This has the strength of an inferno, so what is the level of complete first clan blood?
In addition to the middle three, the inferno has a stronger royal bloodline, and the royal bloodline also has high and low levels, but you don’t know that if you divide it, you know that the third-level bloodline is royal.
Yu Guihai speculated by himself that the first clan blood must be the royal blood and the top blood in the royal blood.
In addition to the inferno level problem, Yu returned to the sea and asked Fali to tell everything he knew. Fali obediently obeyed.
But he knows things are not as much as Yu Guihai’s guess.
Especially for the inferno and the underworld, there is really too little knowledge in the method, except that I was born in the underworld, The Hunger and overseas, and other things are some simple knowledge of the underworld and the inferno.
In Yu Guihai’s view, this knowledge should be the enlightenment education for children in the underworld, but I didn’t expect it to be what Fari knew.
At this time, Yu Guihai had a little doubt in his heart
It’s not only the blood Lord Farah, but also the ghost Lord. If there is a ghost stone clan, it’s all the same. They seem to have forgotten their memories and know little about the nether world and the underworld.
But they all know that they came out from the nether world and the ancestral land of the underworld, and they forgot to come out.
"That’s strange." Yu Guihai feels that there must be something hidden in this, but now he is still weak and he doesn’t spend energy to think about it.
Although Fari doesn’t know much about the underworld, he has traveled in the virtual world for a long time, but he knows a lot about the virtual world, less than if they knew more.
Yu Guihai learned a lot from him.
For example, after many virtual treasures, you can’t miss them when you travel, and then you can’t directly plunge into death when you encounter some characteristics of virtual dangers and virtual disasters.
Yu Guihai talked with Fali for more than ten days and finally pulled out his goods. At this time, he cut to the chase.
"Fali, give me your practice skills."
Yu Guihai tried his best to capture Fali alive. Apart from those knowledge, it is mainly the shoe body cultivation method.
Although he can’t practice directly, these cultivation methods can change the nutrients of mixed Dao and greatly speed up his deduction of mixed Dao and tactic.
"Yes!" Fari respectfully replied that a blood-red pebble was carefully touched from his body.
This cobblestone fist is as smooth as a piece of extremely bloodstone, and several blood runes can be seen in it, which makes it very mysterious to keep shaking.
Fali respectfully offered the pebbles with both hands and said, "Lord, in this bloody stone, I remember the Blood Sea Magic Sutra cultivated by the old slave."
"hmm!" Yu Guihai took it and put his mind into the blood essence stone. Suddenly, several blood runes poured in, and a cultivation method poured in. Thinking was the blood magic sutra.
This magic power is obviously suitable for practicing blood, but Yu Guihai is here for reference and doesn’t care about this.
Soon he returned the bloodstone to Fari.
There are still some surprises in the Falun Gong. I don’t know what it means for this man to return it if he wants to play in the past. If he wants to learn, he can’t even browse the mysterious magic sutra in such a short time.
He never imagined that Yu Guihai had thoroughly understood this magic sutra.
Yu Guihai calls out the deduction progress of the mixed element formula of the shape interface, and the progress is really accelerated again.
The Blood Sea Magic Sutra is a powerful achievement method that can be cultivated to the peak of the virtual period, and it has a great acceleration effect on the mixed-element Taoist tactic, which fully reduces the demand for four thousand upgrade points for the mixed-element Taoist tactic.
Don’t look at the reduction of 4,000 points, which is far lower than that of the Serpent Swallowing Heavenly Skill and the Magic Blood Class. In fact, this blood magic sutra is much stronger than that of the Serpent Swallowing Heavenly Skill and the Magic Blood Class.
It’s because the later the deduction of the mixed Taoist scriptures, the fewer the points will be. If the power amplifier of the spirit snake swallows the heavenly power and the blood class magic is reduced at this time, it will definitely be far less than 4 thousand points.
However, it is not small for him to talk about the spirit snake swallowing heaven. This method is relatively pure and human fairy method can absorb more things.
Blood class magic skill is the method of promoting blood circulation, and it is the blood sea magic sutra that has the turning link. This door belongs to the The Hunger clan magic skill and can return to the sea to the greatest extent. It can be said that without blood class magic skill, the blood sea magic sutra will be greatly reduced.
At present, there are 4,625 upgrade points left in the demand for mixed-element formula deduction.
Before going back to the sea, I have added some points, and it will take about ten years to deduce the virtual achievement method of the mixed-element road and tactic hole.
It’s almost acceptable to return to the sea when the time is up.
But if it can be faster, he will not reject it.
The hunting of evil spirits cannot be stopped.
Moreover, I have benefited from the blood class. After Yu Guihai decided to take it alive, I had to take it or not before searching for the soul to kill it.
Yu Guihai wants to get the skill and knowledge, but the soul search technique gets not the memory of the victim’s department, but a small part of it. If he is an ordinary low-ranking person, he can try to choose important memories to collect.
However, every one of these evil spirits has lived for several years, among which there are so many memories, but so few that even the choice is difficult. It is not a big deal to search for souls.
Thinking of this, Yu Guihai looked at Fali and asked, "Do you know anyone as strong as you in Fali?"
"I know three people, two of whom are not here, and one of them is still here and is also coveting the five spiritual worlds." Fari did not hesitate to sell the old acquaintance!
He was directly controlled by Yu Guihai’s blood. Not only did his life depend on Yu Guihai’s hand, but even his subconscious mind would not resist or betray him.
"Tell me about him" Yu Guihai eyes a bright way
As the saying goes, knowing ourselves and knowing ourselves is invincible. If there is an evil spirit who knows the details, his success rate will be much greater.