
### 香油的作用与益处:

1. **保护心脑血管**:香油中富含维生素E和卵磷脂,有助于维持细胞膜的完整性和正常功能,减少体内脂质的积累,软化血管,保持血管弹性。
2. **促进胆固醇代谢**:香油中的不饱和脂肪酸如亚油酸、棕榈酸有助于胆固醇的代谢,有助于消除动脉血管壁上的沉积物。
3. **抗衰老**:香油中的抗氧化成分,如芝麻木脂素等,有助于抵抗衰老,促进皮肤健康。
4. **润肠通便**:香油能润滑肠道,对于习惯性便秘患者有缓解作用。
5. **增食欲**:香油的浓郁香味能增进食欲,对消化功能减弱的人尤其有益。
6. **治疗鼻炎**:香油可用于缓解鼻炎症状。
7. **保护嗓子**:香油有助于增强声带弹性,对声音嘶哑、慢性咽喉炎有恢复作用。
8. **保护口腔和牙龈**:香油有助于保护口腔和牙龈健康。

### 醋的作用与益处:

1. **清毒杀菌**:醋含有醋酸、乳酸等物质,具有杀菌作用,对防病有一定效果。
2. **降脂、降压**:醋有助于降低血脂和血压,适合高血脂、高血压、冠心病患者食用。
3. **软化血管**:醋可以帮助软化血管,防止血管老化和僵硬。
4. **润肠通便**:醋可以帮助润肠通便,适合大便干燥难解的人群。
5. **去除新瓷器中的铝**:用醋水煮新瓷器、茶具等,可以去除其中的微量铝,减少铝毒的危害。
6. **消毒餐具**:餐后用食醋液煮沸餐具,可以起到消毒的作用。


### 香油和醋结合的益处:

1. **缓解便秘**:香油和醋结合使用,可以更有效地润肠通便。
2. **软化血管**:两者的结合有助于软化血管,预防血管疾病。
3. **延缓衰老**:香油中的抗氧化成分和醋的抗菌作用有助于延缓衰老。
4. **保护心血管系统**:香油和醋的结合有助于促进胆固醇的代谢,保护心血管系统。



1. **滋养心肺**:麦冬在中医中被誉为“人参二号”,性质温和,能够滋养心肺。在冬季饮用麦冬百合汤水,可以有效保护心肺功能,增强心肺的抵抗力。

2. **养阴润燥**:麦冬具有润肺除燥、养阴生津的功效,而百合则能清热润肺。两者结合,能够有效缓解由肺热引起的口干舌燥、咳嗽喉痛等不适症状。

3. **抗衰老**:麦冬中含有丰富的多糖、氨基酸等营养成分,具有显著的抗衰老作用。百合也含有多种营养素,能滋养肌肤,使肌肤光滑细嫩,有助于延缓衰老。

4. **提高免疫力**:麦冬百合汤水中的百合含有丰富的维生素及矿物质,有助于提高免疫力,增强身体抵御疾病的能力。

5. **养阴润肺**:麦冬百合莲子汤具有养阴润肺的功效,适用于阴虚肺燥有热导致的干咳少痰、咳血或咽干音哑等症状。

6. **清心安神**:麦冬百合莲子汤可清心安神,缓解虚热上扰所致的心烦、失眠、多梦等不适。

7. **改善失眠、排忧解郁**:麦冬百合泡水饮用可改善失眠多梦、抑郁烦闷等症状,具有宁神静心的作用。

8. **缓解燥热**:麦冬百合泡水可补充身体所需水分,缓解皮肤干燥现象,同时有助于润肺生津、滋润嗓子。

9. **理脾健胃、促进代谢**:麦冬百合泡水有助于理脾健胃,促进身体代谢,对肠燥便秘等有一定的缓解作用。




1. **提高免疫力**:羊奶果富含多种氨基酸和维生素,如维生素C、烟酸等,这些成分有助于提高人体的免疫力,增强身体抵抗疾病的能力。

2. **促进消化**:羊奶果含有大量的有机酸,能够刺激胃肠分泌胃酸和肠液,促进消化功能的强化,有助于消化不良的人群改善消化状况。

3. **止咳平喘**:羊奶果中的酸性物质有助于润滑呼吸道,促进粘液的分泌,对于缓解咳嗽和气喘有显著效果。

4. **止泻止血**:羊奶果具有一定的止泻和止血作用,对于腹泻和出血症状有一定的缓解和治疗作用。


5. **活血消肿**:羊奶果能够活血化瘀,对跌打损伤有辅助治疗作用,同时也有助于消肿。


6. **美容养颜**:羊奶果中含有丰富的维生素A、维生素C和胡萝卜素等抗氧化成分,可以减少自由基对细胞的损伤,有助于美容养颜和延缓衰老。

7. **补充矿物质**:羊奶果中含有多种矿物质,对于身体虚弱的人群有很好的补充作用。


8. **治疗呼吸道疾病**:羊奶果对多种呼吸道炎症有保护作用,对慢性支气管炎、阻塞性肺气肿、慢性支气管哮喘等疾病有协同治疗的效果。

9. **其他作用**:羊奶果还能用于治疗咽喉肿痛、风湿痹痛、黄疸、咯血、吐血等疾病。



1. **通血脉,行药势**:酒具有活血化瘀的作用,可以促进血液循环,增强体质,对于风寒痹痛、筋脉挛急等病症有一定的缓解效果。

2. **缓解疼痛**:适量饮用酒可以刺激神经,缓解因外感风寒等引起的疼痛。

3. **舒经活血**:酒中的酒精成分有助于舒张血管,改善血液循环,对于一些慢性疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。

4. **提高新陈代谢**:适量饮酒可以促进新陈代谢,有助于消化和吸收。

5. **保健作用**:一些特定的酒品,如葡萄酒、枸杞酒等,含有多种维生素和矿物质,具有一定的保健作用。


6. **消暑解热**:啤酒等低度酒含有二氧化碳,饮用后能起到消暑解热的效果,是夏季理想的清凉饮料。

7. **治疗疾病**:某些酒品如葡萄酒,含有维生素C、维生素B6、维生素D等,有助于防治贫血、高血压、糖尿病等疾病。


– **适量饮用**:根据个人体质和健康状况,适量饮用酒品。
– **避免空腹饮酒**:空腹饮酒容易导致胃部不适,应避免。
– **饮酒时避免辛辣食物**:辛辣食物与酒同食可能加重身体负担。
– **阴虚、失血及湿热甚者忌服**:这些体质的人应避免饮酒。




1. **清热解毒**:绿豆性凉,味甘,具有清热解毒、消暑止渴和利尿润肤的功效,对于夏季中暑、发热、口渴等有很好的缓解作用。


2. **滋阴壮阳**:鸽子性平,味甘咸,含有丰富的蛋白质、钙、铁、铜等元素及维生素A、B族维生素、维E等,有滋阴壮阳、养血补气和清热解毒之效,适合体弱、贫血者食用。

3. **凉血排毒**:绿豆白鸽汤具有凉血排毒的效果,能够帮助排除皮肤内的毒素,解皮肤之湿毒、血毒和疮毒,有助于改善皮肤状况,使皮肤洁净滑爽。

4. **改善睡眠**:绿豆具有一定的安神作用,搭配鸽子的营养价值,可以改善睡眠质量,对于经常失眠或睡眠不佳的人有较好的调理作用。

5. **美容养颜**:由于绿豆和白鸽都具有滋润皮肤、改善肤色的功效,因此绿豆白鸽汤常被用来美容养颜。

6. **调节身体机能**:绿豆白鸽汤中的绿豆和鸽肉富含多种氨基酸和微量元素,有助于调节身体的机能,增强免疫力。


7. **适合季节性调理**:尤其在夏季,绿豆白鸽汤可以帮助解暑、预防痱子等夏季常见问题。





1. **增强抵抗力**:白菜心含有丰富的维生素C和其他维生素,能够增强人体免疫力,预防感冒。

2. **解渴利尿**:白菜心具有清热解渴的效果,有助于利尿,对缓解体内多余水分的积聚有积极作用。

3. **美肤养颜**:白菜心中的维生素C和维生素E能预防皮肤色素沉着,具有护肤养颜的效果。

4. **生津养胃**:白菜心有助于养胃生津,清热除烦,对于胃阴亏虚引起的胃隐痛有一定的疗效。


5. **消脂减肥**:白菜心含水量高,热量低,含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于加快新陈代谢,预防便秘和皮下脂肪堆积。

6. **清热解毒**:白菜心性寒、味甘,适合口渴烦热、痰热咳嗽、风热感冒等患者食用。

7. **预防坏血病**:白菜心的维生素C含量较高,可以预防因缺乏维生素C引起的坏血病、牙龈出血等疾病。

8. **润肠通便**:白菜心水分含量高,含有丰富的膳食纤维,能刺激肠胃蠕动,帮助消化,促进肠道中废弃物的排泄。


9. **抗氧化**:白菜心中的抗氧化成分有助于延缓衰老,预防某些慢性疾病。

10. **辅助治疗**:在中医理论中,白菜心被认为具有利肠胃、除烦解酒毒、消食下气、治瘴气、和中、利大小便等功效,可用于治疗感冒、发烧口渴、支气管炎、咳嗽等症状。


High platform out of Qin Changfeng a serious voice all the brothers looked at each other briefly and immediately after the instantaneous boiling.

"It’s also said that senior brother’s painting skills are superb, and the painted geese are naturally lifelike and rare …"
"Teacher Zhang, every time you toss and turn, you are piling up these words and want to win the god goose? Private second brother, this picture of singing geese is full of six methods, and the charm of God-man’s artificial hand is not as magnificent as it is; Handwriting aboveboard hence arbitrary on the canvas … "
"Brother Chen, your opinion is superficial. Second brother, this painting is a miracle, extraordinary and innovative. It’s a fairy who shouldn’t appear in people. I don’t know if it’s a chance of several generations …"
"You other disciples are all wrong. In my opinion, the second brother’s painting is the best. The lack of a hair on the ass of the God Goose vividly reflects that this God Goose has suffered some kind of disaster but still lived to the present situation. Isn’t this self-improvement and perseverance spirit what our monks should stick to? So I think this is the finishing touch of this painting! "
When many younger brothers tried their best to dig their heads and make up all kinds of flatteries that broke through the imagination of ordinary people, there was a pearl-sized alternative light group in the center of Qin Chang’s spiritual light ball department, which emitted strange fluctuations.
If you put the spirit into it, you can see that this pearl-sized ball of light is actually an evolving illusory world!
If each law wants to meet the requirements of uniting the law, it needs the tester to understand it more than 50% and condense the source of the law
Now Qin Changfeng’s death has already reached this requirement, and the law of truth and falsehood has been very close to 50% after this decade or two.
The symbolic feature is that for the first time, he turned the living thing from emptiness to reality without the help of the robbery of the nine-turn celestial wheel. Although it is a duck, it is not like a duck or a goose, and it has no characteristics except its barking and ugly appearance, and it will surely disappear after a long time like other things he has manifested.
But how to change from the dead to the living is a qualitative leap!
It is a miracle for the tester to be able to understand the law of truth and falsehood in just 20 years.
Qin Changfeng’s success is not only due to the true and false paintings, but also to the fact that Ye Qingxian gave him the picture scroll, which contains the truth and falsehood. A treasure entered his mind, which naturally made him understand much faster than other testers.
Qin Changfeng has already tried to create an illusory world. Naturally, it is the preparation for the nine-turn celestial wheel to have its own power to get rid of its dependence on life stars in the future.
It is never easy to create a world, even an imaginary world. Liu Shen’s realm can create 3,000 realms, while Qin Changfeng’s theory of "miscellaneous fish" that has not even been cultivated by Yuan Shen is impossible.
But Qin Changfeng took a shortcut, that is, the skill transfer operator transferred from the fiend-the spiritual country!
This skill is obtained when the fiend devours the alien mother queen in the third evolution, but the spirit can be used to create an illusory spiritual world. Qin Changfeng’s realm was not enough before, but now he has directly transferred this skill, which makes him directly have the ability to create an illusory world.
It is not difficult or important to create a world where the mountains and rivers are fixed. It is really difficult and important that the spirit can be gradually manifested like painting, especially life, especially people!
Qin Changfeng’s ultimate goal in creating the world is to believe in the life of ants and moths, and it doesn’t mean much to him.
But what about creating a living person?
If it weren’t for puppets and stone carvings, he would be able to generate self-awareness and even thrive in the illusory world.
In order to find inspiration, Qin Changfeng tried to explore the template of what he saw directly in the illusory world.
At the moment, all the 100 Shushan brothers in the hall are copied by him as a model in the unreal world. Although their appearance and shape will be different, their mental fluctuations are vivid.
Why do you want people to kiss up to you? That’s because people are the most active and prone to faith!
Dozens of human beings in the illusory world also call incomplete life. Because the whole world is incomplete, there is no reincarnation of life and death. They don’t know about hunger and cold, and there is no progress and ambition. The only way to do this strange idea is to express their awe and worship in front of Qin Changfeng’s own idol.
And these beliefs are now able to directly transform the spirit Qin Changfeng to make.
Although it is a small step on a long road, it is the first step to create a brand-new future!
At the thought of this, Qin Changfeng looked at Fang’s face with a satisfied and kind smile. Fang’s younger brother was picking winners, so he touted harder to get the goose out of the painting.
Although this so-called god goose seems to have no magical spell, its birth method alone is so extraordinary. Who doesn’t want to take it back and study it?
That’s out of thin air. I searched through the ancient books of Shushan School and couldn’t find such a record!
Almost all the younger brothers believe that it contains some kind of immortal secret. Once they understand their own strength, they will advance by leaps and bounds. Most of them are really ashamed to boast that there are only dozens of people in this hall of the flattery house.
Just at this time when you love me and the atmosphere is peaceful, suddenly a very dissonant sound sounded.
"I said, what’s wrong with you? This is the ugly duck. Where is the god goose? !”
This is a female voice like water, like a song, clear and beautiful, like a fairy mouth, but it is very unpleasant. All the younger brothers look at the speaker with bad eyes
We’re not blind. We don’t know this is a naked duck. Do you want an honest man to tell us?
Chapter five hundred and sixty-five Lonely genius
"I … what’s the matter? Is said the truth! "
This is a woman with long hair and a simple plain clothes white dress, but she wears a kind of white defect that means ice muscle and snow bone.
She is Li Yingqi!
Ten years ago, Qin Changfeng came to this world, and soon Johnson Youquan unexpectedly broke the Kunlun Sect.
The Kunlun Sect has always had two younger brothers, a man and a woman. This generation is the lonely moon master and the younger brother Xuantianzong.
On the eve of the catastrophe, Master Lonely Moon missed his master’s realm and was afraid that his disciple Xuantianzong would follow in his footsteps, so he pursued Xuantianzong Mountain to practice and gave him the golden wheel of Kunlun Mountain Town’s mountain treasure, the sun, the moon and the moon, which coincided with the invasion of Youquan and the robbery of Lonely Moon, and the Kunlun Sect was destroyed.
However, Master Lonely Moon has not completely disappeared, and a wisp of her ghost has been saved by the real person of Shu Mountain with bridled eyebrows. The unique secret technique recasts her body and resurrects her. Now Li Yingqi will be the swordsman of Shu Mountain in the future.
Of course, she has not awakened to the solitary moon memory practice, but she has not mastered the secret sword for more than ten years. At this time, she is just an idiot Younger who knows nothing in the eyes of all.
Yes, at the moment, she is an idiot in the hearts of all the brothers in the hall!
Just like the child in the emperor’s new clothes who said that the emperor had no clothes on and flattered everyone, he lied with his eyes open and pointed out the deer and horse affairs naked.
This makes the atmosphere of the younger brothers not coming to Taiwan extremely embarrassing!
"Second … second brother, am I … am I wrong?"
Feel the road unkindly eyes condensed in the body. Li Yingji looked at the high platform without help. Qin Changfeng was full of grievances.
And the younger brothers will also look with the shift, obviously waiting for Qin Changfeng to give a final definition, and it is best to directly drive out this ruined atmosphere.
What can Qin Changfeng do at this time?
He coughed one after another and said with a straight face, "Inge, you have done nothing wrong!" "
Diba is almost surprised. She did a good job, which means we didn’t do well enough? That’s not what you said when you asked us to kiss up!
"Your sister, no matter how fresh I am, I have to consider that the identity of the second brother is not flattering. Even if I go out to bully a little girl with you, how can I get along?"
Qin Changfeng secretly despised in his heart. You know, he’s still preparing his prestige to let all the brothers of Shushan practice the technique of giving God the treasure to ensure that he can complete the main line. If it’s notorious, how can it be done?
"You disappoint me so much that so many people who have been practicing for a few hundred years are even worse than a little girl who has only been getting started for more than ten years!"

Besides, the combination of Yin and God and the practice of refining Yin in the nether world have both been practiced to a satisfactory degree, which may be the condition for him to obtain these two fairy methods.

However, Xuan Yin’s method of viewing the gods, the fairy method of meta-fetus, and the true Yin’s concentration method have not been cultivated to the peak of meta-fetus, so he has obtained a more advanced fairy method.
For other spells and martial arts, he thinks it is not collected in Yunmiao Hall!
With these speculations, it is no longer time for me to return to the sea.
He turned back to the top of the mountain and went straight to Jinzhuyuan and Yinzhuyuan.
He wants to check one or two elixir gardens, but those planted elixirs are still there. You know, according to the array map, these two herb gardens are planted with refined elixirs.
Once he’s gone, you can’t refine it.
Chapter 619 Dan material together
Yu Guihai took the lead in coming to Yinzhu Garden.
Silver-shining bamboo is like making pure yin, reflecting the surrounding area into a piece of silver.
At this time, Yu Guihai already knew that this silver bamboo is not simply called Yinguang bamboo body, but a special kind of spiritual plant, which contains a powerful power called Taibai Yinguang.
In addition to its sharp ratio, it also has the ability to get rid of ghosts. Terror is the natural enemy of most ghosts.
Yu Guihai can feel a few ghosts shivering beside him.
This kind of bamboo is more precious than a large number. In fact, it breeds a Taibai silver trunk. Only one plant with this trunk can be regarded as a god-class spiritual plant.
Everything else is a split, that is, it bears a little silver light. If the split is cut off, its value will plummet, which is at best a high-grade spiritual material.
Even so, this silver bamboo is a precious treasure.
This precious bamboo here is not used to defend against foreign enemies, but mainly to cultivate magic medicine inside.
According to the label, it is mainly to cultivate the main material of Huashen Dan, the magical elixir of Jiuyou Huangquan.
This thing is a complete ghost, and the medicine of body and mind has a powerful ability of divine level, which can easily promote the dreamland and escape into the shadow in an instant.
The roots of the general law array can’t stop it, even the god-level strong can’t stop it from fleeing.
However, the combination of the silver bamboo and the magic circle can make them stay in the plantation.
In addition, some other materials with strange yin properties have also been restrained by silvery bamboos to escape or threaten to pick people.
The bamboo door immediately hit a white mist that was rich enough to be like water, which was refreshing.
Yu Guihai stepped into the door, and a large medicine garden appeared in front of him. There were silver everywhere and silver bamboo fences everywhere, and there were no dead ends.
The medicine garden is divided into different areas by various arrays. The middle area is a low stone house, which occupies the largest area. There is a door that can faintly feel the breath of the door.
There are a dozen deep pits around the stone house, all of which are covered. There are all kinds of special elixirs of god or high order growing in the dark, each of which exudes a dense ghostly yin, which is not a character at first glance.
I’m very glad that all these auxiliary elixirs around here are intact, and all of them are mature.
He was not in a hurry to pick it, but turned his attention to the stone house in the middle. He was so obsessed with exploring the law that he was swallowed up by a horrible yin and cold force as soon as he went in.
So he wants to go in and see for himself what this nine-you-can-die metempsychosis flower looks like and drop it by the way.
Yu Guihai slowly came to the front of the stone house to urge Xuanzang to make the gray Guanghua flash across Shimen and hit it immediately.
A thick black smoke hovered in the door and sensed the breath of the living. At once, a thick long tentacle in the depths of the thick black smoke rolled towards Yu Guihai.
Sniff ~ ~ ~
Suddenly, the surrounding silver light was filled with a silver light and shone on the smoke tentacles, directly annihilating the smoke into emptiness.
However, the silver light cleared the black smoke outside the stone house and directly subsided without killing it into the stone house.
Yu Guihai has seen the silver light and bamboo power and can’t help but be tongue-tied.
This black smoke contains strange ice and cold power, which is not weaker than ordinary gods. It can be seen that it was easily eliminated by them.
Then Yu Guihai stepped into the stone house and retreated back. Black smoke immediately jumped at him. Those who hate silver light outside this stone house can’t control it.
Suddenly, a dazzling golden light came out and I returned to the sea. The whole person was like a small sun.
Sniff ~ ~ ~
The thick black smoke came like snowflakes, which melted quickly and disappeared when it met the flame.
Residual smoke swished back into the stone house like a frightened person, and a deep pit in the middle of the ground refused to come out again.
Yu Guihai smiled and stretched out his hand toward a position in the deep pit to grasp a golden hand suddenly appeared and grasped the virtual.
The palm of your hand seems to have missed it.
Yu Guihai was not discouraged, but his mouth lit up.
His mind moved, and his golden hand immediately turned into a golden halo and contracted rapidly.
Squeak ~ ~ ~ ~
A scream came, and an illusory shadow suddenly appeared in the original place of the golden halo.
This is a flower as strange as a gray-black phantom. There is an unreal flower with a head size at the root of the leaf and stem.
It has nine petals, and each petal has a skull with different shapes and ferocious faces.
The flowers struggled desperately in the golden halo and stirred up a strong chill, but it didn’t help. They were abruptly imprisoned by the golden halo and turned into a fist ball.
Yu Guihai stretched out his hand and the ball fell into his hand. He smiled and put it away.
Give him a look at the bottom of the pit and find that there is a layer of precious yellow stone at the bottom of the pit, and there are countless drops of water dotted with it.
These drops of water are the metempsychosis flowers of Jiuyou, but it depends on luck if they want to grow into a new metempsychosis flower of Jiuyou.
Although there are so many flowers at a time, it will be a new flower after thousands of years of luck; With bad luck, these plants can’t grow a flower.
Yu Guihai checked it again and turned away from the stone house. Then he closed and waited for a flower to take shape.
Then he swept through the Yinzhu Garden, taking away all the mature elixirs and keeping the immature ones for further cultivation.

Aoki Sage Yang Lie, Mu Zhi and others are all trying to hide their anger through their eyes, but they are directly rushed forward, but they are held by Heaven, Heaven, Holy Spirit, Hugh, Buddha and others. If they are really afraid that everyone will come back seriously injured.

Wang Xiong also said, "Lu Li has been injured, and we will be able to achieve results again!"
When he finished speaking, he got up with the imperial tactic. This time, instead of controlling the gods, he cast a mysterious tactic of Wan Yu Zong-Wan Yu’s broken tactic.
"Wan Yuling’s sky is broken and extinct!"
Wang Xiong palm ling day whole person like photochemical towards the land away from the crazy, accompanied by his every step out of the inch by inch broken several virtual pieces like pieces of sharp knife crazy away from the body.
Fang Yunhan’s second hand fell on the magic sword and instantly put away his hands. Lei Guang exploded two mixed-yuan thunder balls, which suddenly appeared in the sky. Clouds and two evil thunderbolts directly struck him. This thunder ball made him as terrible as Raytheon’s descent. Although he was a master elder brother, Fang Yunhan, since he represented Taikoon’s hand, took care of it again. There is no doubt that this blow is a five-thunder tactic!
The Nangong Feiyu’s eyes became more and more indifferent. The flash of Guanghua in his palm turned out to be two cold light daggers, which are the moon and the moon. However, the Nangong’s hands are imitation of this Nangong Feiyu’s, which is likely to be the real moon and the moon.
"The sun and the moon flow, and the moon shines!"
It is rare for Nangong Feiyu to move this trick. This is the moon-moon chop method. He had to move this Nangong family in desperation.
Seeing that it is already a key, he drank a "sword in hand, I have it!"
At this time, the gathering of heavenly spirits broke out in an unprecedented way, and its momentum soared to a high point. Several kinds of brilliance shone endlessly, and the absolute power was injected into the Tao, and it was absolutely strong. One sword, three sweeping roads, and a virtual shadow flashed. The sword waves were like angry dragons awakening and crossing the river to fight for a high position.
Chapter seventy-three Enemies of the King
Yuan suddenly said, "If I make a move later, I will be accused of taking advantage of it. At this time, I will take advantage of the fire and rob it. It’s not so bright. Try it!" Just as the rest of the people were displaying their unique skills, Yuan’s words were amazing. In a few hands-on moments, he also moved around, flashing colorful brilliance, accompanied by a positive and evil force swooping from the sky and looking at it with a palm toward the land, which was not fancy, simple and sharp.
Even the ruling elders frowned. I didn’t expect that these five people really didn’t finish releasing water and made strict moves. He sighed to himself, "How can you take such an offensive?"
At the same time, more than 10 people in Lien Chan, who were far away from each other, really consumed some money, but their eyes were extremely critical. If there was any mistake, they would die here.
There was a resolute roar in his eyes, and the whole person went up into the sky as soon as he roared, and at the same time he spun off his body at a high speed. This is the first time that he has driven the nine-turn pole to a near-peak state after returning to the wild, and the speed of rotation has reached more than 1,600 times per instant!
After nine days in vitro, the soul of the land gives off a soft force, and the glazed light cloud suddenly blooms, blending a mysterious force into the meridians of the land.
Reversing the heart sutra is also rising. He has no hatred for these people. If he is wrong, he is wrong in the high-level body of Taikoo Kyushu Alliance.
Nine-turn-to-the-extreme method is a departure from the master Chu Yun. The more you practice, the more you feel the magic of this method. The three complementary formulas, the shape formula and the heart formula, are a manifestation of the great Tao. Of course, this method can be a derivative, but this derivative is enough.
Lu Liyin is as cold as ice, but it is better than resolutely saying, "No one wants to take Corydalis away today. It is not enough for you five!"
"When I turned around, Lingyin broke through the dust!"
A turn away from the whole body, the breath poured out, but at this critical moment, I evaded the Tao. Of course, the sword was immediately cut and killed back.
The elders of the trial and temperament were all surprised with a flash of strange light in their eyes. "What is this recipe?"
Wang Xiong’s more than 10,000 broken tactic can be described as a broken and virtual one, which generally combines the method to hurt the enemy’s way. At the same time, it has a fatal lethality to the monks. The sword instantly attacks Wang Xiong violently.
The strength of the cyclone vortex is also overbearing and abnormal, and the hurricane has covered the shape of the land. At the same time, the sound of the land is still in the air billow vortex
"Two turns!" Lu Li spoke for a moment, but a breath in the whirlpool instantly walked away but avoided Wang Xiong’s attack
When Yuan attacked Fang Yunhan, he repeatedly cast the third and fourth turns until the fifth turn. Fang Yunhan’s overbearing and amazing Raytheon tactic was also broken!
Many monsters in the world of cultivating immortals show incredible colors. If the heart and the emperor’s dharma body are already far away from the enemies of Kyushu, they can’t directly rescue them.
This Taikoo Gate has fallen out, but its talent is well known. What strength does it take to resist the siege of the Five Tianjiao? Besides, how old is it now?
"Six turn gas! The strength and spirit are all exhausted! " Lu Li has cast out the sixth turn, which makes Wang Xiong, Dao and Nangong Feiyu all show their disbelief. Fang Yun’s cold is almost horrified by the tactic of five thunder days.
But Yuan seems to have broken something, and his figure is flashing rapidly at the same time. Colorful Guanghua has soared and its own strength has actually torn a corner from the roaring cyclone.
"Seven souls, nine lives! After three turns, the gods and demons will be destroyed! " At this time, Lu Li suddenly binged drinking Ling three strands of decisively different breath. generate came out, which made the last three people realize each other’s horror by changing their faces.
The Tao bears the brunt, and he will have to retreat in the future. A shocking courage has penetrated through his external Taoist enchantment. Suddenly, he felt dizzy and his heart suddenly trembled, which was the first shock.
Elder Xuanji suddenly got up, and at the same time, Elder Gong looked at each other and said, "Soul formula!"
The first turn is also overbearing than the Nangong Feiyu, although the cutting method is sharp, but after all, it is not as good as Wang Xiong’s legal shelter. Almost half of them are in vain. This first turn comes to a strong spiritual force, and even Yuan, who has already started work, is one leng, but this attack is obviously aimed at Nangong Feiyu.
Demon Sect’s desire to trace a kind of extremely high frequency that almost reaches the limit instantly breaks through Nangong Feiyu’s protective barrier and bombards the central nervous system of his brain. This blow consumes a lot of energy, and even the brain regions such as Lu Li are very strong, and people are sweating and consuming a lot of careless thoughts. Its power can be imagined.
Sun and moon double Bi Guanghua instantaneous dim Nangong Feiyu miserably hum a was flying.
Where is Wang Xiong better than the first two?
In the face of the ninth turn, which almost killed him, he gave up the attack power, suggesting that the tactic of controlling God forcefully avoided this turn. Most of the power of his right shoulder was torn by the rotating gas strength and a large piece of flesh was shredded and blood poured out in half.
Fang Yun’s cold is due to Raytheon’s tactic, and it has not been affected by the power that finally broke out in the nine turns.
Only Yuan is the most tough. Among several people, he is the only one to fight back and the goal is still far away from the middle of the back!
But how can Lu Li expose his back to others? Reversing the Heart Sutra is still fierce, and the Yin-Yang method is still fierce. Suddenly, two Yin-Yang swords, one green and one red, are obliquely chopped out, accompanied by landing and yelling, "The Yin-Yang sword kills ghosts, cracks, breaks and destroys the fairy!"
"The unity of good and evil is the enemy of the king!"
Just at the moment when Lu Li pushed Yuan Yi’s mouth, the colorful brilliance broke out suddenly and brilliantly to the extreme, and the method of Lu Li Yin Yang was finished!

Hearing this, the old general hesitated to see this general Wang once again saying, "At the end, he will be willing to make a written pledge to fulfill a military order. If he can’t fold the opposite monk, he will be willing to be dealt with by military law."

At this moment, no one has seen a black lotus blossom on General Wang’s forehead, emitting a strange and beautiful light.
"Well, now I’m in a crisis, and it’s okay for ordinary people to conquer the common customs, but there’s really no good way for monks who can call the shots. If you can really drop the general of the opposite monk, it will give you all the treasures of the city, and it’s harmful." The old general smiled gently and took out his waist token. "You took the general’s warrant and went to the materials in the treasury as soon as you want. It’s all worth it."
"Thank you, veteran. You will die at the end of the letter." General Wang took the token and turned and walked out of the hall with joy.
General Wang turned left and right all the way, and soon came to an unremarkable palace, holding the order in his hand, and pushed the door of the treasury all the way to the treasury.
"It’s a good place. The richest man in the world is not the nine gates, but this secular dynasty."
Suddenly, I saw General wang xing’s expression and tone changed in a flash.
"I didn’t expect to leave a layout in a small village and finally bear fruit." General Wang walked around the treasure house with his hands on his back, and countless treasures floated in front of him. Seeing this, General Wang didn’t care as if the treasures were secular dirt.
"In those days, the brand was planted in the robbery, and an avatar array was called the Ten Commandments. There was a fierce gust of wind roaring in the town of ice, and the golden light array was transformed into a blood array, a flame array, and a lonely flood array. The Ten Commandments were simple and difficult to say. At the beginning, I was afraid that this person had more than enough to chew. I didn’t expect that this guy’s qualification was really stupid enough. Even the Wind Roar Array didn’t practice for a hundred years. Today, I have to personally come here to refine the Wind Roar Array. If the Wind Roar Array is practiced,
Now, I believe everyone understands that General Wang is the only robbery species of Jade Duxiu, and it is also the oldest robbery species. When Jade Duxiu was buried in the ground in a small mountain village, he branded a law in it, which was the Ten Commandments and One Wind Roar Array in previous myths.
The mysterious wind roar array hides the mysterious in the poor, and the nest of the weapon in the wind roar array hurts people according to the hidden mystery, even if the immortal body is exhausted and full of flesh and blood.
Looking at all the materials, Yu Duxiu’s sleeves flaunted and countless materials flew towards Yu Duxiu at this time. At the same time, I saw a flag and a compass flying out of General Wang’s body and instantly suspended in the mouth of Yu Duxiu, spewing out a flame. After all the materials met this flame, they instantly melted the liquid and wrapped it around the flag and banner.
Jade Duxiu smiled gently. "This array is arranged according to the number of winds and fires in the earth and water. This wind and fire is the first weather. If a man or a monk enters this gust of fire, he will immediately turn his limbs into dust. Even if the monk has the magical power to move mountains and rivers, he can’t escape the flesh."
It seems to be said to myself, and it seems to be said to General Wang. As Yu Duxiu’s words fell, several seals flew out and fell into the flag banner array.
"It’s also your good fortune that makes you a robbery. It’s time for you to cut a dash and become a god in the big robbery."
When I was talking, I saw Yu Duxiu’s palm printing flow in a flash, and the number of flags and banners was all over the sky. The only thing I could not see was the difference, and then the big sleeves flew over. All the flags and banners fell into the array and flew into the sleeves of General Wang.
This banner has been put together through the jade show sacrifice and refining, and it has become a magic weapon.
"Well, the magic weapon has been sacrificed and refined, and it depends on your performance. You have prepared several big dishes. I hope you can taste them slowly." The general Wang looked up and laughed wildly for a moment, and his face was confused. He looked at the treasures in front of him. "It’s strange that when he entered the treasures, the general felt like a dream. He sacrificed and refined the wind roar array, which made the evolution of the wind roar array more skillful and real."
The scene before General Wang scratched his head is vivid, but I don’t know that General Wang always feels like an outsider at that moment. Generally, someone is presiding over himself to do all kinds of movements.
Jade Duxiu slowly opened his eyes, but suddenly felt, "No, I forgot to help that little pulp-washing and hair-cutting. In the future, wars were fought in the wild millions of years ago. In this little body, the inside information is too shallow and has not been refined. If it is difficult to fight, it will be difficult to suffer."
Thought of here, Jade Duxiu took a sip of tea. "Forget it. There is still some time to hang up the altar before talking about other things."
After that, Yu Duxiu closed his eyes again and kept resting to restore energy. "It’s fun. This time it’s really fun. This time, I have to give you guys a good lesson."
At this moment, the ancestors of the heavens, the demon gods and the Long Jun suddenly shivered and a chill surged in their hearts, and they kept their eyes open to peep at the source of the early warning.
"A good treasure has become a general’s magical power, and finally it can run rampant."
Chapter 1141 Hanging list of robbery against Tao Tao
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, this treasure general has been successfully refined for ten days and a half. After the general is thoroughly familiar with the wind roar array, he is bound to ask you to turn traitor into dust." General Wang’s eyes are full of divine light, with a little bit of murder.
Taiyuan Road seems to really want to leave Jade Duxiu in Dachen’s cypress, which is also fast enough, but in just half a month, the altar has been built.
"Is the Master of Miaoxiu Cave practicing?" Just when Yu Duxiu closed his eyes and absorbed the magical power, he suddenly heard a burst of footsteps outside the door, and Cang Baiyin sounded outside the door.
"It turned out to be a friend of Cangbai Daoyou. Come in and come in." Jade Duxiu smiled gently and opened her eyes.
Cang Bai heard that he pushed the door of the main hall and came in. Then he looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes. "Now that the altar of the cave owner has been built, I don’t know if the cave owner should hang the list of gods?"
"Oh so soon?" After listening to Cang Bai’s words, Yu Duxiu was one leng. "It will take ten days and a half months to get a seat. I didn’t expect to stay there so soon."
"Come with me, Lord Cave." Cang Bai smiled at Yu Duxiu and got up to lead the way.
Jade Duxiu Cangbai walked all the way through the layers of palace camps and saw the bloody sky in the barracks. Even when the avatar reached the realm of Jade Duxiu, it was unbearable to have to hang black lotus against the sky.
Jade Duxiu moved his palm with his hands on his back, and he saw an altar soaring in the middle of the barracks. The size and shape of the altar were exactly the same.
"Good, good, really good speed is that this altar of gods needs to be clean. It’s hard for so many soldiers to guard it. If someone dies and the gods are on the list, they are afraid that this army will hurt each other’s spirits. This army should be removed early." Jade Duxiu did not move.
Cang Bai heard a pause and then said, "If someone comes to steal the gods list, what should it be like?" Without the army guarding, I am afraid that the ghosts and gods will gather together. "
"If there is a godfather’s edict in the block, it will naturally be blessed and guarded by the godfather’s will. If there is a thief who is blind, then come on. The godfather’s will will will naturally be disturbed and the godfather will take the other side out." Jade Duxiu’s mouth reveals a little strange smile and there is schadenfreude in his eyes.
Look at Jade Duxiu’s gloating expression after listening to Jade Duxiu’s words. Cang Bai suddenly felt cold in his heart. A pair of eyes looked at the altar in the distance and then waved his hand at his brother’s side and said, "Go and call the army to camp somewhere else."
That brother didn’t dare to have the slightest disobedience and immediately turned to pass the order.
Watching my brother go far away, he said, "Hanging the list of gods is an important thing. You should choose a good day to bathe and clean yourself."
"What’s the arrangement of the cave master? Just say that it’s a must. After all, the deity is related to my nine doors. This deity altar falls on the site here. If anything goes wrong, it can’t be borne by the ancestors." Cang Bai said softly.
Jade Duxiu heard the news and nodded, "Ten days later, he boarded the altar and hung the list of deities, which really widened the prelude."
Jade Duxiu’s words fell, but when he saw the emptiness, there was a sudden tremor and a roar at the end of the moment. Countless disasters and disasters came to this side of the world, and the dark clouds pressed the city to destroy it
"The storm is coming, and the flowers are full." Jade Duxiu muttered a figure and disappeared in the same place
On the 10th, Jade Duxiu wore a new robe in a blink of an eye, then bathed herself and slowly came to the altar.
"The cave master is coming."
Taiyuan Dao’s brothers have been waiting here for a long time, and they immediately met Yu Duxiu and Cang Bai.
Looking at the pale cypress jade’s unique expression, I nodded without saying much, and walked slowly to the altar of the gods.
As Yu Duxiu approached the altar of deity, he saw that there was a storm in the air, and the disaster and robbery in heaven and earth were boiling against the sky. At this time, the killing and robbery in the middle domain was getting stronger and stronger. With Yu Duxiu taking a step, the natural disaster and robbery would be strong in a few minutes.
Looking at the virtual disaster, Yu Duxiu moved his palm and took out a scroll from his bosom. This scroll swayed step by step as Yu Duxiu stepped onto the altar and saw that this scroll was instantaneous. He slowly separated from Yu Duxiu’s palm and slowly relaxed in the wind, and the size became three feet. In the virtual, he kept shaking and hanging in the virtual.
"This list of gods" looked at the half-finished list of gods, and Yu Duxiu had scruples in his heart.
However, after completing a series of ceremonies, I slowly got up and looked at the list of gods floating in the red disaster. This list of gods is much more sinister by reducing the holiness.
"Day hair fade, stars shift hair fade, dragons and snakes rise from land people fade upside down. Now it seems that this fade is not just someone, but also heaven fade." Jade Duxiu carries her hands all over the body, and the black lotus hangs in the dark, and there is no way to invade.
Jade Duxiu does not invade by all means, but the number of challenges is too much, but the younger brother has suffered from the sorrow of the younger brother, and the sorrow of the Yuan God has been perfused, and it is still ignorant.
Moved the palm of your hand, Jade Duxiu looked at Fang SIRS, Tai Yuan Dao’s brother’s eyes. In the eyes of Jade Duxiu, these brothers killed and robbed the dead, and these people were lucky when they arrived.
Jade Duxiu looked at the cypress, but her eyes didn’t move. I didn’t expect this old guy to actually block the disaster. There was a faint light in the Yuan God, constantly resisting the invasion of the disaster. But how long can this light persist in the face of the storm and waves?
Jade Duxiu’s eyes turned to one side again. At this moment, the pupil of Mu Qingzhu shrank. At this time, Mu Qingzhu’s whole body was green and green, which seemed to be far away from the world of mortals and was not disturbed by the force of the world of mortals.