
1. **祛风除湿**:红活麻具有祛风除湿的功效,对于风湿性腰痛、关节痛等病症有显著疗效。它能够有效去除人体内的寒邪和湿邪,缓解因湿寒引起的各种不适。

2. **活血止血**:红活麻还能活血化瘀,对吐血、瘀血肿痛等症状有很好的治疗效果。通过促进血液循环,可以加速伤口愈合和消肿。

3. **利湿消肿**:对于水肿、肾炎等病症,红活麻的利湿消肿作用非常显著。它可以帮助身体排除多余的水分,减轻水肿症状。


4. **治疗皮肤疾病**:将红活麻捣碎外敷,对毒蛇咬伤、皮肤瘙痒、疮毒等症状有显著疗效。这种方法可以起到消炎、止痒的作用。

5. **改善呼吸道症状**:对于伤风咳嗽、胸闷痰多等呼吸道症状,红活麻也有一定的缓解作用。

6. **改善泌尿系统问题**:对于小便不利等泌尿系统问题,红活麻的利尿作用有助于改善症状。



– **遵医嘱**:在中医师的指导下使用红活麻,避免自行用药可能带来的风险。
– **适量用药**:根据医嘱和病情适量用药,避免过量使用。
– **饮食注意**:在服用红活麻期间,应食用清淡食物,减少辛辣刺激性食物的摄入。




### 红豆的功效与作用:


1. **降血脂和降低胆固醇**:红豆中含有丰富的植物甾醇,有助于降低血脂和胆固醇,对心血管健康有益。
2. **缓解疲劳**:红豆具有缓解疲劳的功效,适合疲劳过度的人群食用。
3. **补血益气**:红豆含有丰富的铁质和维生素B群,有助于补血和增强体质。


4. **清热解毒**:红豆性平味甘,具有清热解毒的作用,适用于治疗口腔溃疡、消化道溃疡等炎症性疾病。
5. **健脾益肾**:红豆具有健脾益肾的功效,有助于改善脾胃虚弱和肾脏问题。
6. **促进血液循环**:红豆可以促进血液循环,增强体质。
7. **促进排便**:红豆中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,缓解便秘。

### 赤小豆的功效与作用:

1. **利尿排毒**:赤小豆具有利尿作用,有助于排除体内多余的水分和毒素。
2. **补血益气**:赤小豆同样含有丰富的铁质和维生素B群,有助于补血和增强体质。
3. **消肿**:赤小豆可以消除水肿,适合水肿体质的人群食用。
4. **清热解毒**:赤小豆性平味甘,具有清热解毒的作用,适用于治疗内热上火所导致的口腔溃疡、咽喉肿痛等。
5. **促进肠道蠕动**:赤小豆中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,缓解便秘。
6. **减肥**:赤小豆具有减肥功效,适合肥胖人群食用。


### 红豆与赤小豆的区别:

1. **形状**:红豆是圆身的,而赤小豆是扁身的。
2. **用途**:红豆主要用于食疗,而赤小豆则常用于中药材。
3. **口感**:红豆口感较为紧实,而赤小豆口感较为松软。



1. **润肺止咳**:银耳具有滋阴润肺的作用,能够帮助缓解因肺燥引起的咳嗽、干咳无痰等症状。雪梨生津止渴,具有清热润肺的效果,两者结合能有效止咳。

2. **清热解毒**:冰糖性平,具有生津润肺、清热解毒的功效,对于体内热毒积聚、咽喉肿痛等情况有辅助治疗作用。

3. **养颜美容**:银耳富含天然植物性胶质,长期服用有助于滋阴润肤,减少皮肤干燥,对延缓衰老、减少皱纹有一定的帮助。

4. **促进消化**:冰糖和银耳都有助于润肠,对于改善便秘、消化不良有积极作用。

5. **增强免疫力**:银耳中的酸性多糖类物质能增强人体免疫力,调动淋巴细胞,加强白细胞的吞噬能力,从而提高身体对疾病的抵抗力。

6. **改善心血管健康**:银耳中的矿物质如钙、磷、铁等,有助于维持心血管系统的健康。

7. **滋阴补气**:银耳具有滋阴补气的功效,对于体虚、气短乏力等情况有缓解作用。



8. **适合孕妇食用**:这道甜品不仅对普通人群有益,还适合孕妇食用,有助于孕妇的身体健康和胎儿发育。

9. **辅助治疗慢性疾病**:冰糖银耳炖雪梨对于慢性支气管炎、肺原性心脏病等慢性疾病有一定的辅助治疗效果。



1. **增强抵抗力**:白菜心含有丰富的维生素C和其他维生素,能够增强人体免疫力,预防感冒。

2. **解渴利尿**:白菜心具有清热解渴的效果,有助于利尿,对缓解体内多余水分的积聚有积极作用。

3. **美肤养颜**:白菜心中的维生素C和维生素E能预防皮肤色素沉着,具有护肤养颜的效果。

4. **生津养胃**:白菜心有助于养胃生津,清热除烦,对于胃阴亏虚引起的胃隐痛有一定的疗效。


5. **消脂减肥**:白菜心含水量高,热量低,含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于加快新陈代谢,预防便秘和皮下脂肪堆积。

6. **清热解毒**:白菜心性寒、味甘,适合口渴烦热、痰热咳嗽、风热感冒等患者食用。

7. **预防坏血病**:白菜心的维生素C含量较高,可以预防因缺乏维生素C引起的坏血病、牙龈出血等疾病。

8. **润肠通便**:白菜心水分含量高,含有丰富的膳食纤维,能刺激肠胃蠕动,帮助消化,促进肠道中废弃物的排泄。


9. **抗氧化**:白菜心中的抗氧化成分有助于延缓衰老,预防某些慢性疾病。

10. **辅助治疗**:在中医理论中,白菜心被认为具有利肠胃、除烦解酒毒、消食下气、治瘴气、和中、利大小便等功效,可用于治疗感冒、发烧口渴、支气管炎、咳嗽等症状。


However, the word "covering the sun" is not appropriate. Covering the sun does cover the sun-there is no sun and no moon in the world of sanhua cassock. The sky is always red and pink, and the world is pink.

Hu Tianshengbao climbed to the top of the mountain and sat on the peach tree to eat wine. Li Junjie and Meng Gang stood side by side.
The atmosphere in the conversation is getting stronger and stronger. The monk Shengbao is very vivid about the wine collection, various kinds of wines, various aromas and several Chinese wine drinking channels.
"Not Buddha, I boast of myself!" When the wine was in full swing, the monk Shengbao called himself "Buddha" again. His face was red and he burped. He patted his feet and spread over the peach tree roots exposed outside the surface. "My wine boat is a small world with everything!"
Then he talked about his flying boat, and every part of it splashed with saliva, with a proud look on his face.
Not to mention that the 4-level sanhua cassock boat does have some advantages, among which the nine-day extremely moving wine stove has made Hu Tianda’s eyes wide open. Besides, there are two parts.
The first thing is that the membrane of Zijin cassock can radiate the light of Zijin Buddha, and it is good at dispersing all kinds of Taoist attacks.
The second thing is a set of colorful hidden path array with the ability of trapping the enemy and imagining the enemy. It is strange that this array can not be used in the cabin. It is designed to prevent the enemy from breaking into the cabin.
The more monk Shengbao said, the more proud he became. At the end, he said that he had just fought and said, "If I hadn’t damaged the wine stove in the past nine days and couldn’t force it again, otherwise Buddha would have fled. Where would I be trapped inside by those three flying boats?"
Hu Tian kept smiling without saying a word. After hearing this, he said, "I have some robot monks in my hand. Why don’t you let them see if they can fix it?"
The monk Shengbao brightened at the moment and then shook his head in a gloomy way. "I probably have mechanics, but the damage to the extremely mobile wine stove in the past nine days is really serious. I originally planned to pay a lot of money to hire four mechanics to repair it. This year, the mechanical monks are becoming more and more popular. One by one, they all look at the Buddha with their nostrils. I can’t get a Yuanying-level mechanical monk to move 100,000 spar."
Speaking of which, the monk looked up and drank all the wine in the cup, but his face was still indignant. After filling his head with drinks, he suddenly gave birth to a hopeful mood and looked up at Hu Tiandao. "Is it true that Hu Daoyou is an organic expert?"
When it comes to machine master, Hu-day can’t help thinking that the clever layman is more unnatural than the master of Yuan God, whether he, Alakazam or Mo Chenhui. He dare not boast that it is slight and laughs. "Machine master talks that it is not my purple breeze Pengzhou who repairs it, but he is experienced in handling it."
"hmm? I don’t know how to fix it? " Monks are interested.
"Then" Hu Tianxiao took a sip of his wine with a smile.
Sanbao monk suddenly sighed and drank a mouthful of menjiu. Then he suddenly felt that it was not appropriate for Hu-day dharma to come to repair his own machine and fly boat. If he refused, wouldn’t he not give it to the right side?
However, this nine-day extremely mobile wine stove is no worse than other core components in the wine boat. Wouldn’t it be bad if the bottom of the other machine is weak and repaired?
At that time, monk Shengbao hesitated.
Hu Tian smiled in his eyes and then said, "This man’s surname is Hu Ming’s land, so why don’t you let him have a look?"
Monk Shengbao was really embarrassed to see Hu Tian’s insistence. He smiled reluctantly. "Then let him try!" In fact, the bottom of my heart has given up hope and turned to hope that the other party will never show off and repair the wine stove at random.
Immediately, God Hu read and sent Alakazam to say this. After Alakazam went, Hu Tian flashed the wine recipe. "Big monk, you have a rich world, and you have worked hard for hundreds of years. I only have these wine recipes here. I don’t know what to change." Big monk, look at it! "
This words immediately said Shengbao monk haha laughed and stretched out his right arm and patted Hu-day’s shoulder with a big smile. "Brother Hu-day, you have been mending the truth for several years, and this alone is enough to envy others. If you let your purple breeze Pengzhou have a rich background, will you let others live?" Run this flying boat slowly. I can’t wait to be like the Buddha. It took me hundreds of years to slowly accumulate this robe. "
"It seems all right," Hu Tian said.
Monk Shengbao was even more complacent and looked up and laughed. He was humbled by Hu Tian’s intimidation and felt that the sky was so blue and cool, the flowers were so refreshing and fragrant.
Hu Tian suddenly said, "I often worry about taking care of my cabin world. It’s really an eye-opener to see the big monk flying a boat today. I especially love this peach blossom tree. If you don’t change this tree for this wine."
The monk Shengbao laughed suddenly and stopped. He looked at Hu-day dumbfounded.
Hu-day at this time, don’t look away at the cabin world with emotion. "I really envy you, big monk. It’s good to take care of the cabin world. Look at the exotic animal farm … Look at the cultivation garden … Look at the Dan room …"
Praise kept blurting out that the cabin world suddenly boasted that it was unique. Meng Gang and Li Junjie behind them almost couldn’t hold back their laughter because Hu Tianda copied most of the words just from the monk Shengbao’s boasting, and now it sounds ironic enough.
Monk Shengbao was blindsided.
Section 147 Repair the nine-day polar wine stove
Hu-day gushed out a lot of words before he turned to look at him "embarrassed" tunnel "from the bottom of my heart, seeing the big monk, you are so rich and rich, I almost can’t get rid of this wine party, but I thought that I can’t be stingy with this wine party, so I’ll change you to a big tree monk. You don’t want to postpone the rest, even if it’s a good marriage."
Li Junjie and Menggang glances all see each other smiling in the depths of their eyes. Their heads of families really plan people to not even spit bones. He pretends not to understand the market. In fact, I don’t know where the value of this wine is far from this three-peach romance tree.
It happened that when he said this, he also stressed the importance of chanting a "piece" and a "plant" very loudly, choking a holy treasure monk to say nothing, staring at Hu Tianzhang with wide eyes and trying to talk several times, he made a conscious sound.
How can he say it? It’s just because I just talked too much!
Hu-day is such a run that he is really disgraceful. If he doesn’t promise, wouldn’t it be cowhide blowing through the sky? His generous personality immediately turned red. Fortunately, he came to the wine to look at his face. He wanted to refuse, but he couldn’t erase it.
With a wave of his hand, he said, "Hi! Since I can get to know Brother Hu, it’s such a fate that these three plants are nothing. Take them if you want! Buddha, I don’t lack here. "
That said, it’s a lever, but monk Shengbao feels that his heart is bleeding at this time!
Hu-day immediately put this pile of wine in his hand into the hands of monk Shengbao to prevent him from changing his mind.
Monk Shengbao held these wine parties in his hands and stared blankly.

High platform out of Qin Changfeng a serious voice all the brothers looked at each other briefly and immediately after the instantaneous boiling.

"It’s also said that senior brother’s painting skills are superb, and the painted geese are naturally lifelike and rare …"
"Teacher Zhang, every time you toss and turn, you are piling up these words and want to win the god goose? Private second brother, this picture of singing geese is full of six methods, and the charm of God-man’s artificial hand is not as magnificent as it is; Handwriting aboveboard hence arbitrary on the canvas … "
"Brother Chen, your opinion is superficial. Second brother, this painting is a miracle, extraordinary and innovative. It’s a fairy who shouldn’t appear in people. I don’t know if it’s a chance of several generations …"
"You other disciples are all wrong. In my opinion, the second brother’s painting is the best. The lack of a hair on the ass of the God Goose vividly reflects that this God Goose has suffered some kind of disaster but still lived to the present situation. Isn’t this self-improvement and perseverance spirit what our monks should stick to? So I think this is the finishing touch of this painting! "
When many younger brothers tried their best to dig their heads and make up all kinds of flatteries that broke through the imagination of ordinary people, there was a pearl-sized alternative light group in the center of Qin Chang’s spiritual light ball department, which emitted strange fluctuations.
If you put the spirit into it, you can see that this pearl-sized ball of light is actually an evolving illusory world!
If each law wants to meet the requirements of uniting the law, it needs the tester to understand it more than 50% and condense the source of the law
Now Qin Changfeng’s death has already reached this requirement, and the law of truth and falsehood has been very close to 50% after this decade or two.
The symbolic feature is that for the first time, he turned the living thing from emptiness to reality without the help of the robbery of the nine-turn celestial wheel. Although it is a duck, it is not like a duck or a goose, and it has no characteristics except its barking and ugly appearance, and it will surely disappear after a long time like other things he has manifested.
But how to change from the dead to the living is a qualitative leap!
It is a miracle for the tester to be able to understand the law of truth and falsehood in just 20 years.
Qin Changfeng’s success is not only due to the true and false paintings, but also to the fact that Ye Qingxian gave him the picture scroll, which contains the truth and falsehood. A treasure entered his mind, which naturally made him understand much faster than other testers.
Qin Changfeng has already tried to create an illusory world. Naturally, it is the preparation for the nine-turn celestial wheel to have its own power to get rid of its dependence on life stars in the future.
It is never easy to create a world, even an imaginary world. Liu Shen’s realm can create 3,000 realms, while Qin Changfeng’s theory of "miscellaneous fish" that has not even been cultivated by Yuan Shen is impossible.
But Qin Changfeng took a shortcut, that is, the skill transfer operator transferred from the fiend-the spiritual country!
This skill is obtained when the fiend devours the alien mother queen in the third evolution, but the spirit can be used to create an illusory spiritual world. Qin Changfeng’s realm was not enough before, but now he has directly transferred this skill, which makes him directly have the ability to create an illusory world.
It is not difficult or important to create a world where the mountains and rivers are fixed. It is really difficult and important that the spirit can be gradually manifested like painting, especially life, especially people!
Qin Changfeng’s ultimate goal in creating the world is to believe in the life of ants and moths, and it doesn’t mean much to him.
But what about creating a living person?
If it weren’t for puppets and stone carvings, he would be able to generate self-awareness and even thrive in the illusory world.
In order to find inspiration, Qin Changfeng tried to explore the template of what he saw directly in the illusory world.
At the moment, all the 100 Shushan brothers in the hall are copied by him as a model in the unreal world. Although their appearance and shape will be different, their mental fluctuations are vivid.
Why do you want people to kiss up to you? That’s because people are the most active and prone to faith!
Dozens of human beings in the illusory world also call incomplete life. Because the whole world is incomplete, there is no reincarnation of life and death. They don’t know about hunger and cold, and there is no progress and ambition. The only way to do this strange idea is to express their awe and worship in front of Qin Changfeng’s own idol.
And these beliefs are now able to directly transform the spirit Qin Changfeng to make.
Although it is a small step on a long road, it is the first step to create a brand-new future!
At the thought of this, Qin Changfeng looked at Fang’s face with a satisfied and kind smile. Fang’s younger brother was picking winners, so he touted harder to get the goose out of the painting.
Although this so-called god goose seems to have no magical spell, its birth method alone is so extraordinary. Who doesn’t want to take it back and study it?
That’s out of thin air. I searched through the ancient books of Shushan School and couldn’t find such a record!
Almost all the younger brothers believe that it contains some kind of immortal secret. Once they understand their own strength, they will advance by leaps and bounds. Most of them are really ashamed to boast that there are only dozens of people in this hall of the flattery house.
Just at this time when you love me and the atmosphere is peaceful, suddenly a very dissonant sound sounded.
"I said, what’s wrong with you? This is the ugly duck. Where is the god goose? !”
This is a female voice like water, like a song, clear and beautiful, like a fairy mouth, but it is very unpleasant. All the younger brothers look at the speaker with bad eyes
We’re not blind. We don’t know this is a naked duck. Do you want an honest man to tell us?
Chapter five hundred and sixty-five Lonely genius
"I … what’s the matter? Is said the truth! "
This is a woman with long hair and a simple plain clothes white dress, but she wears a kind of white defect that means ice muscle and snow bone.
She is Li Yingqi!
Ten years ago, Qin Changfeng came to this world, and soon Johnson Youquan unexpectedly broke the Kunlun Sect.
The Kunlun Sect has always had two younger brothers, a man and a woman. This generation is the lonely moon master and the younger brother Xuantianzong.
On the eve of the catastrophe, Master Lonely Moon missed his master’s realm and was afraid that his disciple Xuantianzong would follow in his footsteps, so he pursued Xuantianzong Mountain to practice and gave him the golden wheel of Kunlun Mountain Town’s mountain treasure, the sun, the moon and the moon, which coincided with the invasion of Youquan and the robbery of Lonely Moon, and the Kunlun Sect was destroyed.
However, Master Lonely Moon has not completely disappeared, and a wisp of her ghost has been saved by the real person of Shu Mountain with bridled eyebrows. The unique secret technique recasts her body and resurrects her. Now Li Yingqi will be the swordsman of Shu Mountain in the future.
Of course, she has not awakened to the solitary moon memory practice, but she has not mastered the secret sword for more than ten years. At this time, she is just an idiot Younger who knows nothing in the eyes of all.
Yes, at the moment, she is an idiot in the hearts of all the brothers in the hall!
Just like the child in the emperor’s new clothes who said that the emperor had no clothes on and flattered everyone, he lied with his eyes open and pointed out the deer and horse affairs naked.
This makes the atmosphere of the younger brothers not coming to Taiwan extremely embarrassing!
"Second … second brother, am I … am I wrong?"
Feel the road unkindly eyes condensed in the body. Li Yingji looked at the high platform without help. Qin Changfeng was full of grievances.
And the younger brothers will also look with the shift, obviously waiting for Qin Changfeng to give a final definition, and it is best to directly drive out this ruined atmosphere.
What can Qin Changfeng do at this time?
He coughed one after another and said with a straight face, "Inge, you have done nothing wrong!" "
Diba is almost surprised. She did a good job, which means we didn’t do well enough? That’s not what you said when you asked us to kiss up!
"Your sister, no matter how fresh I am, I have to consider that the identity of the second brother is not flattering. Even if I go out to bully a little girl with you, how can I get along?"
Qin Changfeng secretly despised in his heart. You know, he’s still preparing his prestige to let all the brothers of Shushan practice the technique of giving God the treasure to ensure that he can complete the main line. If it’s notorious, how can it be done?
"You disappoint me so much that so many people who have been practicing for a few hundred years are even worse than a little girl who has only been getting started for more than ten years!"

At the key moment, two Yuan Ying Zhen Jun, but they abandoned their guardians.

They suddenly became ghosts for fifteen days, and they fled wildly in all directions.
This is a special commitment of their family. Many ghosts are ancestors of their family.
But Yang Xiu smiled. He reached out and shouted, "Town!"
Suddenly, nine chess appeared outside Fiona Fang, seven thousand miles away.
It is the sixth-order magic weapon, the barren road, the rock and the chess!
Nine chess, seven thousand miles, the universe, the number of scenes, the birth and death, the evolution of a vast world …
There are mountains, rivers, hills, grasslands, abyss and sea.
In fact, if you look at it carefully, it seems that it was a corner of the world when it was bigger than the chaotic world.
In this world, the ghost department of fifteen days is motionless by this chess.
It’s just a shock. They just return to normal and continue to escape.
But three interest rates are enough.
Yang Xiuyi reached for the golden rope and appeared and said, "Bundle!"
Fifteen ghosts in the golden rope were trapped one by one and immediately strung into a string, firmly sealed and locked.
They struggled desperately, but Yang Xiufa made a pair of fifteen, but now his mana is still crushing each other and catching each other’s department.
Yang xiu smiled and asked, "what should I do? Cross over? Or kill? "
Zhang Yue said, "This is a ghost."
The first ghost among all ghosts!
Cherish it very much. Don’t put it out and leave it to me. "
Yang Xiu asked, "Do you have any way to deal with them?"
Zhang Yue laughed. "But is there any way for Master Brother Ghost Emperor to do this? What a big brother! "
Zhang Yue called it Ghost Emperor Sect, not Ghost Sect. He has gradually made Ghost Sect his home.
"Well, then come on!"
A quarter of an hour later, the ghost disappeared and was collected by his ghost spell.
As the day passed, the ghost was collected by him.
In the last fifteen days, ghosts disappeared from the refining department.
Shen Yuanqi couldn’t help but say, "Where are the two Yuan Ying Zhenjun?"
Zhang Yue said, "They know that they will die if we find out.
Just now, they abandoned themselves and became ghosts.
The ghost has a chance to revive every 1001 years and can be reincarnated and revived.
If you don’t turn into a ghost, they will fight if we find out that both form and spirit are destroyed. "
Yang xiu said, "it’s no wonder that these two guys are immortal. It’s so cruel to themselves."
Hidden among many ghosts, we can’t recognize them at all, but the ghost base is dead!
Let’s go! "
One group is particularly easy.
With this ambush experience, Yang Xiuxian came to the front of their journey one step at a time and then laid the night.
The other party didn’t find the dark night unusual, and looked at the dark night.
Yang xiu moved along with them, silently looking for the other side to turn into a deity.
But I couldn’t find it.
This guy is so secretive.
Yang xiu also don’t wait for suddenly out of the sword into xianjian to a wave of range attacks.
Sword light still hasn’t found the true statue of God.
Yang xiu gritted his teeth, but he had to stop.
They immediately attacked the two Yuan Ying Zhenjun.
These two Yuan babies tried their best to use the ultra-sacred method, but the meaning was caught by Yang Xiubo’s golden rope.
But the deified true statue still didn’t appear.
What a pity!
I don’t know where it is hidden?
Yang xiulian’s soul suddenly speaks

When Xu Guangying heard this, he mused, "Even if you didn’t kill the target, you’ll reach the magical Taoist. Have you arranged it?"

The Magic Taoist laughed. "It’s quite interesting. First of all, those who turned out to be Taikoo’s younger brothers all have a deep hatred for Taikoo’s family, and they are generally loyal to me. At the same time, I also turned a Taikoo’s female appearance to pursue some secret younger brothers in Taikoo’s family. Those people were all elite trained by Taikoo’s family and were quietly hidden in the war. More than a dozen people believe that many core elders of Taikoo’s family will go on the rampage. Haha-"
I didn’t expect that the viola-changing person was this magic Taoist.
Chapter III Kyushu War
Among the people present here, the ethereal person is the leader, but not the master of many Taoist priests.
The remaining five Taoist priests, namely, Magic Taoist, Shadow Taoist, Soul Taoist, Evil Taoist and Spiritual Taoist, are all people who stir up all walks of life and use poisonous tricks, and everyone is very extraordinary in their practice. It can be seen from their provocation to come and go freely.
However, it seems that many experts in Taikoo Clan, including Taikoo Clan Master, rarely know that this group of people are making them plan to implement step by step.
But this time, it’s different. In addition to the five Taoist priests, there is a virtual shadow. His breath is a little dark, like a dark star hidden in the dark night, which makes people be very careful.
All the people are behind the mouth, and this shadow finally said, "The leader of the tunnel people and the ghost people have awakened, so that I can also make moves. Even if we meet the ten core elders of Taikoo, we can cope with this time. Even though the Taishan Kyushu War is important, many core elders of Taikoo will never be dispatched, and there will be several people staying in the cloud and the virtual world. At that time, the Taishan turmoil will be launched again, which will bring devastating disasters to the right path."
The leader also laughed. "There is nothing wrong with the right path. Although the calculation is not shallow, several masters have already arranged the response method to ensure that the right path is killed. The pattern of the three realms will also change because of this. Of course, everyone can’t take it lightly. The biggest variable of the Taishan turmoil was that it turned out to be a young man who was unknown in ancient times. I don’t know what the fate achievement method was, but it was even rare in a thousand years. Even the Lord of Yin and Yang did not break the sky cover with an earth blow. I don’t know this.
The last virtual shadow, that is, the master who is called the magic Taoist, replied, "I have found out that this land is the Lu family whose clan was originally located in the Nujiang generation. When it was called Pingxi Village, it should have been attacked by wild animals. But I don’t know that it was reported that Pingxi Village people successfully avoided the disaster until the disaster subsided. It is not unusual for them to return to this matter. I believe that there are masters sheltering this Lu clan, but I can take care of this matter."
The commander nodded slightly and said at the same time, "Don’t leave anyone alive when you kill the Lu clan. You must cut the grass and root out the roots and leave no harm!"
The magic Taoist smells and nods, and the whole person’s magic shadow flashes and dissipates directly.
The few remaining Taoist priests also dissipated one by one, but the only one who was in charge looked up at the sky and sighed, "This time, Kyushu will be the right way, and finally the contest between fairies and demons in the cemetery will be over-"
The Kyushu Alliance was originally a symbol of a strong force in Kyushu, but after the Taishan turmoil, the strength of the Kyushu Alliance was greatly damaged. Although the foundation has not been shaken, it has not recovered much in recent months, but a large number of soldiers and low-ranking monks have been deployed in Kyushu to supplement their manpower.
In World War I, four of the nine masters of Kyushu Alliance participated in the war, and no one died, but all of them survived. This time, the emperor himself ordered the rest of the nine masters to be transferred back.
This time, the rules of Kyushu War have also been changed, not as in the last time, but in a wider range of battles. The whole war is divided into sixty-four war zones, each of which can have several monks but no more than ten people, that is to say, there are ten more people in a small battlefield.
In this way, it is equivalent to nearly 640 monks participating in the war. At first, each side will compete in a small battlefield. One group will divide each group into two teams to compete with each other. If a group is full of ten people, it will be five against five. If it is less than ten people, there may be a difference between the two sides. It is also divided into two groups.
The winner in each group should be four or five people. Among them, there will be another scuffle, and in the end, they will still stand, and one of them will be able to stay successfully.
Of course, if this group of people almost fight for it in the end, then one of the winners will be elected by the ruling.
This is equivalent to selecting 64 people after two rounds of team warfare and melee, then disrupting the grouping into a one-on-one competition and finally competing for the top few people.
Throw it in the front and don’t look at the back. The method of competition is somewhat similar to the Taikoo Fairy Congress.
It is particularly important that the first round of elimination is the tactical combat power competition between the two sides, which requires several people to beat each other in a group and cooperate tacitly.
The second wave of melee is even more thrilling. If anyone wants to fight alone for several people and turn the tide, it is likely to become the target of all attacks and be eliminated for the first time. Skills and tactics must be skillfully transported.
Taishan people are buzzing. This time, all factions have sent more people to ensure the safety of their younger brothers. Even some big factions and many elders are invited to come out of the mountain to force evil spirits to attack, and they are fully prepared.
Kyushu AU is to decorate sixty-four large arrays on the periphery of Mount Tai, which is said to be able to suppress hundreds of evil spirits. Of course, its power should not be simple even if it is not exaggerated as it is said. After all, this time, the nine masters of Kyushu AU have returned, among which Johnson has already reached the peak of the fairy, and there is more than one strong man such as Bai Yu and Jin Xian.
Taikoomen, Xuanyu Tiangong, and Wanyu Zongzhengdao still sent elite brothers to Taikoomen. This time, it took a lot of effort to deploy a lot of brothers, holy spirits and holy deities from the three mountains and twelve peaks, which was much stronger than the previous one.
Baihua Valley, Qingyun Gate, Yuxianyuan, Kunlun Mountain, Yunyue Mountain Villa, Crystal Cave, Falling Moon Sect, Sun True Religion and many other factions, caves and blessed places, and immortal schools have sent people to cultivate immortals, and the number of masters has increased by several times compared with one time. Most of them are orthodox schools, and some schools that are both righteous and evil have also come to express their views.
More practitioners, both good and evil, have also gone to Kyushu League to come and watch the battle. At the same time, this is also a position choice. If you stay away from it, you may be divided into evil schools, and the right path is not easy to get along with.
Chapter IV Remembering the Old Friends
Heroes come out of youth since ancient times
The decisive battle in Kyushu at the top of Mount Tai triggered the dream of several young masters.
This time, the Kyushu heroes gathered in Wan Li Road and finally gathered in Mount Tai again. Today, many blood bones buried in the right path also have a touch of sadness.
Kyushu Battlefield has long been rebuilt and a statue of a handsome boy has been erected there.
It is the statue that carved the teenager, showing his eyes full of gods, rich in gods and jade, and his arrogance. Lingyun made many young monks in the cultivation world look up to their hearts and admire him.
Looking at the statue, there were tears in a woman’s eyes. Was it soft rain? This time, she came to Mount Tai with all the people in Baihua Valley. She never believed that Lulu was dead.
She is very good at being away from home, and belongs to a bosom friend. Maybe she is not as rebellious as being away from home, but she is similar.
Besides, the experience before the rain was soft was also very hard. She hoped that the turmoil in Mount Tai would come so suddenly as the travelers from the land looked at the mountains and the sea and fought the world of mortals.
"The first world war I always can’t change anything-"
Fang Yunhan looked at the statue of Lu Li and looked very sorry. He lamented that the tragic World War I was also very sorry for the disappearance of Lu Li.
This time, in addition to the core elders, the younger generation of the masters who came to Taikoo Gate left Li Zhuran, Mu Qianxue, Nangong Extinction, Thousand Feathers, Moon Ice Mark and others, all of whom became the masters of Taikoo Gate’s new generation of young people, and their cultivation became more and more refined, and they were truly consolidated.
They will fight for victory in this Kyushu war.
There are more people coming from Yuxianyuan than once. In addition to Qiong Yuxian Hualin, there is also a man who followed. That is Hualin Younger called Huaqing. Her appearance is very soft and somewhat graceful, and she is graceful like a fairy. It is also extraordinary that Hualin is clamoring to win a top ten place.
There are many masters in Yuxianyuan, but they easily belong to the land of cultivating immortality. This time, if it is not for Hualin’s great progress, it is estimated that it is possible to give up this Kyushu Yuxianyuan people who don’t like to compete for fame and fortune, that is, to respond to the call of the emperor.
Bai Yu and Nie, two people from Taishan Kyushu War Station, personally sat in town to meet the masters of various factions. Because of the previous turmoil in Taishan, they taught the right path a great lesson. Therefore, the Kyushu Alliance is fortified at all levels, including many families and forces in Kyushu. Otherwise, there will be great disaster.
Many aristocratic families reacted differently to a deadly battle in Mount Tai, but the final result was that they changed their minds in these months, and all the aristocratic forces in Kyushu were intimidated and dared not follow.
That Nie is the number one ranking of the nine masters of the Kyushu Union. This ranking is actually just a statement from outsiders. Actually, the Kyushu Union Department has not made any ranking of masters. This Nie’s combat power is not necessarily worse than that of white.
It’s a very strange thing that Niqi cultivated himself. He reached the mid-term realm of immortals in just a hundred years, and then he was able to break through it almost every ten years in the following years. At present, he has reached the late stage of immortals, and every catastrophe. He is also a magic weapon. He is a master who makes many monks look up to him by his own strength.
This time, many sects from the periphery of Kyushu War Station came one after another, and some people also got together. No, others were because they all knew each other once, and that was separation.
Except for the thousand feathers, all the young brothers in Taikoo Gate miss the lingering rain, the moonlight and the gentle elegance, and the Nangong Xiaowan have also come here. They looked at the Nangong Xiaowan and the latter shook their heads slightly. Obviously, there has been no news from Taikoo Gate these days. At the beginning, even the main emperor of Taikoo Gate tried to find it, but the Nangong was destroyed.
Shao Tianhen Fang Han’s body was retrieved by their elders, and Yunge almost disappeared from the realm of cultivating immortals. This made Taikoo people very sorry that Fang Han’s two brothers disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes, separated by life and death.
Celestial Fire Sect, Qingyun Gate, Yunyue Villa, Crystal Cave and many other sects, their elite brothers are also doing their best to look at the statue of Mount Tai in the forest, and their eyes are also full of regret, sighing and looking into the distance.
That appeared in Pingxi Village had a great influence on Lu Li’s entry into the realm of cultivating immortals. At the moment, Zhu Zhangweng also came to Mount Tai, but he almost ran out of Shou Yuan to come here this time, that is, he just wanted to have a look at such a grand occasion.
In the past, everyone walked and walked. At this time, it was said that the length was not long, and some people died in the world of mortals, and others actually came to a white head.
Many people sigh, sigh and feel sad, but this is the reality. It is said that all immortals have to face many things and cross many robberies. This is the road to cultivate immortals, and this is also life.
More and more experts are coming, among them, some young brothers lead people to fall around many Kyushu battle platforms and wait for the Kyushu Alliance to make further arrangements. The remaining experts and elders of all factions are waiting for Yuntai Tiantai tea to watch the battle.
The battle platform of Kyushu is a thousand feet high, and the battle platform of Kyushu Alliance holds up sixteen cloud rooftops, each of which can accommodate hundreds of experts and integrate many sect leaders and elders into it, overlooking the whole battle situation of Kyushu.
Peripheral fairy array is also a layer-by-layer exhibition. Kyushu League has sent a monk who is less than Yuan Ying to greet him in the distance. The more soldiers are trained in the distance, the stronger they are. Almost all the fairy-level masters are in the patrol, and then there are fairy sitting in Bai Yu and Nie.
It’s hard to hide everyone’s sadness in such a hustle and bustle. Fang Yunhan sighed again, "If only he could show up, I miss you to fight side by side."

Pass the diamond crystal to Gao Cai when the sand monk said slowly that the tone is also solemn and seems to be entrusting a huge thing.

"Thank you, Uncle Sha, for taking good care of it. My brother will never be light without Uncle Sha’s permission!"
See the sand monk so solemnly high talent also dare not have the slightest contempt also solemnly took the diamond crystal.
"This little longevity sand technique can not only sacrifice and refine the magic diamond, but also make it easier for people to make magic weapons, including others’ magic weapons. If you want to be powerful, you can make others treasure. Moreover, this method is also a method of immortality, which can sacrifice and refine treasures. You can even encourage treasures to protect yourself."
Looking at Gao Cai’s face, he said slowly that he would focus on this practice.
After listening to the pig’s warning, Gao Cai’s face suddenly shocked, and his heart immediately became white. This method is important, and it can easily make others treasure. If you suddenly urge this method at the moment of engagement, you can let others treasure yourself, even if it is a moment, it can make your opponent beyond redemption.
The most important thing is that this method is not only a powerful protective method, but also a powerful refining method.
Thought of here, Gao was more grateful to the sand monk for sending this method, which was almost a choice of disciple teaching method.
This immortality tradition is as important as entrusting life. After all, the immortality law is the most important method for practitioners of heaven and earth. Many people have no immortality law, and they have to struggle to find their own precepts, but they have been tested many times, and they have been recognized by the Qing Dynasty, and they have almost passed the test of life and death
When I stepped back a little and bowed heavily, I slowly said, "Thank you, Uncle Famendi, for your kindness!"
"Haha, the second brother said it was too serious, not so bad!"
Seeing Gao Cai’s attitude, the sand monk smiled with a wave.
"Don’t bother, it’s not easy for you to repay us. Let’s eat Huang Zhongli and that golden fire honey casually in the future!"
The monkey jumped up from the side and said with a smile.
"Hehe, uncles can take these spiritual fruits at will in the future!"
Gao Cai smiled and immediately took out and looked at Jin Huoling honey and gave it to three people.
"Amitabha, the old woman, has come to beg for immortal fruit when she hears the extraordinary fragrance!"
Just after the three people finished, Dharma host and Tang Xuanzang came slowly and said with a smile.
"I have seen the master and the abbot!"
"I have seen two masters!"
Seeing the arrival of two people, they all got up and worshipped. Three people also knew that the abbot was the founder of Dharma, and they didn’t dare to neglect him.
"This is that Huang Zhongli is ready to send two masters to taste this fairy fruit because he can prolong his life!"
At this time, Gao Cai is not stingy to send out two Huang Zhongli.
I want to seek this golden cicada and pick up the golden fairy’s flesh. At this time, I can bear more cause and effect, and I can feel at ease in the future. Even the unfathomable and good karma is good for myself.
"Huang Zhongli? ! It’s a good chance for the benefactor, and you’re welcome. In the future, the benefactor can send an envoy to the grandmother at will. "
Looking at the shining golden light, Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Bodhisattva shook it slightly, but you’re welcome. I knew in my heart that this Huang Zhongli had disappeared since ancient times, but I didn’t expect to get this fruit here.
"It’s a good chance to quit the apprentice!"
Xuanzang didn’t know Huang Zhongli, but when he saw this fruit vision, he also knew that it was a natural thing, and he slowly ate it.
"The day after tomorrow is the Lantern Festival in Jinping House. On this day, there will be a grand event in Jinping House. You can watch it and have a chance at this time!"
After eating Huang Zhongli, Bodhisattva bodhi old zu said slowly, and the tone seemed to point.
When I heard this, Gao Cai looked slightly and knew that the three rhinos in Jinping House were coming out. I was afraid that I could also take the opportunity to drop these three animals.
But now it’s time to digest this Wanshou Hengsha technique and practice this method. First, sacrifice and refine your own country temple to sacrifice and refine your spiritual wisdom, so that you can have a real innate spiritual treasure.
Moreover, there are many common implements and magic weapons in their own hands, and some common magic weapons are even more, just to condense these magic weapons into a whirling treasure tree is also the best.
In particular, this longevity and constant sand technique has a certain protective power to be combined and carefully understood when it is given by itself.
"It’s just that we haven’t seen this lively scene for a long time!"
Xuanzang said slowly when he was thinking in a high school.
It was the Monkey Pig Ring and the Sand Monk who were also moved when they were talking in Dharma, knowing that they were afraid that there would be another disaster here.
Chapter four hundred Shoot an arrow at the sun
A huge fruit tree with golden light took root in Leihai, a pure sunshine in the temple of Daqian State. On the other side of this huge fruit tree, a statue of a beast head with a stick in one hand and a shield in the other. The heart was inserted by a giant arrow, and the giant was tightly locked by a thunderbolt chain. Around this giant, huge Raytheon was constantly bombarding with a thundercone in his hand.
"This is the ancient fierce beast teeth flesh! When it’s really scary, it’s not as scary as the monkey brother’s body. This guy’s heart is also sharp and scary. No wonder the sun was shot at the beginning! "
Looking at the pure Yang Leihai locked with teeth, the pig ring said slightly with a look and was full of admiration for this flesh.
"The second brother is right. After all, this gnawing tooth is more powerful than the famous fierce beast in ancient times. I met the murderer Hou Yi, otherwise I can also cross the world. The stick and shield in this guy’s hand is also a first-class treasure. It’s a pity that it was scattered by descendants, otherwise it might have become a congenital treasure."
At this time, the sand monk has always said little, and he is also amazed, especially looking at the evaluation of the body stick and shield of this gnawing beast with a hint of regret.
"All right, all right, what do you two evaluate? This guy practiced earlier than my old man, but now my old man can blow it up by strength alone."
After hearing the pig ring and the sand monk’s evaluation, the monkey looked at the tooth-gnawing behemoth’s hair flying and drank.
"Ha ha, Monkey, don’t be angry. I’m a disciple, but let’s help him refine the body of this gnawing beast to get an arrow!"
Seeing the monkey angry, the pig stopped laughing and made a rounder. He said that his body swelled into the hands of a giant with a hundred feet. With the help of pure Yang Lei Haili, he quantified a giant hand, and the sand monk also showed a huge body from the other side to suppress the teeth.
The monkey roared, and suddenly and violently, and the monkey went hard to the tooth-cutting body, and a huge ShaQi collided with the tooth-cutting body.
It’s also welcome to see that the master three people have contained the tooth-cutting talent. A little power in the temple of the country is poured into the number of bombardment teeth-cutting flesh. Raytheon’s body is a giant column of stars, and a nebula hangs over the tooth-cutting flesh.
At this time, the tooth-cutting flesh can suddenly shake up and resist, especially when it is suppressed. When the tooth-cutting heart shoots at the sun, the arrow emits a sharp Shaqi, which is as horrible as the great power of heaven and earth rushing to resist the killing of Gao Cai and others
This arrow that shoots the sun is the tooth-gnawing death ring, and it has become the tooth-gnawing amulet at this time. It is amazing to drink and peck at it.
It is at this time that in the face of all the people, they joined forces to attack and kill the whole shooting arrow, which slowly retreated from the tooth-cutting body. Every time this shooting arrow launched a tooth-cutting body, it broke out into a powerful and terrible ShaQi, which gave people a feeling of panic.

"I advise a few of you to give in easily. You’ll have to wait until we make a move, and you’ll be broken bones and tendons!"

"Well, you are lucky to fall into our hands. If you let Yan Gong make moves, you will know what is the ten-fold torture in hell …"
Three people, one sentence, have already sentenced these righteous brothers to death.
Most of the people across the street are the arrogant generation of their respective sects, who is not arrogant except Zhang Xiaofan?
How can I hear this kind of words? Then I heard the Van Gogh Valley Li Xun sneer at it. "The evil clown still dares to be rampant. Today is the day when you wait for death. Even if you kneel down and beg, you won’t want to save your life."
After saying this, Fanxiang Gu Yanhong immediately echoed, "Brother, it’s just like that!"
The old man’s face changed as cold as frost. "It seems that you really don’t know who you met, even if your master is here today, you dare not say such things!"
At the same time, his face changed greatly, and he was silent for a long time. He naturally knew that the old three were careless, but the Yan Gong, who turned his back on everyone, was by no means them, so he could provoke these right elites. It is really possible that all the departments will be folded here today!
Anxious, his face showed anger, and suddenly he rushed over the old man and others and shouted, "The old man is just a bunch of small hairs. You have to take a look at me to settle them!"
He pulled out his sword and looked arrogant, but his eyes kept turning towards Qingyun Gate. Qi Hao and Zeng made crazy eyes.
In this scene, some people across the street noticed it, others didn’t, but it doesn’t matter.
Because then Qin Changfeng finally slowly turned around during the just eyes swept away …
In the sprint, Xiaozhou immediately stopped and stumbled for two steps and almost fell down. His face was extremely ugly.
The opposite person also seems to have agreed to hold his heart together and quiver. According to the physical strength, some people are encouraged by their throats, while others are directly sprayed with a blood arrow.
Turns out to be in a flash milli signs to situation at the same time!
Face like wax paper, everyone looked at the masked figure with horror in his eyes.
Even if people are injured at the same time, why do you still fight like this?
Xiao Yicai was also warned by a small punishment, and his heart sank to the bottom of the sea. He regretted not sending the news of Yan Gong back to Yu Daoxuan earlier. The real person did not realize the seriousness of the problem and only sent a young brother.
"This is the right path elite, Junjie, Tianjiao?"
At this time, Qin Changfeng’s mask face was full of teasing sounds but full of contempt. He said with great disappointment that "Gong was ten years old and practiced for seven years to become a hell. It’s a pity that Yamaraja’s travelling in the travelling mountains is higher than that of Yingjie … You are all a bunch of idiots, and you don’t even have any interest in showing a king’s domineering."
When they want to resist, Qin Changfeng will increase the intensity of heavenly heart robbery, and the faint feeling of heart tearing will make them quiet instantly.
However, even so, everyone still never said, "The pavilion is not crazy. It’s not that there is no arrogance to defeat you this day. There is a young monk at Tianyin Temple at the age of fifteen, that is, Xuangong Dacheng has created a three-style holy method. If he beheads you here, it will be like killing a dog!"
"Do you say it’s a Buddhist monk?"
Qin Changfeng touched appreciate each other’s unique vicissitudes of life and evil spirit in Ba Mu’s eyes and sighed, "This is indeed a stunning wizard. He has been entangled for half a year and fought for hundreds of times. Even though he has done everything he can, no one can resist a draw … He is also the only one who recognizes his opponent behind my mountain. If there is a stone for me to cultivate Buddhism, I will share my mind and fight monsters … You people will share your heart and fight for life!"
With a sigh tone, Qin Changfeng almost laughed. I have to say … It’s a strange experience to praise yourself so hard.
However, others don’t know that these people who know the law heart not only don’t refute, but silence represents approval … They have to admit that their peers in front of these two people are indeed comparable to the small roots.
The only thing that makes me angry is that Li Xun in Van Gogh Valley shows disdain and grunts coldly, "But you dare to brag like this just because of the sinister and vicious evil method. I really don’t know if there is something really wrong, so I will fight openly. Do you dare?"
"Do I dare?"
"Why should I dare?"
Li Xun suddenly let out a scream, a mouthful of bright red hot blood gushed out, and at the same time, his knees bent and he knelt down directly to look miserable.